A Typical Wednesday 2

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MTT FanFic

It was a fine drive, nothing you weren' t used to with a trip you often took with Mettaton for much of your time together. Of course, the question then became as to where exactly you two would go too. Traffic was light, the sky was cleared, and the warmth from the sun was complimented well with the cool breeze. Eventually, you caught the side ahead of a storefront for a music shop. Peaking your interest, you quickly gestured to Mettaton to take a look with a simple tap on his shoulder. "Hm?" "Look, Met." Noticing what you were looking at, Mettaton smiled to himself before pulling off to the parking lot. "Good find hun. I might be able to find something new here, maybe even get a new guitar~" You gave him a side glance; "and you can actually play guitar? Or is it just gonna be for show?" Mettaton shrugged; "Obviously, I will practice. But for a show too isn't such a bad idea~" Stopping at last, you got out first, joined by mere moments by Mettaton. You two made your way up to the glass door, the logo of the place taped above a simple sign declaring the place open. Mettaton made it first, pulling it open for you like the gentlemen he was. He gave you a wink whilst saying; "(Gentleman/Ladies) first~" Shaking your head, you were met with cool air immediately hitting your (skin/fur/etc), causing a slight shiver to run up your body. There were several people, monsters and humans alike, spread out as they browsed the wide selection of items from mics, stains, speakers, headphones, guitars and other music related effects and instruments. Instantly catching Mettaton's attention, nearby a display stand held a set of guitars, violins, banjos and other string instruments in order from date of first appearing, along with basic information on each. Looking at each, Mettaton rubbed his chin as he examined them, leaving you to explore around.

Finding a mic, you were inspecting it closely until you heard Mettaton come over to you. Looking at him, you saw he had a simple, brown painted, guitar in his hand with a basic guitar pick to go along with it. "Darling! I know what I wanna get now!" Taking another look at it, you stopped to take a peek at the price tag which was attached to the guitar turner of the instrument. Picking it up to get a much better look, you noted the price of just $69.99. Looking up at your hubby, Mettaton gave you a cute smile as if he was trying to convince you with puppy eyes to make you agree. "Fine, we can get you this one." Mettaton grinned, quickly moving to hug you with one arm whilst using the other to hold the guitar up. Separating again, Mettaton ran up to the front with his new instrument in hand and a bright smile on his face. Running up behind him, you were quick to get some cash out to help him pay, and eventually you two left after getting a few more things. Mettaton looked like a child just after getting their favorite toy, as he quickly got in your car and eagerly waited to head home, saying as much like; "feel like coming back home, darling?" "You're the one who suggested we go out in the first place?" "Oh, right-" And off you two went, venturing on with renewed energy now after managing to make a purchase. Time later, and you two soon went to the park, stopping by when mettaton pulled into the side of the road defined as parking, separate from the main road for driving. Both of you getting out, you two found yourselves enjoying the scenery, which was calming for you two with few around to disrupt the calm silence. Not even an evil geese was present. Looking across the way towards a small park, a few families were enjoying the beautiful morning weather, similarly close by, a couple kites flew while a picnic went on. A pair of adults jogged by, and a few more came from behind on bikes. Eventually finding a simple bench, you both found a seat. Cracking your knuckles, you noticed Mettaton position his guitar, placing it on his lap carefully before bringing the pick to the strings. Taking a moment, he began mimicking playing a guitar, before slowly moving them closer to start playing.

A simple drum of the guitar followed, soon a simple tune began being played. A light hum, followed by a wrong twang and a silent curse from Mettaton. Snickering, you watched as he tried again. And again, he tripped up. He went at it again, starting to get the groove on it as his fingers gracefully began moving up and down their respective parts of the guitar. Soon, what sounded like his theme song came on, and you struggled not to laugh at his choice of song to practice. Eventually, Mettaton finished with a dramatic run off with all his fingers, causing a lengthy hum to play all around till silence came to be. Applauding him, Mettaton gave you a grateful smile. Time after was spent with him practicing one song to the next, each one you two were familiar with. Eventually, morning came to an end and now the middle of the day was upon you. Lifting yourselves up and after leaving the park to just drive around for a bit, your spirits now more lifted than ever, hunger began taking over. As much as Mettaton would've loved for you two to dine at his Resort, you instead pushed him to go to Grillby's instead. Disappointed, but also complying, Mettaton drove you both straight to the fire monsters domain, where you two quickly got attention and greetings from everyone inside who smiled and waved. Lesser dogs and much of the dog squad from Snowdin present as they wag their tails and greet you.

Nearby, the jukebox in the corner played some jazz in an almost static sound that bounced off the walls. A aroma of greasy but still very tasty food wafted through the air and to your nostril while just behind the counter top, Grillby was underway in demonstrating his skills as a bartender. Flipping glasses up into the air, he caught them easily as he placed them on the countertops smooth surface, before quickly sending up one bottle and pouring some their beverage of choice, and repeat this process he did until everyone had their glass ful and began enjoying the comfortable atmosphere while Grillby turned to address you and Metta as you sat now on the counter. "...... .. ..... ......" "Just a burger and fries, you Met?" "Just my usual drink, dear." Grillby went to work with a firm nod, before a glass was quickly filled before being slid across the counter over to where Mettaton sat, while Grilly quickly went into the back to begin cooking your meal.

(To be continued)

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