Two Sides of One Coin(2)

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Two Sides of One Coin

By oriental-beast

Idea by

Waiting outside your home, you checked your phone screen to see if you got any recent messages from your agent or anyone else about this interview and where it would be taking place. Nervously glancing down at your phone again, just as the sound of the limo came around the corner. Looking up from your position on the sidewalk, you watched as the limo came driving over to where you were standing. Coming to a halt, you made sure to give yourself one look over and checked you had everything before getting in the back.

Once inside, off you were through the midnight and calm streets of your house into the loud, crowded, and well-lit streets of the (City Name). Entering the city, you watched as a good number of passers-by turn and stare at your limo as it passed them by, many in cars and on the sidewalk taking or snapping a picture as they watched.

Passing storefronts, hotels, businesses and shops, your limo eventually entered one of the busier intersections and arrived on Broadway, the main entertainment street as this was where most people often passed by and where all major theatres and film productions were showcased. Finally, you could see, the Showdown Theater near the middle of two long roads that went directly through the middle of the square. Cars, buses, tram cars and trunks alike passed on through as people often climbed out or got in, while people of all walks of life wandered the busy streets to or from work or gatherings.

Finally coming to a halt in the designated section for the rich and famous, you watched as your driver climbed out and made their way to your side of the limo before opening the door for you to step out. Instantly, you were met by a combination of questions and flashing lights of the paparazzi. Countless cameras and film gear of all kinds focused on you as you calmly made your way up the long red carpet. A pair of your own bodyguards walked alongside you as the crowd around continued. A few of your fans even were there and yelled out their love and/or adoration of you and your work.

This all made you smile.

This was what your life was, full of love and admiration while you simply were there to put a smile on everyone's face. You adored the Applause.

Waving and occasionally sending a wink and flirty kiss or remark at some of your (Male/Female) fans, you eventually arrived at the front entrance of the large theatre. Two ushers standing at the front in their red uniforms and attire, both reached for and pushed open both doors before bowing as you walked by.

Once inside, your eyes began scanning the large and elegant room of the front lobby. A front desk made of pure brown wood, standing behind being a man dressed in a suit, red shirt and tie along with a spectacle for one eye, seemed to be in charge and directing all the staff that wondered about while serving their guests.

A set of stairs were to either side of the front desk, each that curved inwards and met near the top and lead to a second floor where more rich and noble folks went. The lower half or below the stairs was another set of doors that lead to the test of the seats on the first floor.

Walking over towards the front desk, the man who stood behind the counter stood at attention and gave a broad smile before greeting you. "Hello! Welcome to the Showdown Theater! I am Alastor, and I am the current head and major of this establishment! How shall I help you?"

"Hello, my name is (Name) and I am actually here for the interview."

Alastor gasped, as if just now realizing something. "That's right! I knew you'd be here soon enough! Welcome (Miss/Mr) (Name)!!! Allow me to escort you he backstage or shall I have someone do so?"

"You can, but only if you're not too busy?"

Alastor reached under the desk, pulling out a cane before shaking his head. "Not at all! Allow me~" He walked around the front desk and you followed as he went towards a set of doors that were off to the side. Once entering, it seemed this was a place for employees only, yet still very well kept.

Following behind the man, he eventually leads you through another set of doors and now you found yourself backstage with several pieces of gear and film equipment were being prepared and at the ready for the interview. Stagehands and crew along ran around getting in the final touches as you and Alastor wandered through until finally reaching one of the few guest rooms in the back, which also served as a dressing room.

Once you finally reached it, you said bye to Alastor and made yourself comfortable. You now began to wait, wait for the show to begin and what seemed to be your destiny...

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