The Final Match (2)

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Awakening after a few moments, you found yourself laying against the hard cave floor. Some pointy and sharp rocks poked you through your hero suit. Worse though was your leg, which had slammed down on a rock and was spring in pain.

It honestly scared you as you believe you broke your leg and struggled to keep calm. Then a voice spoke out to you, causing you to snap your gaze up to your left and saw Panthere Blanc laying on his side. He appeared to be in pain as well and this caused you to worry. Staggering up to your feet, you crawled over rocks and other debris and reached your partner in crime. Inspecting his body over, you saw scratches and scars, tears and rips all over his suit, which exposed silver and pink.

Reality seemed to hit you hard as you started to think of who matched those same colors, and the realization was too much for words. You fell back, totally stunned into silence as your eyes blinked quickly as you stared at your fallen friend for a few moments.


He groaned lowly as you jumped from his sudden reaction, and you watched as he sat upon his elbows and took a few moments to look around. Finally, his eyes looked towards you're down and you two stared silently at one another for what felt like forever, then the next thing you felt was two noddle arms wrapping around you're waist and pulling you close and hard metal with leather now rubbing against your skin and suit. Breathing, shaky and quick breathing was what you heard next followed by sniffles and you felt something cold and wet hit your shoulder. After a few moments you returned the hug and you two stayed that way for a few moments, almost in complete darkness say for Mettaton's own eyes and glowing heart. A few moments passed on like this until finally you two separated and looked into the other's gaze, you're (color) pupils meeting the pink once again.

Leaning in your heads, you're lips met soon enough and yous stayed that way, unable to help your feelings that exploded out.

A while later, Hawk Moth staggered out of the remains of the now destroyed elevator shaft. Coughing into his hand, he dropped his cane on the ground and struggled to even keep his balance as he leaned against a crumbled wall. He barely got out with his life, and even that was a miracle. So he took the few moments he could to just rest at last and breathe, then he stopped as he heard the sirens and flashes of police lights outside. Soon he was engulfed with light as a police chopper blasted him with a searchlight and officers with swat alike started moving in on him.

Hawk Moth froze, now realizing he was surrounded and that it was now over.

[Hawk Moth] "No... NO... NO! NOOOO!!!" He said as he punched the wall behind him, only to hear a voice shout from one of the groups of officers.

??? "Hawk Moth! But your hands UP! You're surrounded and there are NO exits! You're under arrest!"

Hawk Moth tried looking around for one last escape, but there was nothing. All of the Agreste Manor was surrounded and likely covered by the police. And even if he got outside? He would likely die trying to escape. And with that realization and the painful reality that struck him, Hawkmoth fell to his knees. Lowering his head towards the ground, he didn't react to the officers closing in, nor did he react when you and Mettaton appeared, in hero form, and took away his Miraculous. Once it was revealed, the officers were shocked but quickly arrested him and escorted Gabriel outside, where Adrien stood on the sidelines. Devastated and crushed.

The News hit Paris and soon everyone knew of who was responsible, and why. Gabriel was sentenced to life imprisonment, while Panthere Blanc and Ladybug/beetle were given a heroes celebration the following day, which they both happily attended.

The following morning though, you two met up at night and had to talk.

Landing on the rooftop you stood before Mettaton as he transformed back and Plagg floated beside him.

"Tikki spots off..."

Tikki flew up and floated beside you as you and Mettaton looked into one another's gaze, and nodded.

(Mettaton) "Are you ready Darling? Ready to... leave the hero life now?"

With a small smile and a slow tear rolling down your cheek, you gave him a firm nod before embracing him. Plagg and Tikki, both sniffling and struggling to hold it together, both joined in the group hug.

A while later, you two made you're way to Master Fu's home residence.

{Master Fu} "Are you both sure you want to give up you're miraculous's?" He asked, a worried look on his face.

You and Mettaton stood side by side, hands holding as you gave him a firm nod each and smiled.

(You) "Yes, it was fun saving Paris. But now... I think it's time for two new heroes to take our place."

[Mettaton] "Yes, as we want to settle down now and let two people we trust take up the role as protectors of Paris."

{Master Fu} "Very well, if that is what you wish? Then I shall respect your choice." And with that, you both gave up you're miraculous's and watched as Master Fu placed both away in their respective boxes before storing them elsewhere behind him. He then bid you both good luck in you're new life together and you did the same before leaving his house.

~{Time Skip}~

~{4 Years Later}~

"And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Another save done by Paris's two heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

You hummed a tune to yourself as you worked on dinner in the kitchen, meanwhile, you're love sitting on the couch along with a small boy who had strong resemblances to both you and Mettaton. He had you're (Colored) eyes and Mettaton's hair and nose. He was much like you when it came to personality though, but did have moments where he was, as you describe, "Metta but much MUCH smaller!".

Mettaton held you're son in his lap, the two watching the TV as they waited for Mettaton's newest movie to come out and start playing.

???: "OOOOOoooo! DAD! DAD! Can I be a COOL HERO life CHAT NOIR AND LADYBUG!?!" He asked with as much energy as his father showed when performing on stage. Mettaton looked down at him and nodded as he smiled at his son.

(Mettaton Ex) "Of course Impact! You can be just like them, a hero to help others and give them hope!"

You chuckled as you listened to their conversation, hearing just how excited you're son would be since tomorrow he might get the chance to meet his other favorite heroes, Chat Noir and Ladybug (his first were still you and Mettaton, or as he said when he was only five: "DADA and DADA/MOMMY are MY HEROS!!! Only they are and I love them!". Gosh did you love this child and his cuteness...).

And with that, you walked over, carrying plates of food which you gave to Impact, then Mettaton and sat beside him on you're couch. It was already dark outside, but since it was a weekend, you decided to let Impact stay up and spend your time watching a nice movie together. And why not one with you're handsome robot husband of course~?

You felt your heartbeat increase as you lay your head against you're husband's, he doing the same after a moment. You two stayed that way until you felt him shift slightly and look towards you before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

(Mettaton) "I love you~,"He said in his smooth, yet calming voice."I love you Too~"

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