Scenario: Low Self Esteem

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How Mettaton helps with your self-esteem?

Mettaton knows about having low self esteem, as unbelievable as one may find. Before he became a star, he lived in a waterfall alongside his family as a simple ghost living on a snail farm. Said farm was a blimp on the map, isolated with few neighbors and where only a few came by when trekking Waterfall. There, Happstablook lived for much of his early existence until fate came in the form of his dear friend Alphys. Two inspired and hopeful nobody's who met through their shared fascination with humans, which ended with one a star and the other a royal scientist. It wasn't easy, as despite his exterior attitude and appearance, Mettaton lacked much self-esteem. Afterall, if he faltered at any point he felt he would let down not only himself but Alphys as well. The two had worked hard, Happstablook to master his new body and Alphys to make and present it to Asgore. It had paid off, but now he had to make a name for himself. He was the first and only star of the Underground, so that meant he was forging a whole new path by himself and without anyone to look to for help. It was a long time and plenty of work, but he did it and he has felt proud of his achievement ever since. And now it seemed he had a new calling, and that was helping you become the star you were simply made to be.

He would learn quickly that you lack much confidence or self esteem, so he would set to work. Depending on how willing you were to open up to him about how you felt and as to why, he would first go to his friend Alphys to help brainstorm ideas on how to best help you. Undyne, Papyrus, Sans and Frisk too would get involved, as Mettaton would wanna get the views of others on how to go about this. Finally, he would begin his plan. As you were busy either working or spending time alone out or inside, Mettaton would either approach or call you to tell you that he was going to help you. You tried to dismiss that of course, feeling that he would be wasting time but he dismissed your worries and said he was going to help you since you were his partner and love. And so once he got to you, he would speak to you either about his whole life (in case he hadn't yet when you two were dating) or of how he and Alphys went through the same as you. He would then reveal how Alphys deeply struggled with it even after becoming a Royal Scientist and the incident in the true lab, which would surprise you. But quickly, he would lay it out for you and how you were more valuable than you'd even realize. He would finally enter into a passion rant on how he found you so deeply important to him. How you were his first love and helped him become an even better person. How you, without realizing it, had greatly helped him from his demons from when he lived in the Underground and actually dealt with his own self-doubt.

He brought up what he planned to do once he had a human soul, and how he was going to leave the Underground and everyone else behind. But he realized his mistake and deeply regretted it ever since and had been trying to make it up to everyone including his dear cousin. Before he met and eventually fell in love with you, he still felt the burn of self-loathing and regret linger. But you helped change that. Without you realizing it, you made him pick himself up and finally take one confident step forward again until finally he was walking in strides forward. You had made him realize that whilst he had made mistakes, he clearly regretted it and had done enough to already be forgiven. It started from him swearing to himself to never repeat the same mistakes again, though eventually you were able to crack that dread and fear away until finally he was free of it. He never could forget his past, but he could forgive and was feeling better for it. Now he was returning the favor to you. Him going on that speech about how much you helped nearly got you to tears, but that wasn't to last as he brought up a TV before playing footage of each of your friends or family who you helped and just how deeply important you were to them. You were much better than you realized, and that they all cared for you. You mattered as much as they all did towards you and so on. It broke you and made you cry, causing Mettaton to embrace you as he held you close.

From there gradual change began with you setting yourself a new path for life. Gaining confidence took time, along with setting boundaries, not comparing yourself to others or being an anxious wreck. Instead, you became more confident in yourself and abilities. Whilst knowing you wouldn't be the best at anything, you could still do great things. If there was a career path you wanted before but felt you couldn't make it? He and your friends and family would help support you. A lifetime goal you set for yourself such as losing weight or being able to visit somewhere special to you? They were behind you the whole way. It wasn't always easy as that voice in the back of your mind continued to speak and stop you, but ignoring it became as easy as breathing air. From; "I know I can't" too; "I can try at least." Eventually, a whole new you came out and Mettaton couldn't have been happier. He made sure to praise you for it and give you extra cuddles or kisses for a reward.

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