It Starts with a Journal

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Thanks to my friend TheMareOfNight, for her help!

As  this story will suggest, you enjoy exploration and use a journal to write theories and your thoughts on each page. In this story, everyone's favorite celebrity from the Underground will end up helping you fulfill your desire. 

Journals were nothing new to Mettaton. Being someone who held a rather impressive collection of at least twenty on a bookshelf, his collection had grown for some time now which he had eagerly seen to himself. Currently though, his own collection wasn't what he was looking for now. Rather, he was currently searching for yours as you had asked the celebrity bot to retrieve from your room. It thankfully wasn't long when you located it, safely contained within what seemed to be a safe, to which he calmly opened with the password you had given him. Finding it inside, he took careful hold of the journal, glancing over its blank cover before leaving to return it to you. As he was, curiosity kicked in and he began examining it more closely. The journal appeared a bit worn and well used, though still in good condition. A simple scratch here, a bit of a stain, but otherwise it had been cared for. Popping open the lid, he glanced at the first page seeing it written in your writing which was in the form of your nickname. It also had a small symbol which he figured you made to help identify easier if it was ever lost. Turning the page, as he now stopped walking, he began reading the first entry. It wasn't what he had expected at first, believing it to be a typical diary of sorts like his own. But instead it was filled with rather unknown and interesting facts. Odd designs and schematics, equations and ideas, occasionally a few personal thoughts but none too deep and finally some old symbols and runes. One which he easily recognized was the delta rune. Another page that caught his attention was a world described as the darkeners world, or dark world for short. Stranger was the dark fountain and other such details about a completely different world, separate from his and your own. Another page, several theories and thoughts were written. Most about the existence of magic, or how Souls can power Monsters. It also addressed how boss monsters can live for so long among other things. As he read, Mettaton found himself enthralled. The read was just such a curious thing, clearly you had a lot to think about. Still though, he had only scrapped the iceberg as there were plenty more pages. Deciding to stop reading for now, and ask you instead, he eagerly went back to where you were. As cleared your desk from all the paperwork and other items safely away, Mettaton walked in and caused you to stop and turn towards him. "Thanks Mettaton." Taking the book which he offered to you, Mettaton then spoke up as you inspected your journal. "Darling? I won't lie to you, I read a bit and I'm now curious." Looking back up at him, you smiled. "I figured, I don't bring it up often." Opening it again, you gestured for Mettaton to approach, which he eagerly did. "Believe me, I've had a lot of time to think, Met." Finding your seat on your desk chair, Mettaton found his own on a bean bag and listened intently. Looking at your journal over one more time, you set it down before looking back to your audience. "Now obviously, you wanna know why I started doing this. Well, simply put I've always been interested in mystery. Mysterious, finding secrets and answers. It's been something that's become a bit of a pass time for me." The Ex bot was focused, nodding with what you were saying as he listened. "So one day, I purchased a journal so I could have somewhere to write my ideas and thoughts. From there it kinda grew." You sighed then, looking disappointed now. "Sadly, there's only so much I can do. I've tried exploring old sites in my spare time, old castles and such. Ruins especially, but I can only do so much. Not to mention, I don't have too many resources." Turning away to stare at the map you had hung up on your wall, you had left Mettaton a lot to think about and consider something. Finally though, he had his own answer and snapped his finger in a 'that's it' moment. "How about I fund you darling?" Looking surprised at him, you were about to refuse but he continued. "It's no issue hun! I have plenty of cash and could give you a small amount to help you out! My treat." A smile came to your face, the possibilities were now more open to you then before. "If you say so, then sure!"

From there, your journal began expanding as you went and traveled. Your first big break and adventure was the Underground itself. Exploring it on your off time, you were joined by Mettaton, Frisk and even Papyrus together as you all explored the far corners of the Underground. It wouldn't be long until you found yourselves within a hidden room, in a waterfall, when you found a stranger. Said stranger was an oddity, dressed in only black and white with what seemed to be a skull for a head. But before any of you could react, he or they suddenly vanished in a moment. It left you all with questions, but for now, with no answers. Leaving the room, you all enjoyed quite the adventure. The Underground was always a fascinating place, even if you had been there before. Still, you were eager to explore. And it all started thanks to that journal, and a curious bot who decided he wanted to help you fulfill your desire. Right now in fact, you and Mettaton had left New New home, and were exploring the remains of a former castle belonging to monsters. Much like before, you two explored, studied, and searched it up and down. After a week, you returned home with Mettaton Ex right behind you. "Thanks Met, for everything! I appreciate it!" Mettaton smiles, "Of course dear, it was my pleasure."

(Bonus: Aftermath)

The next morning, your journal had yet another page full of text written of facts, theories and other thoughts you had. Placing it atop on the simple bookshelf you had in your room, you checked the time before hearing your doorbell ring. Answering it, you were greeted by Mettaton who smiled down at you with clear excitement evident on his face. "Hello darling!" Sighing, you forced a smile. "Hey Met. Come on in." Stepping aside, Mettaton stepped inside. Noticing his boots, rather than his famous stilettos, he now had platforms on. 'Wonder if he has a whole closet for em?' You snickered at the thought, but somehow it felt more fact than fiction. As Mettaton explored around your home, finding many of the nicknacks on the walls and floors quite interesting, you focused back on your most recent entry instead to distract yourself. As it was thought, Mettaton stopped once he noticed a diamond contained within a glass container. Spotting the beautiful gem which glowed bright under the sunlight coming through the window. "Ooooo~ Come to daddy~" He was about to open it, when you cleared your throat. "Mettaton, no. That's not for taking." Mettaton now looked upset. "But hun! It looks so gorgeous! Why not give it to me?" You rolled your eyes, now resting your head against the palm of your hand. "Nah, it stays here. It needs to be preserved and studied. Not given to drama queens such as yourself." He huffed childishly, puffing his cheeks out as he stared off to the side. You snickered before placing away some of your things, then retrieved a map out. Looking it over to find and mark down several paths you took, you failed to notice Mettaton was now looking at the gem again and glance back at you. Then, he reached slowly, before his cold metal hands hidden within a pair of warm fuzzy gloves, gently opened the case up. Glancing back towards you, he only saw you were still focused on your work instead of him. Taking the chance, Mettaton plucked the diamond up and held it close. He examined it closely, grinning to himself as he noted how it shined under the light. Taking one last time to look at you, he then slid it safely into his pocket before trying to causally whistle it off. Hearing him begin whistling though, you didn't even look towards him before calmly saying- "Mettaton, put it back." Frozen in place, Mettaton looked upset but compiled before placing it back in its case. "Do that again, and I'll kick you out." Mettaton puffed out his cheeks in indignation, which only made you roll your eyes. A period of silence later and you both were now traveling for yet another trip. This was due to Mettaton pushing you to let him go with you this time, as he wanted to find his own diamond to keep. And who were you to say no? ...

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