"I'll Love You..."

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"Come on out kid..." (Sans knocks on the door, you don't reply) "Kid, please... Everyone's worried about ya!" (You refuse to respond) Sans sighed as he turned to face Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk. The 4 had worried looks on their faces and were waiting for you to respond and give a reason as to why you had shut them all out.  

Asgore steps forward. Asgore:"(Y/N), (Knocking on the Door) (Y/N) please..." Nothing. "(Y/N), please come out, tell us what's wrong..." Nothing still. The four sighed in unison, the same question burning in their minds "what could they do to get (Y/N) out and confess?" It was quiet for a moment as everyone contemplated until Sans seemed to come up with an idea. 

"That's It!" The other 3 jumped and turned towards Sans. Toriel: "What, what is it!?" Sans's seemingly happy mood was soon replaced with a sour one. (Sans muttering): "I can't believe I'm calling for him..." Sans sighed and proceeded to walk down the hallway, away from (Y/N)'s door, followed by Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk, to the living room. 

Toriel: "Who are you calling?" Sans pauses before turning to look up at the three. Sans: "Someone who I know will cheer (Y/N) up!" Toriel: "Who?"






(Y/N) continued to silently cry atop their bed... Sad, depressed, alone. It had been at least an hour after the others had tried to convince (Y/N) to come out. Now they sat on their bed, holding a pillow tightly to their chest crying tears, quiet whimpers escaping once and a while. It turns out their love interest had fallen for someone else. Even worse, it had been confirmed when they were with their own lover and had shared a moment with a kiss. (Y/N) was in low spirits after that, returning home, they went to their room and allowed the tears to fall from their eyes as they laid their own bed. 

They had spent a lot of time with their love, becoming friends and so on, now, here they were.  

 Their cheeks were red from the crying, tears streaming down their faces. The (Human/Monster) sighed, they had to get over it. Somehow. Remaining locked away would do no good, they stood up of their bed and moved to head off to the door. Without warning, the door jolted with a loud bang, followed by frantic knocking. 

"Darling! (Y/N)! I'm here, open up!!!" Mettaton stood behind the door, standing there waiting. his hair slightly frazzled, eyes wild. (Y/N) had come to know Mettaton thanks to frisk who introduced the Star to (Y/N), even taking them backstage to meet the Underground Celebrity. They had grown close over time, and without realizing it, Mettaton had begun feeling affection for (Y/N). Now here they were.  "Darling! Darling open the do-" Without warning the door swung open with MTT falling forward, face-planting on the floor. (Y/N) standing their next to the door, a surprised and amused expression on their face. 

There was a breath pause before MTT quickly stood up, dusting himself off, raising a mirror from seemingly out of nowhere and with come grace, fixed his hair, smoothing it out, then placing his mirror away and finally turned towards (Y/N). 

"Ahem, Darling! What's wrong!?" MTT quickly went right back to the situation at hand. (Y/N) sighed, they were going to have to tell MTT what happened. They trusted him enough and they were good friends.  They turned and allowed MTT into their room, shutting the door as they went. (Y/N) approached their bed and sat at one end, MTT the other. It was quiet as MTT stared a (Y/N) waiting for a response. It was quiet until (Y/N) finally spoke at last...

"I... I was upset..." (Y/N) took a moment to collect themselves. The room was quiet, the light shining throws the window from the sun outside. "I was upset because... the person I... I like a lot, already has someone else... I just found out... right, when I was about to confess my feelings too... to them..." 

Tears were now at risk of falling off again. Without warning, two metallic arms with white-gloved hands wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist and pulled them onto MTT lap with (Y/N) being unable to hold back a surprised squeak as they were pulled onto MTT lap. (Y/N) cheeks felt hot as they realized the position they were in. They turned to face Mettaton, who was staring back at them intently, a sympathetic smile on their face. Then, finally, MTT spoke to (Y/N).

"Darling, it's alright... I'm here for you..." As he began lightly rubbing (Y/N)'s back. The (Human/Monster) relaxed slightly, allowing the tears to silently fall from their eyes and fall on their lap. They were currently being cradled by the star as they cried. Mettaton leans in and closes the gap between (Y/N) and their lips... he pauses and speaks, what he says next surprises (Y/N) and causes the (Human/Monsters) cheeks to heat up. "I'll Love You..." Before connecting lips.

(Y/N)s eye's shot wide open, their tear-stained face going stiff before slowly and calmly relaxing into it, they then move their arms and wrap them around the celebrity, deepening the kiss. The moment felt incredible too (Y/N), amazing, they wished it could last forever. After what felt like an eternity, which was only a minute or so, came to an end. (Y/N)s eyes opened again, with a smile of pure joy. They had someone who deeply cared about them. 

After staring at each other for a moment, (Y/N) spoke at last. (Y/N): "Thank you... Mettaton..." Mettaton smirked and kissed the (Human/Monster) on their nose. Mettaton: "Your welcome honey..." 

Toriel couldn't help but let an "aww" escape her lips and smiled along with Asgore, Frisk, and Sans. The scene was beautiful, and they were silently watching from the doorway, that (Y/N) had forgotten to lock. Sans moved slightly which caused a creaking sound to be heard, this causing Mettaton and (Y/N) to quickly turn from their moment and star back at the group who were currently watching them. Mettaton's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink but he still gave a little smile, while poor (Y/N) was embarrassed out of their minds and quickly tried to cover their red face.

Toriel, Sans, Asgore, and Frisk, chuckled slightly at this with Asgore remaining in the hallway as Toriel, Frisk, and Sans entered the room. Sans smirk. Sans: "You know Metta? This may be the only time I'm glad your around." Mettaton simply rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but allow a small smile from appearing on his face. Mettaton: "Thank you, Sans..."

Sans: "Make sure to show them a Metta-ton of love!" Sans chuckled at his on pun along with Toriel and Frisk who was giggling slightly. Mettaton groaned along with (Y/N) and Asgore. After a short talk, Sans teleported out of the room, followed by Frisk who was carried by Asgore to their own bedroom. Toriel was on her way out when she paused,  then turned towards Mettaton and (Y/N) who were still on the bed. Toriel couldn't help the little smile that came to her face.

Toriel: "Oh, by the way (Y/N)..." (Y/N) turned from Mettaton to Toriel. "No lovemaking before marriage," Toriel said in a sweet-like tone. (Y/N)s face was beyond tomato red, with MTTs face turning a bright pink. (Y/N): 


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