"High Hopes"

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Core Melt-Down AU

What had once been a normal day in the Underground, had quickly transformed itself into a nightmare almost instantly overnight. During the late evening hours, just after 7 and when the sun was gone, it had begun. What started was a ripple under everyone's feet, followed by the sight of cracks forming on the ceiling above. Confusion took over followed by panic. Monsters were left confused on just what was happening now, and why the Underground was cracking in several places. Forced from your home which rested in Snowdin, you watched as several residents quickly raced out of their homes carrying personal items and as many things they could away with them. Soon parts of Snowdin were abandoned, say for the few left running behind in the dust. Worried now, you were quick to follow suit with packing what you needed, and your most treasured items, before placing a backpack on your back while carrying a simple suitcase in one hand and raced out. Running out, Snowdin Library was already in the middle of being abandoned, with the poor lizard who owned the establishment taking flight. A pair of newspapers laid just up front of the place, the two newspaper editors having left far sooner. The same story came with Grillby's, the flame monster being helped by several members of the Dog Squad in Snowdin. Lesser Dog, Dogamy and Dogaressa, Doggo, Greater Dog, each helped lead citizens away while others helped Grillby pick up the last of his food stuffs and items before escaping.

Eventually you found yourself out of Snowdin, the Riverperson still waiting by the small dock, whilst you were joined by others onto his boat. A moment later he was off speeding down the open caverns and through the dark hallways. Eventually the Riverperson arrived at last in Hotland, where everyone departed followed by the river person turning back to pick up anyone left. Soon enough and everyone had raced through Hotland, nearly a mob, desperately racing to the Capital and to the castle. There, Asgore was left unable to speak as he watched from atop the castle's walls, his eyes fixed to the sight of the core as it began to vibrate. Once, then a second, then a third. Lava splashed and was forced aside, while above smoke began to build up, desperately searching for an exit to escape through. Then began the ceiling collapse, as above pieces of earth crumbled away and fell to the lava and ground below. Conveyor belts started to go hey-wire, often tiring themselves apart. Pipes snapped from place, allowing smoke to start building from all over. Steam burst through the seams, as the core continued to rumble violently in place. Then began its own collapse, as many watched on in horror as a massive pipe attached to the ceiling above shuddered before finally coming lose and falling into the lava below. The sudden crash of a massive item caused a wave of lava to crash to all sides facing the core.

Toxic gas arose from the flames and ground, cracks forming on platforms and walkways just above the lava. Then one gave way. Then another. Then another. Soon the core began to fall all around while inside, the core was unable to sustain itself much longer. Inside was a mess as smoke was vented in while lava began to boil hotter and hotter. Then a blast went. Then a second, followed closely by a third. Each one caused raptures to appear throughout while the core began to tip to one side. Parts from all sides fell away and into the lava below. Outside, and watching from the shore, dozens of monsters swarmed ahead as they shouted to their fellow monsters ahead of them to pick up the pace. The elevator was worked overtime, while Muffet was forced to allow many through her home and MTT Resort. At said Resort, the staff quickly ushered the panicked crowd through the Lobby and in the direction away from the core and towards the other route to the capital. This went on and on for a time, leaving several monsters to fall off the path in a few places, only to be quickly rescued by either Muffet, Royal Guards, Undyne herself, or even Sans and Papyrus. Together, the team worked hard as Monsters followed them out and away from the Core. It wouldn't be long until it finally exploded to pieces and gave away.

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