A Soul in Need

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(Warnings): Following includes cruel language, disrespect to characters, hurtful words, and depression. Plus comfort, confession, and some fluff.

As Mettaton sat only in his dressing room, his eyes wandered across the screen. Said screen, which was that of his computer, was the only light in the room that dimly lit it enough to see roughly everything inside. However, that was of no concern, neither were the calls of his friends and love or family. Instead, his eyes were glued to the computer screen before him. As he stared on, now with both eyes exposed and looking, an oily liquid flowed slowly down either side of his face. The oil left a slow trail, one that reached his chin before dripping down onto his pants, which each left a small wet mark but he paid no mind. Instead, he just continued to stare and read, doing so only causing his soul to seemingly crack more and more. The glow from his stomach slowly dimmed, growing fainter and fainter as he continued on. As he strolled slowly through the messages, he couldn't help but ask himself this; 'Why do they all hate me? What did I do wrong? I only wanted to be their star . . . The Star they could love and look up to . . . And this? This is what I get?' he said as he continued to read through the cruel and mean texts sent to him through his message board. They, having been moments ago so much fun to read and enjoy as he read fan mail, slowly became weirder and cruel until finally . . . He felt like he had been rejected.

These people were so critical, or worse, rude or cruel. They talked poorly about him, his cousin, his co-star, even his employees! Everything! They called Blooky a scary ghost or an unwanted waste of space! Far worse followed them up. Shyren? A creepy fish freak! A disgusting and smelly weird sea creature that belonged in an Aquarium! Burgerpants? A lazy, perverted cat or worse! And Mettaton?

"A 'Entertainment-bot' from the underground? Yeah... CLEARLY an Adult Film Star!!! The freak!"

"Is it even alive? Or just some crappy machine some moron tossed together?"

"Just look at those boots! WOW, a prostitute much? Would explain a lot!"

"Such a whore! Moaning all over the stage and strutting her stuff! Disgusting!"

And it went on, and on, and on . . . Attacks on him, his appearance, personality, sense in fashion . . . Why did he think being a star for humans would be a good idea? THEY HATED HIM!!! ALL OF THEM!!! They wanted him gone!! They wanted him to go away along with all monsters! They thought he was a waste of time! They degraded him! That's not even saying anything about all the creepy 'fan mail' and messages he was sent over the years as well! Apparently, several 'Film Studios' needed him for his 'apparently' special talents? Yeah, like HECK he would do ANYTHING THAT DEGRADING!!!

Slamming his fist down, everything on his table jumped up before landing back down on the wooden surface all over. Sighing angrily, he reached over to the small tissue box off to the side and proceeded to wipe his eyes, before blowing his nose. Tossing the tissue aside, it landed on a huge pile of other tissues, he shook his head before turning around and laid down on the couch he had recently added to the room. Laying on it, he grabbed a pillow and placed it behind his back, and got comfortable. Once settled in, he reached for the blanket his love (Name) had got him for his birthday, they had believed the star deserved something nice and soft so he could relax easily. Wait... "Name," he said aloud, he reached once more for his phone and cringed internally at the sight of the missed calls and texts. Pushing those concerns aside, he searched through his contacts and quickly found your number. Next thing, he brought his phone to his ear and waited. While he waited, he began humming his theme song to himself to try and occupy himself as he waited to call you. As he did, he soon was lost in his own thoughts when he suddenly heard your voice which made him jump from fear. Blinking as he tried to process what you said, you then heard it. "Metta! Are you alright!? I have been trying to call you for half an hour! Me and Blooky are worried sick! Look, I'm on my way right now! I'll be outside in a couple of minutes! See you then!" You said as you drove through the streets, it thankfully being late, meant that the streets were mostly empty which allowed you to drive over to the studio far faster than you could have in the daytime.

As you raced on you finally spotted the studio and made a b line for it, you basically pulled a sudden u-turn and went straight into the parking lot. Not even bothering to park properly, you jumped out of the car and ran inside, using the password that Metta told you, to enter through the front entrance. Racing inside, you noticed just how empty and lonely the place felt at night when everyone was at home. Pushing the eerie sense aside, you raced past several doors and down a couple of hallways before arriving backstage and where Metta's and several guest/dressing rooms were located. Once there, you easily found Metta's door with the star's name proudly displayed above the door and in a pinkish font. Slamming the door open you ran inside and gave a once-over look all over the room, then your gaze spotted him. Metta was curled up in a ball on the sofa, the blanket you got him wrapped around his whole body like a child's wood if trying to hide, only with his head exposed. His cheeks were stained with a combination of oily tears and mascara.

His eyes wide, he stared back at you, not even moving an inch from his spot. The moment was slow, you two just caught in this staredown between one another, not turning away. Finally, you approached him which caused Metta to blush faintly and looked away. This reaction caused you to smile, even after all the years spent together, he could still be so cute and shy sometimes. Taking a seat beside Metta, you slowly wrapped your arms around his midsection and pulled. Of course, he was a little too heavy to pull, so Metta helped by moving himself over and sat between your legs, laying his head on your shoulder. Closing his eyes, he seemed to relax in your embrace as you rubbed his back slowly. Thankfully he had removed his shoulder pads which made it easy to rest your chin on his shoulder to give your neck a rest. As you held one another, you heard a faint sniffle as Metta's arms slowly wrapped around your chest and midsection in return. Time seemed to stop as the moment continued between you two, uninterrupted.

Finally, you felt Mettaton's weight fully on your body, and you realized he had fallen asleep. Sighing, you smiled knowing he had at least stopped crying for now. Managing to send one quick text out to Alphys and the gang, you placed your phone down again and managed to lay back on the couch, your head against both a pillow and armrest. Was comfortable, as well as ensuring Metta's full body weight wasn't on you, you soon felt your eyes droop before finally, you fell asleep.

(The Following Morning)

As you began cleaning Metta's room, you paused as you glanced towards his computer and noticed something. The screen was still on and showed his messages, this caused you to pause your work and approached to get a better look. You took a moment and considered what you should do, either take a peek which you worried would be invading his privacy, or just shutting off his computer and letting be. Before you decided, however, you noticed one of the messages. You took a moment to think of what you just read, then without thinking began looking through the messages, slowly reading each one. As you did so, you felt the anger begin to rise within you, your hold on the mouse slowly being squeezed. Finally, after reading only a few, you proceed to delete them, seemingly everything single one.

Each one you could find, until finally, you had removed them all. Once done you lowered your head, shaking it as you tried so hard not to cry now. You were both so angry, but also so upset. 'What is wrong with people?' you asked yourself as you tried so hard not to cry. As you did, you heard something move behind you which was followed by a soft groan. Turning to the couch, you saw Metta awake, now sitting up with the blanket still covering him. Once he stretched, which was more for the show if we're being honest (Wink! Wink!) He turned and looked around the room, only for his eyes to find yours and he smiled. However his smile soon disappeared once he noticed your expression, and he soon began to speak. "Darling, what-" He was silenced instantly when you suddenly tightly hugged him, holding him as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

Metta froze up, unmoving now until he finally returned your embrace, and nuzzled your neck. Your words were what finally caused him to sniffle, but a smile came to his face. "Don't ever let anyone try to put you down . . . I love you for who you are, and what you stand for. I'm more than proud, and I love you with all my heart."

With that, you two were soon on your way home to spend the day together, soon forgetting what either of you had read as the happiness replaced the pain and sorrow either of you felt.

(The End)

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