The Star that never was 3

40 3 13

Happstablook x Reader

With one single call, and soon you found yourself along your way towards the diner, where you would be meeting Napstablook alongside their cousin. Eventually spotting it ahead, you stopped to check if you looked alright since you kinda rushed before leaving home, and finally came into the diner. Once stepping inside, you stopped once to have a look around before instantly spotting both ghost cousin's, side by side together and waiting beside each other at a booth in the corner. Feeling relief came to you, you approached and ended up greeting one another with a smile and 'hello's' before finding your seat. "It's nice for you to come, (Name). I hope it wasn't too much trouble?" "Not at all;" you shrugged simply, "I didn't have much going on anyway." With that said, the waiter soon arrived where you were, while you turned to Happstablook. Only, even though you were both a mere foot or so apart, Happstablook was making an effort to avoid eye contact. Sensing this, you looked away and found yourself gazing outside and watching the weather, as this was beginning to make you feel awkward. Thankfully, Napstablook was quick to notice and spoke up. "So, (Name)? What is something you like doing nowadays?" And what followed was a slow, but steady conversation, but one between only you and Napstablook while Happsta merely watched. But eventually, that changed.

"And Happsta is quite talented... even if they don't think so." Happsta looked towards Napstablook, surprised and a little embarrassed. "Blooky..." they mumbled, before turning to you. "I-I do admit... I do sing, just-" they took a deep breath, then kept going. "Just not that well..." "Why do you think that? You do have an amazing voice! Even some have heard you, and have said as much, even if they didn't know who it was." Happstablook froze up for a moment, seeming embarrassed before their eyes seemed to turn glossy. "O=Oh no... I'm sorry. I-I am making this awkward-" They began to disappear, only for you to reach out and stop them. "Wait! Please. You're not making this awkward at all. Just-" thinking your words carefully, then continuing. "I think you're a very interesting pers- er, the monster I've met so far. I just wanna get to know you, since I got to meet you for the first time. We'll... 'meet' in an odd way?" Napstablook grinned, while Happsta looked away. "Okay... maybe I'm making it awkward-" "No no, neither of you are. You two are just thinking so, because you two have just met." Napstablook placed a comforting 'hand' on Happsta before looking back to you. "I was the same early on in my own life, but with time and effort things will get better. Less awkward, if that helps?" Snickering a little, you shrugged while Happsta turned to face both of you. "Heh, yeah. Honestly... it w-was tense waiting for t-this." "S-Same here." Spoke Happsta in a low, yet smooth voice. Happsta then looked to you alone. "But... I w-want to grow. Become more o-out going! Like Blooky." And with that, they both shared a quick smile and soon, a full conversation began between either of you.

Eventually, one fairly nice meal and conversation, you three soon left and part ways. While tense for sure, it paid off between you and Happsta. Though, not wanting to overthink the situation, you simply took it in stride and went on home.


"And that is what I dreamed of being;" you just finished, while Happsta listened intently while you two wondered on by the lake close to home. "Shame darling, you would probably have been great at that job." They said as they picked a small flower up from the ground. "Yeah... But I wasn't able to, or at least not now due to money. Or lack they're off." Shrugging before you watched the lake closely, Happsta eventually joined you in gazing out at the lake. The waters were calm, a few ripples here and there, while a few ducks floated on by. "But we know what I always wanted to be... or what I thought I wanted when I grew up. But what about you?" Happsta stopped to think, before smiling to themselves. "A star. But not just an ordinary one." Happsta turned towards you, a smile wider than ever as they held the rose as if it were a microphone. "I wanna be the star everyone looks up to and craves! The one who gives them the confidence they need and always manages to make them smile!" Turning away, happsta grinned towards the sky, where faintly, a few stars could be seen. "And to shine bright... to be someone, someone unique, who isn't me." Confused by this phrasing, you followed they're gaze upwards and looked also towards the sky. "Aren't you?"


"Isn't just a simple, plain... boring ghost. A ghost no one would even look or care about. If only I had a body... one that-" pausing a moment as their emotions were close to spilling out, "one of my dreams and design. One that IS me." Hearing this you two went silent, now either of you looking towards the sky and observing the stars which eventually disappeared at last. You two stayed there and watched till the time came and you both left for home. It hurt to see Happsta like this, not shy or nervous, but sad and down about their dreams. Dreams they'd feel they never have or get. You weren't sure how to help, exactly. At least... not for now.


Planting a set of flowers, you listened to the music Asgore had put on at that moment while he cleaned the counter top of any dirt that had fallen from the pots. Watching this go on, you watched as Asgore sweeped everything clean like it was good as new. It was surprising, since Asgore, even with what little money he had, was still able and willing to try and make his store work. Turning away, you felt sad now knowing why Asgore was currently living alone, and away from someone he cared deeply about. "If only..." Thinking things over, you stopped after glancing towards the bookshelf in the far corner when a book caught your eye. It was a purple cover, and had a strange symbol with what appeared to be three 'heart' shapes under it, with wings like an angel. Below this was the title, simply called "-tale" as it seemed the rest of the title had been scrubbed off it. Below that, a set of the arthurs initials rested that had; "By W- er" with the letters in between scrubbed off as well. It confused you, but you had a strange suspension looking at it. "Strange... Asgore?" "Hmm?" He turned, now facing you as you brought the book up. "What's this book about?" Asgore stopped to look at it closely, thinking before eyes lit up in realization. "Oh, a novel that Tori- Toriel and I enjoyed. It's about a child falling Underground and encountering a whole civilization of monsters, befriending them, and freeing them. It's quite the read, if you ask me." Humming in response, you looked the book over before opening the description and began reading what it had to say. 'What does this feel so familiar to me?' you were wounded, but got no answer and only more questions. "Thanks Asgore... I'll take it home and-" thinking it over before you got ready to leave "-give it a read." And with that, you left the King's Flower Shop behind, now looking forward to hanging out with Happsta and Napstablook. Maybe...

(To be continued!)

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