Chapter 87

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Cami's POV

I heard people talking around me and opened my eyes to see papa and the doctor talking. I looked over and saw daddy was still asleep. I sat up carefully and Papa looked over. "Morning cam" he said. "Morning papa" I smiled back. I went to move but I moaned in pain. "Cami your going to need to be careful. Your stitches are still healing and we don't want them pulling. It's going to be sore for awhile but just be careful" the doctor said. I nodded.

"Ready to go?" Daddy asked me. I nodded. He woke up a little bit ago and helped me change so I could finally go home. I can't wait to see Aunt Gem and thank her for saving me.

Daddy help me out of bed then carried me to the car that papa parked out front. "Thank you" I smiled as he set me down carefully. Soon enough we were on our way HOME! I can't wait to be home. I miss being there will daddy and papa and all my uncles.

I smiled as we pulled into the driveway. Daddy walked over and helped me get out while papa grabbed all the bags from the hopsital and their vacation. When we walked in I saw uncle Niall uncle Liam uncle Zayn and grandma Anne standing by the door. "CAMI!" They yelled and started toward me. "Careful. Stitches!" Papa yelled walking back down the stairs. They stopped and each gave me hug. "I miss you guys!" I said hugging them back. "We missed you to bug!" Niall said. We all went to the kitchen and had lunch together, hamburgers and Mac and cheese, my favorite!

Everyone went to the living room to watch a movie before grandma had to leave. I stayed back with daddy and papa to ask them something. "Daddy papa. Where's aunt gem?" I asked. I saw how daddy and papa looked at each other like they were afraid. "Cami remember how I said you needed a new heart. " I nodded. "Well aunt gem gave you hers and you only have 1 heart and you can't live without it..." I looked at them confused because daddy looked really sad. So did papa. "Cami baby aunt Gemma went to uh heaven." Papa said. I stopped. Heaven. No. I felt my eyes start to water. "No! Aunt gem is here. She has to be! She can't leave! I love her! Daddy make her come back!" I cried. Daddy ran over to me crying as well. "Babe I'm so sorry. I love her too but we can't make her come back! Cami she wanted to save you because you saved her!" Daddy said trying to not cry. "No papa daddy! I don't want her to leave! AUNT GEM COME BACK!" I yelled crying. I saw grandma and uncles all run in with a sad look on their face. I saw papa walk over to me and daddy was sobbing. I got up and ran to my room. I didn't know what else to do.

Harry's POV

I watched as Cami stormed up the stairs. I got up to after her but my mom stopped me. "Haz baby let her have a minute!" I just collapsed in her arms. "Mom what are we gonna do?" I cried. She strolled my back. It always calmed me down. "Hey baby we are fine! Cami is four! She doesn't understand why her aunt left her. But one day she will. She's going to be sad but you have to keep reminding her that gem loved her. She wanted this! Tell yourself that too baby! We're all going to miss her! But she's here Haz. She'll always be. Remember that!" She said. I sniffled. I calmed down a lot I knew she was right. I knew that from the start but it doesn't help the breaking of my heart when Cami screams for her to come back. "Now go check on Cami I gotta go baby I love you! Tell cami I love her. " she said. "Love you mom" with that she left. I turned and saw that Louis was still there but the boys must've left to give us privacy. He walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. "I love you!" I said. "I love you babe! Let's go check on her" I nodded and we walked up the stairs.

"Go away!" I heard a small voice say as I knocked on her door. "Cami baby it's papa and me. Please open the door!" I said. She didn't say anything so I knocked again. "Cami please! We want to talk to you baby girl! I know your upset but please open the door" Louis tried. We both knew it was un locked but we wanted her to open the door. We wanted her to come to us. "I don't want talk. I want aunt gem!" I heard her cry. I looked up at Louis this was harder than I thought. I sighed knowing she wasn't gonna let us in so I sat down and leaned again the door Louis doing the same thing. "Cami we all want aunt Gemma back. I know it's hard. You loved her! But she loved you too. She loved all of us. That's why she did this...she didn't want to see us in pain. We are hurting anyways and that not what aunt gem would've wanted" I said. Louis grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Cami still wouldn't say anything so I kept going. "Cami don't be sad...I know it's hard. I'm sad too but I have all you have to do is remember the good times and funny time with her. She's still with you Cami just like your mom. You just can't see them. Their your angels. They protect you know! They always will!" I said. I suddenly remembered something. The letter that Gemma wrote there was a necklace inside. I reached for my back pocket and pulled out the small heart shaped locket. I opened it up and saw a picture of gem and Cami. It was from when they went out to have dinner. I smiled at the memory. "Cam I have something for you, actual its from aunt gem. Can I please come in to give it to you?" I asked. I didn't hear anything and I was about to try again when the door opened and Louis and I fell to the floor. Cami laughed. "Hey you think that's funny, don't you!" Louis jokes and tacklers her tickling her sides but careful of her stitches. "Papa! No! I sorry!" She laughed. I smiled. She was laughing. She wasn't sad right now and it made my heart swell.

"Aunt gem gave this to me for you..." I said handing it to her. "It's a locket, inside is a picture of all of us. Now you know everywhere you go she'll be with you!" I said. Cami smiled and one tear ran down her cheek. "Hey remember don't be sad!" I said. She nodded the yawned. "I think someone's tired!" I laughed tickling her. She giggled. "Alright good night Cami. I love you!" Louis and I said kissing her forehead. She must've changed when she came up here cause i noticed she had on a pair of pajamas...that matched with a pair gem had. I wanted to cry but image myself not. Gemma didn't want this! I kept reminding myself.

A/N I know the kid is lux but pretend it's not!!! That's the picture in the locket!
Payton xxx

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