City of Light (14th Feb.)

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One trip across the Atlantic

The hum from just outside the window grew louder and louder as you and Mettaton tried getting comfy in your assigned seats. Causally stopping to watch as the ground crew outside prepared the plane for take off, you watched as the last of the baggage were brought on board while the flight attendants made their way up and down the cabin giving one last check up before beginning the safety briefing. Listening to it drone out, you turned your attention to your hubby as the two of you waited for your flight to begin. You could remember where this all began clearly, a mere month or so back, as you two spent the day celebrating your anniversary when you revealed your surprise to the idol of humanity and monster kind.

~(Number) of Months Prior)~

"Happy 6th anniversary you two!" Papyrus greeted you two with a smile and hug, which you both happily returned. Next up was Papyrus's brother, and pun master, Sans. "Ay Kiddo, congrats for surviving this long. Trust me when I say this, marriage can be more difficult to survive than most things, especially if you're trying to keep it healthy and full of love." "Trust me, Sans. We will try." Mettaton spoke full of serenity as the two shared a nod of agreement before the shorty wandered away, now leaving room for Frisk and Toriel to approach, followed closely by Asgore behind. "Congrats my child. I'm so happy for you two. To think, it was just a couple years back when you were still living with us. Now look at you. All grown up and in love with such a lovely man." Mettaton visibly blushed at the compliments, the star waving it off as he grinned. "Oh please, you speak too highly of me, darling. But thank you for your kind words all the same." Toriel nodded before stepping aside to allow Frisk to approach. [How have things been since you two last spoke on the phone yesterday?] "Fine Frisk, me and Met have done well as usual." [Have you told him about your surprise yet?]

Mettaton then spoke up; "Unfortunately, no. I'm still eagerly waiting to learn of just what my lovely (Name) has planned for us." [Don't worry!,] Frisk quickly responded. [It's gonna be a great surprise! I helped them pick it out and everything!] The small child then hugged one of Mettaton's legs, grinning up at him. [Love you ton-ton!] Mettaton's heart swooned as he hugged the small child, "Oh I love you too!" Setting the small child down, Frisk made their way inside with Toriel as Asgore came up next to you two. "Congratulations you two. I see you both have done well for yourselves, even now." Asgore casually glanced at your lovely home, a combo of modern monster and human architecture including a tower that leaned off to the side nearing the top, and was pink. The rest of the house looked fairly normal, even with a small garden of flowers that resembled those of the native flora of the Underground. A hedge just up front of the house, one as a wedding gift from the former King himself, depicting you and Mettaton in the middle of a dance together.

"Yeah, we sure did." Your conversation carried on thankfully for not too long, as you were eager to head inside and begin celebrating with the rest of your family and friends. Thankfully, everyone came. Chatting together, sitting around, and sharing countless stories about either you two or others, it was a warm and inviting atmosphere. Wandering upstairs, you stopped so you could get a good view of everyone down below as you watched them interact and talk, even Napstablook your now brother-in-law, was busy chatting with Alphys in a corner of the room. Smiling, you leaned comfortable against the railing only to be joined by Mettaton, who quietly followed you, and now found himself mere inches away. Silently and without taking a glance, you both leaned your heads towards one another and rested them atop one another, you on his shoulder and he on your head, as you watched your family and friends enjoy the afternoon. "Shall I bring the champagne darling?" You looked at Mettaton incredulously. "Mettaton, you're seriously not considering drinking Alcohol, right?" "But hun-" "Don't you remember last time? We caught you dancing on the dining room table n-" "THAT WAS MONTHS BACK! And I wasn't being careful! But now, I've gotten more tough, hun. Now I can hold my alcohol easily~"

