A Outing for Two

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(MarioHarukawa was the one who provided the idea!)

By oriental - beast

The park was currently full of life, as this summer weather was perfect. Hardly any cloud cover-up, a cool breeze that went through your hair, and plenty of people out enjoying the occasion with friends and family alike in their own ways. Flowers bloomed, birds sang, and ducks flew overhead or floated on the pond. Sitting on a park bench close to the said pond, you casually tossed small pieces of bread out and watched the small ducklings chop away with a smile on your face. Once done with one piece, you reached for another when you caught sight of your boyfriend's car which drove on by just outside the park fence and parked in the lot some meters down the hill from you. Once parked, Metta stepped out of his car and stood to his full height. Metta had on shades, wearing a pair of platforms more suited to walking outside, a pair of jean pants, and an MTT brand t-shirt with his own custom logo on it.

He also had a bookbag, one pink and glitter, which held some of his personal effects. Once he took one look around, he caught sight of you and smiled and waved as he came over. You returned the gesture before walking back over to meet up with him halfway. Once close, you reached out and embraced each other, with you nuzzling his neck and he placing a kiss on your forehead. He was, of course, at least one head taller than you so could easily reach your forehead. Once done you two were walking side by side and casually talking as the world around you continued on as if it didn't matter. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were busy playing a game of soccer nearby while Asgore and Toriel sat together on a nearby park bench and table watching the kids play together.

Undyne was currently on her daily workout run while carrying Alphys on her back who was sitting on her shoulders while looking at her phone. Muffet was currently giving her pet a walk while her whole army of spider friends followed close behind. Temmie or rather, Temmie's, we're all running around in a large flock as they played and bounced around together. As you kept looking around, you saw a combination of Waterfall, Snowdin, Hotland, and New Home Monsters walking along or enjoying their day in other ways. Eventually reaching a bench and table, you decided to take a seat and spend a moment together.

A short while later you two had gone back to where Metta's car was parked and managed to rent a pair of bikes to ride along the sidewalk which went the whole way around the park! As you rode off, you heard Metta call out for you, only for you to grin to yourself as you tried not to laugh before speeding away. Soon though, you heard huffing and puffing from behind and looked back, only to see a grinning Metta racing up after you.

The. Chase. Was. On.

On and on you to went, racing past and in between people who walked and struggled up, only to race downhills, and tried speeding ahead of one another. It was intense, to say the least, you easily could feel the adrenaline kick in as you speed on ahead but Metta wasn't giving up so easily and only kept up. As you two once more raced on the downhill, however, you spotted a set of ducklings walking along the path and heading towards the pond. 'Oh no' you quickly slammed hard on your breaks, breaking once then twice, and slowed before riding off the path. Coming to a complete halt, you quickly looked at the poor ducks who were almost out of the way when you remembered who was following you exactly, next thing you saw was Metta racing down towards them at nearly full speed. Once he did notice them though, he instantly attempted to break but it was too late. Turning hard one way, Metta along with his bike went straight into the pond water creating a huge splash as he nearly disappeared completely below the surface.

Watching on from the sidelines, you quickly ran over to the edge of the pond and stopped instantly. "METTA!?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!" A moment followed in silence before Metta sat up in the water, a lilypad on his head with his hair soaked and blocking his view along with his sunglasses had fallen off into the water. Mettaton had a deadpan look in his eyes, while you struggled not to laugh and instead reached out a hand to help him out. As you did, a baby duck floated up to Metta and greeted him with a couple of quacks before floating off to which he glared at before he walked out of the water. While later you two were once more sitting down together, both with nice cream in hand to which you eagerly licked away while Metta ate, but also drying off. Soon enough, you finished and turned to Metta who was now feeling better after his recent 'accident' in the pond, and you smiled at him.

He looked to you as you leaned in close, then connected your lips with his cold cheek. As in an instant, both sides of his face warmed up as a visible blush appeared while his eye visibly widened. However, this expression was soon replaced by one of happiness when he returned the favor but instead kissed you on the lips before nuzzling you back.

A short while later, you two were soon on your way home.

(A short one-shot, but one I hope those who end up reading it still find some enjoyment. Enjoy your day, and thank you for reading my works.

Author Rey~)

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