Mettaton Ex Reader "A Real Show Stopper~"

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It was time.

You felt it.

You know it.

In your heart, your soul, you know it was time to ask the question... 

To your love...


It was another evening time show. a quiz show, followed before by one last play.

This was perfect!

You had learned a lot about Mettaton, and you know he would approve of a real show-stopper. 

You were currently on your couch, on the phone, texting Burgerpants to ready himself for the show. Burgerpants texted back.

Burgerpants: Ok, but what do I have to put on the clock?

(Name): So you can sneak in, you said so yourself that you're not allowed backstage.

Burgerpants: Oh right! Alright, little buddy, I'll get ready.

(Name): Good, I'll be there at 8:00 pm, be ready

Burgerpants: Will do!

After that, you got ready. Putting on your (Shoes/Boots) and threw on a jacket. Quickly buttoning it up while rushing over to grab your keys, it was currently 6:07 pm. After grabbing your secret package, and finally giving Burgerpants the cue, you rushed out into the night.

(Some minor context)

You had spent several years with Mettaton, becoming his (Boyfriend/Girlfriend) a few months after he and all of monsterkind was freed from the Underground. You two were nearly inseparable, always finding time to spend together. 

Now, it has been 4 years, and you intended to step it up a notch. 

(Back to our story)

You finally arrived at MTT Studio's, the tall building appeared similar to MTT Resort, however, was a lighter shade of pink for the outside and no plants resting by the door.

You entered and the Receptionist greeted you, knowing you already from Mettaton and you coming over ever so often when you had the chance. They know the plan also and had agreed to help you.

You gave them a thumbs up and they returned in kind, getting up and shutting off their computer and cleaning their work station up, making it appear they were closed for the evening. The guest inside currently would head out from a separate way when the show was over.

You and the Receptionist made your way towards the backstage of MTT Theatre, where Mettaton would host his live shows. As you approached, you could hear the crowd, the sound of their cheers, laughs, or just mummers coming through to your ears. You weren't really used to being backstage, only with Mettaton and even then you were a little nervous. The hallway you went through was mostly dark, say for the few light fixtures hanging from the roof. 

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