"Pff, sure. Just so you know, I won't stop Sans from recording you and sending me the video." Mettaton shrugged you off on that last bit, instead making his way downstairs and towards the basement which houses a cellar of expensive wines. 'I should probably stop him before he gets reckless.' You quickly sprinted after him, leaving everyone else upstairs to celebrate. Reaching the basement at last, you just got off the last step only to not see Mettaton anywhere. "Met? Where are you?" You called, feeling some tension build within your body but you'd ignore it for now. "Mettaton, this isn't funny! Where-" A pair of noodle arms suddenly grabbed you from behind, leading to a rather embarrassing scream coming straight out of your mouth as you felt yourself get picked up and brought against a hard surface. The laugh, and snort, which followed made it clear as to who the perpetrator was. "Mettaton!!!" "Heh, gotcha darling~"

'If he does this again, I might just make him sleep on the couch-' Later and you two were back chatting with everyone upstairs, until dinner was finally served and a great feast was enjoyed. Of course, Mettaton had brought some edible glitter along and made yet one more attempt at adding it to the turkey. You had to snatch it away and lead to a chase as he tried getting it back from you. Later and the last of your guests had left, you put away some ketchup bottles from yours truly as an anniversary gift. Grabbing some cups for some evening tea, you were busy at work when Mettaton came back inside, tired as evident by his body powering down. "Tea?" "Yes." "Good" And with a simple exchange, Mettaton now sat at the table waiting for you. Now would be a good time, and without distractions, you finally brought your tea over and sat down across from him. Sipping some from your glass, the warm and sweetness tickling your tastebuds, you glanced at Mettaton only to see him perk up drinking his cup. "At this rate darling, you'll match Asgore as a tea maker."

Grinning at the compliment, you responded back with; "The key to it is love~" Mettaton rolled his eyes, before a comfortable silence filled the room. Moments went by until you finally began your reveal. "Hun? You know what you told me yesterday. About you want to travel?" Mettaton stopped for a moment before looking up and nodding. "Yes?"

"Well, how about we leave in a few weeks somewhere special? Equally romantic but gorgeous all the same?" Mettaton stopped to think, before a mischievous smile came to his face. "You mean, in our bedroom~?" "Wha- NO!!" Your face palmed as your cheeks tinted while Mettaton started laughing, finally you sighed. "No... I meant to travel out of the country. Maybe head to Europe and... well, Paris, France?" Mettaton stopped once he heard that one, and a smile soon adored his face. "Really? Are we going to be planning a trip to Paris!?" You nodded your head, before then reaching into your pocket before revealing a set of tickets and a date. "We ARE going on a trip to Paris, as I remember hearing you talk about it when we were cuddling together. And well- Do you wanna go out on an adventure?" Mettaton eagerly nodded at that. "Heck YEAH I would!"


Off the trip went and soon you two were in the air, flying over the north atlantic. Leaning back in your seat, you sighed in contempt as you listened to the hum of the aircraft along with the relative quiet of the cabin, while Mettaton was fast asleep while he was charging. No noise, no interruptions, no noisy kids, and seemingly no worries. You soon went to sleep, deciding to pass the time by resting for now as evening was beginning to set and the flight would at least take a few days to cross over. Waking again, Mettaton was busy munching on some peanuts, salty ones, whilst watching a movie on the tablet he brought with him. Taking a pick, the star eventually noticed you curiously watching and decided to pull the earbud from one of your ears, offering it to you to which you put it in your ear. Soon you two enjoyed a nice film in the late morning as the flight went on.

A while later, Mettaton was thinking of what you two could do once you reached Paris. You look at a map of the city online and at all the locations you could visit, whilst Mettaton spent time deciding which shops and restaurants would be worth going to. Mettaton, still in his Ex form, was eager to show off a little once he got there. "This is my type of city, darling," he said before you two left whilst he was busy looking through his clothes. "The city of light needs a proper star to shine through!" You choose not to even bother when he said it, instead focusing on your trip. "Valentine's day is coming up, that's why I'm doing this." You said to yourself, reminding yourself of the great effort you would be putting into this trip. It was expensive, and something you weren't used to. But seeing how happy your husband felt when he talked about Paris, and the hope of one day going, it was all worth it.

(To be Continued)

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