Legend of New 'New Home'

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Legend AU

October was nearing its end, the final two days of the month, as the sun began to crawl across the sky. Despite what many would think, the final days of October were seen as the most superstitious for a number of reasons. These included the darkened sky, the forests and trees seeming to come alive, along with the harsh howl's of the winds which blew by. Wandering along the old roads and heading in the direction of the small Monster village, a horseman rode alone through the twisting and winding path as the crows continued to sing, and the trees continued to lean. It had gotten quite dark out, with even the stars and moon nearly blocked out from sight. The horsemen, alongside his mighty steed, continued despite the very cold chill which raced up either of their spines but continued forward they did. As they stopped at a small clearing, a thick fog began to form around them. Slowly, it engulfed them both in a thick blanket of gray and white. The horse stepped back and reeled, forcing the horsemen to hang on tighter. "Easy boy. Easy." As his steed calmed down, the horseman listened carefully as the surrounding forest seemed to go completely silent. As if no life was even around.

Concerned, the man reached down into his jacket to remove his map from its secure location. Lifting the small lantern he had brought along, he lifted it high up into the air. His eyes scanned the map, over and over, till he seemed to realize where he was. With a nod, he placed each away before giving his horse a simple kick. "Let's go-" As he finished, he heard it. The sound of hooves on the ground. The sound of a horse, from just close by. Now worried more than ever, the horsemen gripped the rein's of the horse, and with one sudden flick, caused the steed to get moving. Soon both horse and rider were off, and gaining speed. Behind them, the echoes of another horse had begun to grow louder and louder, as the horsemen gazed over his shoulder. Because of the fog, he couldn't get sight of who or what it was. He almost felt relief by not knowing. But not knowing was also adding to the paranoia he felt in that exact time. Could it be his mind playing tricks? Possibly.

Just up ahead, in a large clearing, he spotted it. A bridge. It looked worn down, as if abandoned for years. A Century, even. Making his approach, he almost forgot he was already afraid. He had just slowed his horse to a trot when he heard it. A groan, as if someone were in pain. Halting, his blood ran cold as he nervously glanced around. Then, as if the mist had parted ways, atop a nearby hill overlooking where he was and with the moon as its backdrop, a tall figure stood. It sat atop a mighty horse, one pure black with red eyes. It seemed the creature looked man shape, wearing a cape and shoulder pads which were as sharp as swords. What was most disturbing, however, was that this figure lacked a head. Without missing a beat, the horseman yanked the reins and gave his steed one harsh kick, causing the horse to let out a surprised gasp and nyyh as it spurred forward. Horse and rider raced towards the bridge, just as the terrifying entity reeled back on his mighty horse, before kicking off and beginning the chase. The horseman glanced back, only to gasp as fear enveloped him. His pursuer was getting closer, not even in a few minutes.

Looking up ahead, he could see the bridge growing closer and closer, and he could likely make it. Kick his horse again, encouraging it to speed up, the horsemen hoped to the god of Toby Fox to make it to the other side and to safety. His horse sped on, now frightened and gaining speed. When he looked back, the rider felt relief as some distance began to form between himself and whatever was chasing him. Turning back up ahead, a triumphant smile came to his face. He looked back, ready to gloat or even give an insult, when suddenly he watched the figure pull something out from beside him. The rider, confused, could only watch in horror as the figure seemed to remove a head from its sack. Reeling back, the headless horsemen took aim, and then sent it hurdling directly for the rider.

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