Un-Undertale (2)

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Chapter 2

Soon enough, you and Napstablook had journeyed onward and soon found yourselves before a small home which your new friend had revealed to be owned by the women you had seen beforehand. A short while later, Blooky left to look for Toriel and bring her here so you could meet her yourself. In the meantime, you found yourself sitting under the tree which rested in front of the cozy cabin. As you sat there awaiting their return, you glanced silently at the tree behind you and wondered what caused much of the life below to appear so "dead." Worried over this, you reached a hand and touched the old timber and felt the rough dead bark. Some small flics of wood fell as you rubbed your thumb, but before you controls continue you heard a pair of footsteps approach and soon you saw Toriel appear. A moment later, you joined Napstablook and Toriel in the small house; but before you did you noticed what appeared to be a glowing star just outside. Approaching it nervously you touched it gently and heard a child-like voice speak up. "Your desire to explore fills you with determination." Confused, you shrugged it off after nothing happened and continued on inside. However, after you left, the tree outside seemed to 'brighten' up, with the tree's leaves returning and becoming their natural colors while also its bark became strong once more. The whole room also seemed to brighten up as well. A while later, you were sitting near a dusty old fire place where the old timbers had long since been burned and had forced Toriel to get more. After coming back she tossed it into the fireplace, then reaching one hand towards it a flame appeared in her palm which lit the timber. Turning away, Toriel smiled at you as she took a seat. "So? Y-You are a human, yes?"

"Yes. I... I came here recently after being... kidnapped." Toriel appeared surprised before giving a nod before glancing back into the fire. Rubbing her chin for a moment, she smiled slightly as if daydreaming before looking again. "Shall I tell you a story?" She offered while grinning. You paused to think it over, then nodded with a smile before Toriel once again stood up and wandered over to the bookshelf close by then came back. A while later you listened to her read, feeling quite comfortable and were able to relax easily as you listened on. A while later, you had grown tired and Toriel easily noticed. She led you to the kids room where you then allowed her to lay down in a kids bed, at least you thought. A while later, you were in deep slumber while Toriel returned to her own room to rest. Her mind was filled with much thought, as she soon took a seat and quietly thought without noticing the feeling of her soul seem to brighten. She would later head off to bed, and fell into a peaceful sleep after sometime. Once you awoke again, you began exploring the rest of the ruins while Napstablook followed. You two shared some small talk while you walked through the silent streets, and ruins of the Ruins. Later, you two soon stopped before a clam river which flowed through, which also appeared to be getting clearer now oddly enough. Shrugging this off, you went off again as you explored and met with many other monsters, Froggits, Carrots and many others. Each and everyone is unique, but also quite fun to talk to. A while later, you two returned home at last. After a short while, you had begun enjoying your time here in this new world, and I was honestly incredible to you. And hearing how there might be more to the Underground based on Napstablook's words, you had grown a desire to explore and see more.


Snowdin was near empty, however a few monsters were out and wandering alone. One such was a young monster, armless and wandering alone in the forests surrounding. Monsterkid was quiet as he walked alone, his eyes stared to the ground below him. He sighed to himself, stopping for a moment before looking up at the entryway to the ruins. Staring for a moment, he noticed one of the doors was open and he approached cautiously. Stopping just outside, he felt his desire to explore grow but also fear of what might be on the other side. A moment later he turned about then added to himself before walking up and used his foot to gently kick the door lid open. Seeing a dark and poorly lit hallway ahead, Monsterkid thought for a moment before he continued on his journey to explore. Sometime later, he quickly found some stairs and wandered his way up, only to bump right into none other than Toriel. It was very unexpected for either monster, however, Toriel was quick to welcome Monsterkid and the two would later meet with Napstablook and yourself. To say you were surprised would be an understatement, but you were more than happy to make yet a new friend. After hearing about his stories on his life in the underground made you want to explore even more. And with this, Toriel agreed but under her supervision. A short while later you four prepared to travel through the pair of doors to the Ruins once more, and you couldn't wait to see what was next.

To be continued...

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