Chapter 100

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Louis POV

I looked over and saw Cami asleep. I know it's been a hard day for her. I honestly don't understand Cami. Like she's a perfect girl! Perfect! But there's so many things wrong around her. Her past mainly. But there's so much she shouldn't be going through at 4 almost 5 years old. Her first friend gone. She's heartbroken with everything that's happened and I don't know how she's still so strong.

We pulled up to the house everyone getting out and me grabbing a fast asleep Cami. She didn't even moved as I picked her up. All the boys went there separate ways heading to there rooms. It's been a long day and it's 7:30. Harry followed me up the stairs to get Cami ready for bed. I carefully put her in her bed while Harry grabbed her pajamas. Harry changed her carefully and quietly before tucking her in. "daddy?" I heard her whisper. "Yes baby?" Harry asked. "No leg. Hurt. " she said. He pulled back the covers and carefully took off her fake leg. I sighed when I saw she had red raw sling around it. It was rubbing. "Aw babe. Here I'll put some salve on it. " I said. I got the stuff from the cabinet and put it on. By the time I looked up she was already fast asleep again. Harry and I finished tucking her in before heading to our own room.

"What about tomorrow do you think she will want to go?" Harry asked. "I don't know babe. We can ask her tomorrow and see if she feels up to it. " I said. He nodded. It was quiet for a while. Just Louis and Harry laying together. They both knew this week was going to be interesting. With recording starting up again and Jase coming home and Cami going to school knowing her best friend won't be there.

"Lou?" Harry said he voice bearly above a whisper. "Yeah?" "Thank you. " he said. I looked at him confused. "For what?" "For saving me. For being a perfect father to Cami and now Jase. For loving and being patient with me. It honestly means the world and I don't think I would've been able to go through any of this without you. I love you Louis! More than you'll ever know!" He said. I looked down at him "Harry you saved me! And I wouldn't ever give up on you! Never! Your my world! My everything! I love you...more than you will ever know!" I said kissing his lips. It was a long passionate kiss but nothing more and those kisses were the best. The ones that said what words couldn't.

  Harry's POV

I heard crying coming from the monitor beside the bed and quickly got up turning the monitor down so that it wouldn't wake Louis up. I opened Cami's door to see her still asleep but crying and whimpering. She was having more nightmares. I had a feeling this would happen tonight because of all the stress on her. I kneeled down Infront of her and rubbed her arm. "Cami baby. Wake up it's a dream. Your okay. I promise." I said to her lightly shaking her. "Cami it's daddy! Open your eyes! It's just a dream" I said again. Her whimpering stopped and her eyes opened but then the crying only got worse. I lifted her onto my lap, " shhhh it's okay baby girl! Your okay! It was only a dream!" I whispered to her. She dug her face in my chest and I felt her tears soaking my shirt. I noticed it was 3am so there was no way I was making her go to school tomorrow! "Kenzie" Cami cried into my chest. I felt my heart break. "Baby I know. But remember what we said. Kenzie is looking out for you now and she's safe with her daddy." I said. Cami didn't say anything after that. I sat there with her in my lap as she cried silently. Her cries slowly stopped and she was just leaning her head on my chest staring into space. I picked her up and went to lay her down but she clung onto me and whimpered. "Okay okay baby. Well go sleep with papa" I said taking her to my room. I layed her down I between Louis and I. I wrapped my arms around her carefully. "Don't worry baby. It's all okay! I promise! I love you" I whispered but I knew she was already asleep. I sighed. Cami is one of the strongest people I know. She's four, almost five and yet she's been through hell and back more times than I can count. I'm so proud of her. We all are. The girl we first met, shy timid scared, there's no trace of her anymore. When Cami was sick, she never wanted to be pitied. She always wanted to make sure everyone else was okay. She pulled through all her battles leaving her with many scars both physically and mentally. Cami keeps things bottled up and when it all becomes to much she breaks. It's so upsetting. I know she will pull through this too, there's no doubt, but I know it's always gonna be there, just like Gemma and her mother and her cancer battles and the abuse , it'll always be in her mind hidden in the darkest places but she always finds something to keep her strong. She never lets her past get in her way. That's one,of the many, thing I love about Cami. She doesn't hold grudges or let's things slow her down.

I smiled, we've been through a lot but we have one thing (see what I did there ;) ) that will always keep us together no matter how hard life gets. We love each other and that's all we need. I kissed louis and Cami's forehead before turning over. I closed my eyes and let sleep and my dreams take over.

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