Chapter 8

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Cami's POV
I woke up and I didn't have any bad dream. I looked at the clock it was 8:30 am. I knew it was okay to get up but I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I got up grabbed my portable sleep chemo and walked out. No one was in the living room so I just sat down with my iPad and started watching Frozen.
About half way through the movie Liam walked into our room from his. I looked up. "Hi uncle li" I said. He looked up "oh hey Cami. I didn't think anyone was awake." "I woke up at 8:30" I said. He nodded. "Do u want me to get you out of your sleep medicine." I nodded my head yes. "Alright let's go babe" he picked me up and carried me to my room and grabbed the bag and let me pick a t shirt to wear. I chose a blue long sleeve shirt with 1D across the front. Uncle li just laughed and grabbed my gray vans and some skinny jeans. We walked into the bathroom and got changed. He was careful with the iv's after I was all changed he took me to get breakfast at McDonald's. "What do u want baby girl " he asked. I pointed at a breakfast barito. He nodded and ode red food for everyone. We got into the car and drove back. Once we were back. We walked in to see everyone in my room. "Guys we got breakfast" Niall came running over. I looked around and noticed my dad still wasn't up. I walked in to our room and over to him. "Daddy" I whispered. He groaned and opened his eyes. "Hey baby girl." He said. "Morning daddy me and uncle li went and got McDonalds for breakfast." He looked at the clock. "How long have u been awake?" "Since 8:30" I replied. "Uncle li got me changed after he woke up." Daddy nodded. "You could've gotten me up" he said. "I didn't wanna wake u up." "You know u can always get me if u need to. I will be happy to help u okay." I nodded. "I love you princess and you look so pretty today" "I love u too daddy". He lifted me up and carried me out to the food. "I'm gonna take a shower. You eat okay" I nodded as Harry left. I was eating my food when I heard Niall and Louis start fighting.
I walked down stairs to see my dad and my uncle fighting. They were both punching each other. I yelled at them to stop but they couldn't here me. "PLEASE STOP" I kept screaming. My dad stopped and came towards me with a kn-" "CAMI snap out of it. It's all over." Harry yelled holding me closer. I looked at Harry "daddy please make these go away I don't wanna see him anymore. I don't wanna feel the pain!" I said.

Harry's POV

"daddy please make these go away I don't wanna see him anymore. I don't wanna feel the pain!" Cami said. That literally broke my heart. I felt tears sting my eyes but I pushed them down for her. I held her close. "Hey guys I'm going to see my mum today with Cami we are gonna head out. Thanks for the food Liam." I said. "Yep no problem. Tell Anne we miss her" Liam said and they all nodded. I packed a small bag for Cami that had her iPad, juice, snacks, sweatshirt and some other things. She had her little backpack that held the chemo. My strong beautiful baby girl. We got to the car and I put Cami in her car seat. "Daddy where r we going." Cami asked. "To see your new grandma and aunt Gemma" I replied. I turned on the radio while Cami played on her iPad. While making the hour drive to my moms I started thinking...what can I do to make Cami feel better. We have shows for the next 5 days then we have a day break.  I will talk to the boys and see what to do. At least Cami has a friend. Her and Lux hit it off really well. Lux loves her. "Cami how did u like hanging out with lux "i asked. She started talking on and on about how she loves lux. I listened and chuckled.
After talking for a little bit and singing to songs on the radio we arrived at my old house. Man I miss this place. I grabbed cami's bag and she got her chemo bag. I picked her up and walked up to the door. I know it's my house but I knocked anyway. I heard someone yell I'll get it. Then a second later Gemma opened the door. She screamed and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged her back the best I could with Cami right there. "Gemma this is Cami Cami this is aunt Gemma" I said. I put Cami down and Gemma hugged her. "Hi Cami. Omg your so pretty" she said. Cami blushed. "Your really pretty too aunt Gemma. " Cami said back. Gemma awwed. We walked in and I saw my mom in the kitchen. She still didn't notice me. "GET OUT MY KITCHEN" I yelled and laughed. She jumped and turned around. "Harry baby I missed you. AND DONT EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT " she laughed. "Cami this is your grandma." I said. Cami was really shy with new people. She waved. "Your so pretty Cami." She blushes again. "So are you" Cami replied. We talked some more then after catching up we decided to watch a movie because cami's ammune system wasn't the best right now. I called the doctor about it yesterday and they made me give her a mask to wear in public. She hated it so I decided to have a movie day. We were all cuddled on the couch watching dolphin tale. We were half way through and I noticed Cami fell asleep. She sleeps a lot because the chemo makes her really weak. Gemma and my mom were really into the movie. We were at the part where they make the final tail when Cami started screaming bloody murder. My mom and Gemma looked scared to death. I put hand up saying I got this. I picked Cami up and held her to my chest cradling her. I whispered everything's okay and it's all a dream or its all over. She started to have a panic attack so I started singing. "Look at the stars look how they shine for you..." She slowly calmed down and was back asleep. I decided to put her in my room. I came back down stairs. My mom looked at me saying explain. "So Cami has had a really rough past. Along with chemo her mom died and her dad abused her. She gets these awful flashbacks and panic attacks and the only way to calm her is to sing to her. She had one earlier today and..." I had to pause thinking about what she said and it just tore me apart "she told me she just wanted to forget it all an feel better and it really sucks that I can't take away all the pain." I didn't realise I was crying till Gemma wiped the tears and pulled into a hug. "Your really good with her Harry. She's a strong little girl" I nodded. That she was. We all cuddled back onto the couch and finished the movie. I was in the kitchen with Gemma and my mom when I heard Cami cry. This wasn't a normal I'm having a bad dream cry it was much more. I started freaking out and ran up stairs my room. What I saw just broke my heart. Officially broke it.
A/N song on side is yellow by Coldplay. I should update another chapter by tomorrow or Friday
Xxx Payton

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