Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

We just finished getting everything in the hotel     We were about to go to a park when Cami ran past me to the bathroom. I ran after her and pulled her hair up while she threw up the little food she had eaten. "It's ok Cami. Let it out. Breath baby girl" I kept saying. After was done she fell back in my arms and cried. Looks like we aren't going to the park. "Cami lets take a bath ok" she nodded. She was four so I knew she couldn't do it all herself. She got undressed and got in. She washed her hair and body and then got out. I got her her pajamas and brushed her hair. As I was brushing it more and more was coming out. Cami noticed it too. "Daddy can u please shave it. It's gonna fall out soon anyways." My strong smart princess. "Only if u want to" I said she nodded. I cut her hair and then shaved it. After we were done she was completely bald. She looked at herself in the mirror. I noticed her arms we scared. Not like cutting scars but someone hurt her. I never noticed before cause she usually wore long sleeves. "Ready for bed Cami?" She nodded. "Ok we have to get up early because we have a concert and interview tomorrow." She looked at me and nodded so I knew she understood but she was too tired to talk. I picked her up and put her in my bed. "Night baby" "night daddy" she mumbles back. She was out like a light. I walked out to the living room to see everyone. "Cami got sick and fell asleep so we will have to go another time. And ummm guys Cami wanted me to shave her hair off." They looked shocked. "She asked you to?!" Zayn said. I nodded "yes. She said it was going to happen soon anyways...I...." I trailed off and let a tear slip past my eyes. "Awww Harry. It's okay. She's a strong girl." Liam said. I was then wrapped in a one direction group hug. We all settled down to watch a movie. That was soon interrupted by Cami screaming. I sighed. "I'll be back cami's having another nightmare" I walked into the room and picked Cami up and held her close. "It's okay Cami it's Daddy wake up." This time she wouldn't wake up I didn't know what else to do. "Lads!!!!!get in here" I yelled. They all came running in. "Sing they don't know about us" they slowly started singing. Cami started to calm down and was peacefully asleep again. We all walked out. "Sorry I didn't know what else to do she wouldn't calm down" "it's okay you are really good with her Harry. You really do love her." I nodded. "I really do" "well we do to" they added.

Cami's POV

"CAMERON MARIE SMITH GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" My dad screamed. I was terrified. I shot up and ran down stairs maybe if I get there fast he won't hurt me. "Yes d-da-daddy" I stuttered. He punched me in the eye. I screamed out in pain. "Speak right" he yelled. I couldn't really talk with out stuttering because I was scared. I nodded. He started kicking and punching me. He did this a lot but this time I thought it was it. I thought I was dieing. I closed my eyes and heard a fimilar song. "They don't know about the things we do they don't know about the I love you's but I bet..." Slowly I calmed down. I mush be dead.
I awoke with a start. I jumped. I was confused then I realized that I was in the hotel with my dad. I looked over and he was asleep. I looked at the clock and it was 2:00 am. I don't know what that means other than its not time to get up yet. I rolled over and faced Harry. He seemed to know I was there and wrapped his arms around me. "Go back to sleep princess"he mumbled. Oops I woke him up. " sorry daddy I didn't mean to wake u up I'm going back to sleep." I said. "It's okay. I love you baby girl" he said. " I love u too" I yawned and fell asleep like that.
I woke up hearing a camera click and awwing. I opened my eyes to see I was still cuddled up to daddy and my uncles were taking pictures of us. "Morning Cami" thy all said. "Mmmmm" I groaned. "It's to early" I mumbled but it came out like "is moo erwee" they all laughed. I felt my dad move beside me. Then he finally opened his eyes. "Morning princess" he said. "g'morning" I said. He looked around. "Hey send me those pictures" he said. "How did u know we took pictures" louis replied all sassily. "I know u guys and why else would u be in here." They laughed and left us to get dressed. My dad picked me up and got me congee real quick then unhooked me from my chemo pole that I use when I sleep and put on my backpack that carries the iv's that inserts the chemo in both my arms. He looked at me. "Cami can u tell me about your dream last night. I tried to wake u up but u wouldn't so sing and then u relaxed. Please tell me what happened so I can help you." He said. "It was another flashback. I thought I was dieing then I heard people singing they don't know about us and I closed my eyes. I thought I was dead but I woke up at 2 and that's when u told me to go back to bed." I said. He nodded. "Okay. Thank you for telling me. Now go ask uncle Liam to get u breakfast. I love you. And you look so pretty today" I blushed and ran off to find Liam. "Uncle Liam. Can u please get me some breakfast?" I asked. "Sure baby girl what would u like." He asked picking me up and setting me on the counter. "Can I have some lucky charms please" "of coarse" he said getting it for me. He got it all and put it on the table. Then he came back and put me on the ground. I walked over and starting eating. I ate as much as I could but soon I started feeling sick. I wasn't puking yet but my tummy hurt bad. I started to cry. Niall ran in and came to me. "Hey cam cam. What's wrong?"  He asked. I pointed to my tummy. "It's okay baby girl.  Just rest" he picked me up and put on the couch with Zayn. Zayn picked me up and sat me on his lap. I payed my head on his chest. "I figured it out I figured it out from black and white seconds and hours" I started to get sleepy and soon fell asleep.

Harry's POV

I was all ready and getting a little bag packed for Cami for today when Niall came in. "Hey Cami was crying satin her stomach really hurts. I sat her on the couch with Zayn." He said. I nodded and finished packing. "It really sucks because it's part of the chemo and I can't give her anything." I told Niall. "Yea. She's a strong girl. She'll make it. Oh and I like her outfit" Niall laughed. She was wearing a one direction shirt and blue skinny jeans with white converse. "She picked the shirt" I said putting my hands up laughing. He chuckled. I got the bag and walked out with him. I saw Cami asleep in zayns lap. "When are we leaving?" I asked. "Paul will be here in minutes. I nodded and got yogurt from the fridge. After I ate it I picked up cami's dishes and got her a soppy cup with apple juice and some snacks and put that in her bag as well. "Pauls here" I heard Niall yell. "Coming. " I yelled back. I grabbed the stuff and walked out to see Cami was half awake. I picked her up because I knew people were outside. "Remember what I said about the loud noises okay. Just plug your beats and close your eyes." She nodded. We walked out and quickly got to the car. There was loads of screaming and questions about who Cami was.

Once we got to the studio we met up with everyone and I sat Cami on the couch with her things and the bag I packed her. I gave her the iPad and told her where her juice is. "If u need any of us just get us okay. And be careful okay" she nodded. We all got our stuff ready and soon we were told it was time for the interview.

The interviewer asked us questions about how your was and all that. Then it got to the part we expected. "So who is this little cutie" she asked showing a picture of Cami that I posted on Twitter of us at the hospital. "I think Harry's got that one" Louis laughed.  " it might just be better if I bring her out." I said the crowd cheered. I got up and walked over to where Cami was standing. I picked her up. "Don't worry they will love you" I whispered knowing she was scared. I walked out and everyone one cheered. I sat down and sat Cami on my lap. "This is Cami and I adopted her a few weeks ago. She is four years old and has leukemia. So she always has this backpack to carry her iv's around because she has to have portable chemo." I said. The crowd awwed and cheered. So did the interviewer. "So how do u like living with one direction." The interviewer asked Cami. "It's really fun. We always laugh or watch movies or dance" we all laughed as she went on. Soon it was time to go and we were headed off stage when someone yelled "she's so ugly" I turned around with all the other boys to see where it came from but the person was gone. When I looked for Cami I saw she was gone. I ran to our dressing room to see her on the floor crying.

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