City of Light (2)

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Within the City of Light

Touching down at Charles de Gaulle airport, you causally reclined back as you awaited the plan to stop at last, while Mettaton went to grab your bags from up above. Moments later as the plane finally slowed to a complete stop, you were handed your bag before Mettaton sat back down and you two waited, alongside everyone else who either stayed seated or stood up and ready to leave. A few moments and the flight attendants appeared, one using the telecom at the end of the cabin to speak to everyone. "Now ladies and gentlemen, please grab your things and please make sure your areas are clean before you leave. We hope you enjoy your flight, and enjoy the lovely city of Paris, France." With that out of the way, you two walked side by side down the corridor connecting the Plane with the terminal itself, entering it through the bridge which sat several hundreds of feet above the tarmac below. Stepping inside on solid ground, you two gazed around as people came and went, some leaving others going as the staff went to work. "We're here." "Pairs, France~" You grinned, happy to see how excited Mettaton was as he took the lead and already began looking at everything around. The terminal was massive, along with the rest of the airport, everything appeared grand in scale, different patterns and colors which was only the very tip of the iceberg when it came to how different everything was here then compared to home. You had to hold onto Mettaton as he nearly ran ahead, so eager to explore as he pulled you along behind him. Finding the belt which carried your bags out, you retrieved your suitcases, carry-ons, and rolling bags with you.

It wasn't long until Mettaton started getting some attention, a few looks here, a couple stares there. Eventually, a small crowd began forming as people watched you two make your way from the terminal, down a few escalators, stop by a small gift shop and coffee café, and reach the very front of the place when they began approaching and asking for autographs. One by one, Mettaton gave them out with a smile and kiss, whilst you were bombarded with questions and pictures taken with you both, forcing you to put on some sunglasses as the blare of phone and camera light started to strain your eyes. Eventually, you two survived the ocean of onlookers and fans, making it to the exit before stepping outside where you were met with your ride to a hotel, located in the heart of Paris itself.

The journey into the city was also, as on the plane, filled with Mettaton gushing about just what you'd see once you arrived. The sights and locations, museums and art galleries, opera houses and other such attractions are worth the time spent in the city of light. Eagerly, as soon as your transport to your hotel finally stopped outside the easily recognizable five star hotel, Mettaton quickly grabbed your and his bags before speed walking inside, whilst the hotel staff were quick to gather your bags from the trunk and bring them inside. "This is gonna be a long day," as you watched Mettaton bombard the front desk lady with requests and questions about sites to visit, and places to see. It went on until finally you calmly dragged your love away, angrily you may add, as he was supposed to be focused on getting comfortable first and at least spend a day planning where to visit. But instead, Mettaton stared outside at the passing world and streets beyond the window of your current residence. Annoyed, you gave up and simply let him let out his excitement now before inviting him to start planning. Whilst you began searching through some basic map and brochure of the city for travelers, Mettaton went on to begin text back everyone at home about how things were developing, being as dramatic as he was of course. Rather than listening to him, you instead focused on the basic plan on where you would go. Just as you were about to start the list, however, Mettaton ended his call and went to you without you realizing. As you finished writing the list of things you could do for your first day, a pair of cold, noodle arms suddenly wrapped around your neck like a snake which made you jump and find yourself nearly jumping out of your skin.

"DON'T DO THAT!" Mettaton ignored you, rather, just embraced you tighter, making you realize he was now in his box form. Taking one breath to calm your beating heart and soul, you turned to glance better at Mettaton as his screen displayed a heart. "Now, how are you feeling?" Mettaton gave pause until he finally spoke; "I'm ready, dear. But only if you are~" Shrugging, you two went ahead to prepare for your first day, whilst you calmly gazed on outside at the rooftops of the whole city while Mettaton got dressed before charging once more. A smile came to your face, as you were happy ultimately with how well things were going aside from some minor hold ups, and you couldn't wait to spend this vacation with your love in the "City of Light."

(The End)

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