When A Dream Dies Undertale: "A Few Years Later"

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(13+ Warning: Bad Language, drinking, and Depression referenced)

It was the typical life cycle of any and all stars, out there in the void of space. Born shining so bright, they could be seen from light years away, dimming slowly and gradually, before finally giving out in a powerful burst in all directions. Then dying at last. Stars came in many sizes, but also shapes even if ignoring the most obvious ones in space. Ones on earth, too, also met their end at one point or another, that through age and few would be able to live on in legend. Unfortunately, one star's own dream had to dim, before it finally went out. You had to be the one to sit back and watch as his dream came falling, crumbling to dust, all around him. Sitting there, you watched as his talk on the phone went from bad to worse, ending with some last words and insults as Mettaton yelled back; "And for YOUR information, DARLING, I don't need your lazy a*s either! Goodbye!" And with that, he slammed the phone down before turning away to stare at nothing but the wall, his eyes starting to water up and becoming blurry as you sat back and watched silently. Finally, carefully standing to your own feet, you approached Mettaton from behind before carefully reaching one hand and placing it atop his shoulder. "A-Are you alright?" "No."

"Then maybe. Maybe we can go out?" "I don't want to, dear. I don't want to do... anything." He then turned and walked off, leaving you behind and slightly hurt. He just left you like that, but what could you say? He was clearly not at his best right now, so instead you chose to give him privacy and just left. From that day forward, things only continued to go downhill. Any and all movie deals and offers dried up, customer numbers to his resort slowly went down, and most of his shows could hardly fill the seats. Only his long-time and most loyal fans stayed around, but some started to be lost to other singers and actors, leaving Mettaton with a slowly dwindling following. Finally, the network which hosted Mettaton's news channel came out to end their deal. Mettaton's soul was crushed hearing that, as he always had good ratings for his dramatics but also humor he often sprinkled in. This trend followed, with his cooking show taken off air, then his own shows and episodes became harder and harder to find on TV, till finally they too were removed. Now, only re-runs could be found, and even they were hard to access.

The final blow came when any and all potential venues for concerts stopped pursuing him for shows, and now Mettaton was the one searching. Right now, it was all he had left, and he struggled so hard to hold onto it. Desperation had set in, and you couldn't help but feel your soul break watching as he spiraled down into a state of sadness and depression, made worse when you began finding bottles all over the floor of his office, and home. Cigarettes could also be found, and one time you found him lying limp on the ground, scaring you half to death as you thought he had somehow died or was attacked, when he really had run out of battery after a particularly long night of heavy consumption. He was falling apart, both physically and mentally. It hurt, damn did it hurt. You prayed for everything to turn out well for him, for things to go right and for your best friend- Your crush, to get back to the man you fell in love with before. It all came to a head when on the night in late October, Mettaton was hosting his last show on air. He had managed to scrounge up some money left to make one last movie before the plug was finally pulled from the socket. Afterwards, Mettaton bid farewell to all his co-hosts, camera men, and staff. As he watched them leave from his resort, Mettaton was left completely and utterly alone. Tears dripped down as he wandered alone, his soul feeling as if it was just about to break, as he explored his resort for the last time. By the time the middle of the day had arrived, Mettaton felt ready enough to finally leave. Carefully packing his bag, he finally turned away and walked out from his office for the last time. It wouldn't be until that same day, late into the evening, that you learned he had been shut down. Instantly you were off that night, driving like a mad lad though not enough to get arrested, just for a ticket, straight to his house. Reaching it, you raced out from your ajar car door and up to his house. Once there, you desperately knocked until finally steps approached.

Finally, Mettaton revealed himself and he looked plainly awful. His hair was a mess, his eyes glossy, mascara ruined and sliding down his face, bottle in one hand, and body shaking. You saw this and this was what broke you that moment. You didn't want to, you didn't want to break at that moment, and wanted to remain strong for him. But it wasn't the case, and instead tears flowed down your face as you embraced Mettaton tightly as you cried into his chest. Now it was he who was left speechless and unmoving, before finally tears began to roll down his own face and he returned the hug back. Soon you both were weeping away, tears rolling down while the warmth from one another kept you from noticing the cold breeze of that night's air. Finally, you spoke up; "Please stop this... please, don't do this to yourself. Don't destroy yourself." Mettaton remained still for a time, a few moments that felt like forever. Then he sobbed before collapsing to his knees, nearly pulling you down with him as you got down on your own. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry-" He began; "I didn't mean for- this!" And he broke down into ugly sobs as you held him close, rubbing his back as you struggled to control your own emotions.

Sometime later and you found yourself carefully cleaning up the many bottles strewn on the floor, while Mettaton laid down on his bed and let his body charge. "I'll call up Alphys in the morning. She can come by and check your body for damage, and look after you while I'm gone." "Mhm" Mettaton could only hum, embarrassed and too ashamed after his episode earlier. Sparing him, you choose to leave the subject at that, as right now you were to drain yourself from a long day and especially that moment with Mettaton in your arms. It would take a while, you both needing some time, but you intended to help him no matter what to recover. You'd stick with said plan, focusing on providing him the needed support. Days turned to a week, to a month. By the end of November, he was taking care of himself, and after December and Christmas, and one emotional visit by his family and friends, including Frisk, he was feeling better. And by February of the next year, the Mettaton you knew and love was back. Though even without a show, the star still had fans. Even if the big studios or venues didn't want him, people still wanted to hear or see him sing. It took time, but as you and he learned, a star could be reborn. It was rare, and often thought impossible, but with much effort and use of a channel on Monster Tube, Mettaton found himself famous once more. It was a bit of a far cry from what he once had, but who was he to complain?

Eventually, Mettaton had enough money and fame to start again, small as it may have been, for some production work of his own. It took time, but the star was soon shining as bright as ever, and all of that had been thanks to you. Despite you denying it, Mettaton would go on to say that; "You saved me darling... You allowed my star to shine brighter than ever before~ You saved me... Thank you." And in that moment, just when you first heard it, your lips connected with his as you kissed. From there came a romance for the ages, something Sans was of course willing to make puns about, Papyrus provide 'advice' on, Alphys ship, Undyne cheer you on, Asgore encourage, Toriel advise, and Frisk to offer flirting tips, which soon turned from dating, to fiances. Then finally, on the anniversary of when Monster went free, when you first met, and finally, when you 'saved' him, you waited patiently at one end of the venue you both had gone with for the big day. Watching as Mad Dummy lead his dear cousin down the aisle, Mettaton smiled as he stared into your eyes, you doing the same until finally you both paid attention to Toriel's words as she served as the priest for your wedding.

"Do you, (Name) (Middle) (Last Name), take Mettaton, to be your lawfully wedded husband and soul partner, and in sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do."

With that, Toriel stepped back and shut the book she used, which really was a pun she had booked for show. "Then it is done, you may kiss the (Bride/Groom)." With that and you two shared a kiss, while everyone present applauded and cheered, while Papyrus cried, while Napstablook had to leave for a moment to control his emotions. In the end, you learned this; 'A Dream may die, but one day another may take its place, and shine brighter than what came before.'

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