Chapter 101

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Cami's POV

I opened my eyes when I felt someone move next to me. I looked up to see papa getting out of bed. "Papa" I whispered. He turned around. "Sorry babe did I wake you?" "No do I got to go to school?" I asked. I really didn't want to. Not today. "Do you want to?" Papa asked. I shook my head no. He picked me up and carried me downstairs. "I won't make you go to school today but you can't miss a lot of school babe!" Papa said. "I go tomorrow. Just miss Kenzie" I said sadly looking at my no Kenzie's bracelet. "I know babe. Now let's go get you ready because we all have to go to the recording studio. You get to see uncle si!" Papa said. "Yeah!" Papa carried me up stairs and grabbed some black leggings and a white adidas sweater and some white converse. "Cami how does your leg feel today?" "Better" I said. Papa nodded and carefully put on my leg for me before he long me into my other clothes.

"Why don't you go wake up your uncles and daddy. Tell them breakfast is done and it's almost time to go see uncle si!" Papa said. I nodded and quietly tip toed to uncle Zayns room. I opened the door and jumped on top of him. "Uncle Zayn! Breakfast time! Then go see uncle si!" I said clapping. He groaned and started tickling me. "No stop! Gots to wake up Ni and li and daddy!" I said. "Can I help?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

" I'll get uncle li and you get uncle Ni okay?" Zayn said. I nodded and ran to uncle ni's room. I counted to three then blew the air horn and took off running. I hid behind a laughing uncle Zayn and saw Niall and Liam looking mad. "ZAYN WHAT THE FU-" "DONT CUSS AROUND MY BABY!" Daddy yelled coming from his room. "DADDY!" I yelled running to him. "Hey baby girl!"

Harry's POV

"Let's go! We're gonna be late!" I yelled as I finished putting Cami in her seat. The rest of the boys walked out and loaded into the car. After a short car ride consisting of Cami singing and saying how excited she was to see uncle si we pulled up to the studio. "Hey calm down baby he'll still be there when u get out!" I laughed as Cami tried to unbuckle her seat. She huffed when she realized she couldn't do it. I picked her up and carried her in due to having some paps out side and I didn't want her getting scared.

"UNCLE SI!" Cami yelled running into his open arms. "I miss you!" She said. Simon smiled and looked at me sternly. "Now why have you kept my favorite niece away from me?" He said. "Sorry!" I laughed. He smiled and put Cami. "Alright boys we need the new album done within the next 4 months. You have most written so we can start recording those while the others work on writing." Simon said. We all agreed and got to work. I sat Cami on the couch as she colored and listened to whoever was in the booth recording.

After i was done recording I walked out to the writing area to see Cami asleep on the couch. I smiled and grabbed my jacket and covered her up. I kissed her forehead and whispered a soft sweet dreams before walking over to the boys,minus Louis who was recording, and started writing.

Cami's POV

  " that's what makes you beautiful" papa daddy Jase and I sang to in the car. We were driving home from going to the park. We sang to everything song that came on the radio. Suddenly everything flashed and all I saw was daddy papa and Jase asleep and bleeding. I heard sirens coming but I tried screaming for anyone to wake up but nothing worked. "DADDY! PAPA! BUBBY!" "Please wake up!" I cried. I felt someone pulling me out and putting me in an ambulance but I kept screaming for my family.  They hooked me up to a bunch of things and soon everything turned black. I opened my eyes again to see uncle Niall sitting by my bed. As soon as I moved her looked at me. "Where papa daddy bubby?" I asked. He looked down. "Cami they, they didn't make it" "NO! No papa and daddy wouldn't leave me! They no mean! And bubby to little to leave! " I cried.

  "Cami, baby Cameron!" I opened my eyes to see daddy holding me. I turned to his chest and started crying. "No leave Cami! Please!" I cried. I felt daddy pick me up and take me out to the hallway. "Hey baby. You know I would never leave you! Ever! I promise! What was your dream about?" He said holding me close. "We singing in car...sirens....papa, daddy, and bubby no make it and leave Cami." I cried. I felt daddy rub my back. "Cami that's never going to happen! We would never ever leave you! I promise! I love you too much to leave you!" He said kissing me head.

Harry's POV

After Cami had calmed down we entered the room again but everyone was done so we decided to head home early. Cami's dreams are starting to worry me again. I frowned and ignored the thought, buckling Cami into her seat and headed home.

We all decided pizza for dinner since we were all too tired and lazy to cook. We put on a movie and gathered in the family room eating our pizza and being lazy.

I didn't realized I had fallen asleep until I woke up seeing Louis was carring me up to our room. "Thanks babe" I mumbled. He smiled and kissed my forehead before getting next to me and cuddling up. "I love you." "I love you."
I smiled and closed my eyes. Only one more day till we get our baby boy!

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