You're Soul in Need

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Sequel to: A Soul in Need

(Original Idea, from 11Link.)

Warnings: Foul Language, Mistreatment of Reader, sadness

Months later, you continued Mettaton's support. Though you had made an effort to bring his courage and confidence back up, it would still take time after all the harshness and hate he received. You could tell from the way Mettaton acted on those rare occasions, that he still was having a hard time, but he was trying. As he did, you were there the whole way for him. Constantly, whenever those who tried to hurt him came up, you were there to shut them down. Anytime someone tried to comment on something cruel in the form of 'criticism,' you would try to be clever in your replies; though often you'd missed the mark but the idea was obvious. And finally, whenever haters attended his shows just to poke fun of him-

Well, Sans or Undyne were both fully willing to give em a 'bad time' for you. As time went on, and soon Metta forgot all about those critics and haters alike. He soon grew a massive tolerance and new feeling of confidence that allowed him to easily swipe away any such cruelty they sent his way. Now, he took it in stride and with a smile still on his face. As Mettaton journeyed on and let his career grow, so did the attention begin to turn. Instead of Metta receiving such hate, it seemed these people had found a new target. You.

It was subtle at first, often in the form of seemingly innocent questions on who you were to mettaton and what your intentions were. Then it slowly turned to your appearance, attitude and whether or not you were taking advantage of Metta. First, ignorance allowed you to manage, followed by the occasional comeback with Sans or Papyrus offering some much needed backup or support. Then came the insults, some harder to spot then others, but they began questioning your appearance, way of speaking, walking. Just trying to get under your skiing about everything about you, regardless of how minor it was. It was all starting to irritate you.

One occasion, you had been allowed to help direct a show by Metta himself, your love needing to be elsewhere for something very important, so asked you to take his place. You did have an idea on how Metta wanted things to run, having been there on the sidelines as you watched him at work in his studio, so it wouldn't be too hard. It was a play of sorts, with actors and sets, music and props. All the essentials to put on a show. Working with Napstablook and Alphys, you have managed to pull it off! The show did well, as if Mettaton had been there in the first place and nothing had even changed. Satisfied, you took the chance to greet the guests as they walked out, greeting many and shaking the hands of some; you were nearing the end of the line when it happened. A couple, men and women, appeared almost annoyed as they walked together to the exit. You felt slightly worried, but kept up a kind smile and greeted them.

Neither acknowledged you, or rather, they did but far from a good way. Instead of a hello or thank you, great show or anything positive; the woman simply scoffed and rolled her eyes while the man purposely bumped your shoulder and continued. You were stunned for a moment, the thought of snapping at him for it, for being rude for no reason. But this hadn't been the first time, and you didn't wanna let just one fool ruin the evening for you so you shrugged it off and continued until everyone was out. This trend seemed to continue though. It continued in different ways, but all had the same result and that was the targeting of you for no apparent reason. Similar way to before, with a bump followed by a scoff. Later it became more harsh, with a shove or someone telling you off. Ignoring it, at least from the outside, you just started to feel so frustrated. What was with these people? Why are they treating you like this? What was the point?

You held your tongue, but you knew it was only a matter of time. Meanwhile, your more tense demeanor became obvious to mettaton, as he instantly noticed how tense you were coming home. Knowing that something was going on, Mettaton soon was by your side and made sure to keep a close eye on you. As he did though, he quickly noticed the problem. Finally, it happened. After talking to a performer, then a customer who politely brought up a problem. As you were talking this over, Mettaton was close by as he signed several autographs. As this happened, so did someone dressed in a hoodie gently push then shove their way through the crowds as they made their way towards you. It was during a pre-show, at MTT Studio, and both you and Metta were needed as Mettaton didn't want to risk blowing a possible fuse (even though Alphys made sure such a thing would never happen) as he dealt with the guests, cast, crew, and establishment overall. Just as he finished, he heard a struggle with gasps from several people. A crash, the sound of liquid spilling, and Mettaton was already heading your way. As he saw it though, he stopped, shocked as he stared at the scene before him.

Sitting on the ground, covered in some substance that had a strange smell, was you. You had been shoved down before, whoever it was, tried splashing you with something. The one responsible had been stopped by some members of the crowd, but the damage was done. Storming out, you felt too embarrassed even though no one was laughing at you. But the idea that people could be looking at you now, in such a state, and you couldn't help but leave. Tears were too close to falling, and you thought some did. Getting back into an employee's only area, you slammed the door behind you as you let the tears slip. You didn't want to cry, but why did people feel like hurting you? It was not just hurtful, but sooo frustrating also. You did nothing wrong. Had treated everyone with respect, less they provoked you. And had otherwise just wanted to enjoy your life with metta.

But that was unallowed, apparently.

For a few moments which seemed to stretch out, you finally heard the employee's door slam open followed by the footsteps of your love barreling into the room. "(Name)!?" He ran to your side, before pausing. Taking a moment as you sniffled, he took a seat beside you on a small couch which the room had. Now sitting with you, he rubbed your back gently, unsure if you were in the mood to talk or not. He didn't want to risk making a bad situation worse. Finally, he watched you let out your last sob, before choking up and turning to him. "Darling? Would you-

like to go home?" Part of you didn't want to, but another part just wanted to go home and be out of the public light. Soon enough, and you two finally were. As the car drove through the streets, you silently stared ahead or off to the side while Mettaton simply sat beside you, quiet but already planning something. Something that would bring back a smile to your face again.

~(Following Morning)~

As yesterday's events left your thoughts, you decided to focus on today. With that, you decided it was better with the ones you loved or were friends with. With that, and already on your way back home after a morning walk. The day was perfect for one, and it just felt right, so you went for it. As you did so, Mettaton silently waited at home as he took care of things while you were gone. Pausing for a moment to wipe the non existent sweat from his brow, he approached a window to see if you were back. Approaching, you quickly noticed him and you both shared a wave followed by Mettaton approaching the front door to answer. Once open, you two gave each other a kiss before bringing up your plan. As he listened, Mettaton quietly prepared himself for the future ahead. It wouldn't be much longer.

Behind him on a small table on his 'work desk' (which was more like a make-up station for everything he 'needed' to look pretty) a small box lay hidden away in a small drawer below the mirror. It had been expensive, but it was worth it. As Mettaton and you both soon left, Mettaton's plan would soon take action. He had made a promise to himself months ago, after you were there for him, he would now be there for you.

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