Chapter 90

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Cami's POV

I was back at the store with aunt Gemma. Walking down the aisles when I saw him again. I pulled aunt gemma's arm to get her attention but it's like I was invisible. My father pulled the gun out and smirked. I quickly jumped Infront as the gun went off but this time it didn't hit me. It flew past my chest and hit aunt gem in the stomach. "NO!" I screamed. I watched as my father picked me up and pulled me away from aunt gem leaving her there crying in pain. "AUNT GEM!" I yelled. "I love you Cami"! She said. My father dragged me out of the store and suddenly we were back home. My home. Where papa and daddy and uncles lived. We walked in and I saw everyone I loved tied down to chairs with tape over they're mouth. "Don't hurt them!" I yelled. He just laughed. "Oh I won't...they get to watch me hurt you!" He laughed hitting me in the face. I cried as his hand left a print on my left cheek. I heard everyone try and scream but it was no use. Suddenly he pulled out the gun and pointed it at daddy. "NO!" I yelled jumping up but he just pushed me back down. I saw how papa started crying and struggling to get free while daddy sat there tears going down his face. I closed my eyes and screamed BANG!

  I sat straight up in bed. I felt like I couldn't breath. The tears flowed down my cheeks and my body shook. I gasped for air tried to call out but nothing worked. I saw foot steps go by my door so I started banging on my dresser and soon Uncle Zayn came running in. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Cami calm down! Breath okay. Watch in out" he said. I tried but it wouldn't work. I started crying harder. "HARRY! LOUIS!" Zayn yelled. Soon everyone was in my room. I watched as daddy ran over to me. "Cami shh remember. In out. It's okay. Please you have to calm down!" I tried and tried but I couldn't stop gasping for air. Daddy picked me up and ran to the bathroom and turned on the water filling a cup. He carefully tilted my head back and poured the water into my mouth. I started coughing and choaking but after daddy patted my back it stopped and I could finally breath. I fell into his arms and cried. I hated this! Daddy sat there and comforted me while I cried.

Daddy helped me get dressed in some black leggings and a white pink sweater with white ughs and Papa French braided my hair in 2 braids. "Ready to go?" Papa asked. I nodded. I had a doctors appointment today. They had to make sure the cancer was still gone. I walked down stairs and said bye to my uncles and waked out with daddy and papa.

"Cameron Styles?" Someone called. Daddy and papa stood up so I followed them and we walked into a light green room with a bed/ table thing and two chairs.

Harry's POV

"Hello guys. I'm dr Duncun. How are you today?" The doctor came in and shook our hands. "Good thank you" I said. "So your here for the monthly scans correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright I'll just take Cami here down the hallway to the scan room then we'll be back" I nodded but Cami looked scared. I looked her straight in the eyes and nodded. She gave me a small smile saying she understood that she was going to be just fine.

The doctor and Cami came back 10 minutes later. "The scans are printing should be done in a few minutes. Is there anything else you need." He asked. "Actually there is. Can we talk out side?" I asked. Cami and Louis looked at me confused but I ignored it and went out side the room. "What's up" he asked. "So Cami's been through a lot. Abusive home, Cancer, kidnapped, shot, and her aunt just died. My sister. And she gets these nightmares no flashbacks of them and Wales up screaming bloody murder and can't breath. This morning we had an incident. She was gasping for air and no matter how hard we tried she wouldn't calm down and couldn't breath. I poured a glass of water down her throat which of course made her choke a little but after coughing she could breath. Is there anything we can do for these?" I said telling the story. "Well we can give you a breathing treatment for when she can't breath, it's an oxygen mask, you put it right over her face and also an inhaler but as for the nightmares there's nothing we can do for a little girl her age. Just calm her down as much as possible." He said. I nodded. "I'll go get the results and her mask. " he said. I nodded and went back to the room.

"What was that all about?" Louis whispered when I sat down. Cami was playing a game on my phone so she wasn't listening. "I told him about Cami's freak outs and he said all he can do is give us an oxygen mask for when she can't breath oh and an inhaler but they can't stop the nightmares or flashbacks." I said. "Oh." Was all he said. I sighed contently as Louis layed his head on shoulder. I smiled and rubbed his back. We've been so apart lately. Not physically just mentally. Ya know we sleep in the same bed and live in the same house but haven't had big conversations or had us time like cuddling. It's always just straight to bed. With everything that's been going on I've been distant. I just want Cami to be happy again. She's getting there. But these flashbacks and nightmares is what's keeping her from being a happy 4 year old.

My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor walking in the door. He sat the scans on a light so we could see them clearly. "Cami's results are just fine! There are no traces of cancer anywhere! We still need to do monthly check ups but I'm pretty sure this little one is on she final road to recovery!" He said. I smiled and louis and I thanked him. I turned toward Cami and picked her up since she was making grabby hands.

"How was it?" Liam asked as we walked back into the house. "Good. This girl has no sign of cancer!!!" I said. Liam smiled as did Zayn and Niall since they heard the news. I explained to them about the breathing machine and inhaler for Cami and they already knew how it worked so now if there was ever a problem like this morning which I hope not we've got in under control.

We were all sat on the couch and it was about 3pm when Cami jumped up. "We play footie? PLEASE!!" She begged. I laughed as everyone's eyes lite up. "Of course!" Niall said going to get the ball. That's how the rest of our day went. Playing games of footie and having a cookout.

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