A Soulmate found

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Mettaton Ex x Reader

(Short but sweet, do enjoy~)

Despite everything . . .

It's still you.

As you and Mettaton enjoy the film, Impact continues to play with his toys on the floor. Taking the moment to glance up at the screen with the couple finally getting together and meeting, Impact curiously turned towards you two. "Dad? (Mom/Dad)? What was it like when you first met?" You two glanced at one another, clearly thinking of how to answer your child's question, when Mettaton finally seemed to have the answer. And already you were ready to respond. "Well, honey. You're (Mom/Dad) and I met when I first left the Underground, and began my first EVER performance~!" A flashback begins, now showing Mettaton in his Box body, but Ex legs on stage as he sings to a large crowd. The audience goes wild, cheering and applauding the icon of Monsterkind on as the lights above continue to spin around like a disco ball. Finally Mettaton finished the last bit of; "Death by Glamour '' with a drop from the upper platform and gracefully on the front of the stage. Flowers of all sizes and shapes fell all around him, alongside a pair of underwear which perfectly landed into his open palm. "Oh my-" His screen turned red, then a question mark appeared. "Well now, that's new." His screen goes bright. "Naughty naughty~" He said before tossing it aside, while the crowd continued to applaud the star while begging for him to notice them, sign a autograph, or simply to get a selfie. By the time he was finally off the stage, Mettaton's battery had already reached 23% and forced him to plug into a random wall socket. Sitting down now behind the stage, and calmly waiting while on his phone, someone approached. A young (Human/Monster) was escorted by Felix towards him. Noticing the rather young fan approach, he stood to his full height and carefully tossed his charger behind him. "Hello darlings~! Who are you~?" Grinning sheepishly, you stuttered something while presenting a classic, MTT 'Bad Romance' poster from a previous show.

"Autograph?" Mettaton did you the favor of gesturing BP away while removing a pen from a hidden compartment. Signing his full stage name, along with a heart shape beside it, he handed it towards you. Relieved but also excited to have his autograph, you turned away and gleefully held it close. But not looking, Mettaton looked at you curiously before turning away. Moments later and the star leads you outside, and away from his adoring fans to avoid being swarmed, and leads you outside. "See you dear. And come again~!" You smiled and waved, before he stopped you one last time. "Here, take this~" Confused, you felt a piece of paper placed in your hand before he waved before walking away. Confused, you quickly got your answer along with many questions, upon seeing the star's own number on it. His phone number.

"And that is how we met~!" You stared at Mettaton with a look of disbelief. "Are you serious?" "Whatcha you mean?" Face-palming internally, you shook your head. "No, just no. That's not how it happened." Looking back at your child as he sat curiously in front of you both. "This is how it really happened;" and thus began the new flash-back. "It all started during your father's performance" As the scene played out, a much similar story followed. What changed on this occasion, put simply, was that it was your own love who approached you first. Unable to handle such a meet up, however, Mettaton struggled to focus on saying what he wanted to say. "Basically, your dad was a total flushed mess that even Alphys would find a worthy match with." You said bluntly, so bluntly you might as well be a hammer. For poor Mettaton, a look of embarrassment crossed over his face and left him looking away with a pouty face. Impact had to hold back a laugh, covering his mouth as he snickered. A moment later and dinner time had arrived, with you two in the kitchen while Impact ate happily away. You continued to cook, happily while humming a tune as you already had an idea as to what was coming. "Darling;" and there it was. You were suddenly turned around by the waist, a rather peeved Mettaton looking down at you with a fairly flushed face. "Yes hun?" you responded innocently enough. "Why did you tell him that!?"You shrugged; "Whatever do you mean? I told him the truth~" He glared now; "You're truth you mean?" "Truth regardless;" you went back to cooking. "Now, shut up and find a seat at the table. Dinner will be ready soon." Mettaton angrily listened and went to find a seat, leaving you alone and trying hard not to laugh at Mettaton's expense.

Thankfully however, you both knew that he wasn't really mad, and didn't care so much for the story as it was close to right. Say for the part involving you slipping after failing the 'wet floor' sign, and him tripping over his own charging port. You two had a silent agreement on that part; "Do not mention how you both, quite LITERALLY, 'fell' for one another." Gosh, Sans Puns were still in either of your minds, much to your dismay.

(The End)

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