Chapter 16

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Cami's POV

I was back with my old dad. I was in my room staring at the picture of my mom and me. I was silently crying until my door flew open. My dad came stomping in. He picked me up by my hair while I cried out in pain. He kept punching me until all I saw was black and then he just dropped me.
I woke up crying. I didn't see daddy anywhere and I wasn't in the place I was before. I started screaming and clawing and my arms. I do this when I get too worked up. I kept screaming until the door flew open and a tired looking Louis walked in "Cami baby calm down. Stop hurting yourself. It's okay" he said. "W-wh-where I-is d-da-ddy. I want daddy." I stuttered crying still but stopped clawing at my arms. "Daddy went to get food. It's okay he will be back soon. I promise. Now let's get u cleaned up okay " uncle Lou said walking over to me and picking me being careful of my iv. He put some cream stuff on my arms and they slowly stopped stinging. "Thanks uncle Lou. " "your welcome princes. " he said. "Where is everybody." I asked. "well we are at hotel and will be staying here for 6 days so they all went to get food. And I was asleep because I didn't feel well. "Oh sorry for waking u up" I said. "It's okay. Now how about we watch a movie til daddy gets home okay?" I nodded. I picked out the movie toy story and uncle Lou put it in. We started watching the movie and I got really tired and fell asleep.

Harry's POV

We just got back from the store and I walked in my room and Lou and Cami were sleeping on the couch. I snapped a quick picture and smiled. I quickly put all the stuff away and soon Niall Liam and Zayn came walking in from their room. They smiled at Lou and Cami. I decided to wake them up because we have to leave for our show tonight. "Liam can u wake them up and get Cami dressed while I pack her stuff" Liam nodded. I turned back and started getting Cami's juice snacks and all her "toys" including coloring books and crayons and her iPad. By the time I was done I felt someone run into my legs I looked down to see Cami. "Hey baby girl." "Daddy!" She laughed. "I missed you and u looks so pretty today. " I said. She had on a white benie(she wears them all the time now when we go out) and a pretty Aqua colored dress. "I missed u too and thanks daddy" she said cuddling into my neck. I laughed. I put her down and something caught my eye. She had scratches on her arms again. She noticed me looking and looked down. "Hey it's okay princess. Can u tell me what happened. " she nodded. "I had bad dream and I woke and u were gone so I thought u left and uncle Lou came running in and helped me. Then we watch movie and fell asleep. " she said. "Baby u know I'm never going to leave u okay. I love u" "I love u too daddy" she said. "Guys time to go!" Paul called and Cami jumped down and ran to Paul. "Hey girly"he said tickling Cami. "Uncle Paul!" She squealed. He carried her out while I got her other stuff.
We got to the arena and were immediately brought to hair and dressing. After that we were rushed on stage. I guess we were running late. I didn't get to see Cami before going out.
We were walking off stage because we just finished the show and Lou ran up to me. She looked like she was crying and she looked very panicked. Lux wasn't here today so it wasn't her. "Lou what's wrong " I asked. "I had to go call someone so I stepped out of the room Cami was in and when I came back she was gone and this note was there" she said. I told u I would get her. The note read. "How long ago was this." I asked. "It just happened." "We have to find her." All the boys were agreed and we got everyone involved to find her. We checked all around the arena. Then my phone went off. It was a picture of Cami crying and she didn't have her mask or chemo on. Oh my god we have to find her soon. I showed the picture to everyone and by now I was bawling. She wasn't here by the look of the back ground so I called miss Alix. It was my only choice.

Cami's POV

*before she was taken*
Lou went to take a call so I started coloring. Then someone in all black grabbed me. I tried to scream but there hand covered my mouth. They pulled my out of the room and threw me into a van. Then they got in with me and someone else drove off. I started screaming and crying. The person in black too off the ski mask. It was my old daddy. He grabbed me by the wrists and I screamed. "Shut it little brat or you'll get it even worse." He said. I listened cause I knew what would happen. He took my mask off and threw it somewhere. I was getting really scared cause I knew that that kept me from getting sick. He laughed and took my benie off too. "Your so ugly. How could anyone love u." I shook my head no. "Daddy love me. He and uncles love me. " I said. He slapped me and I cried more. "Don't u know that they sent me to take you. They don't love u they hate u. " he said. Was this true. Did they really do that. Of course they did. They wouldn't love me. No one ever could. I cried more. No slap or punch or knife would ever hurt as much as knowing my daddy and uncles hated me. My real dad laughed. The van pulled to a stop and he pulled me by my hair into my old house. The other person drove off. He threw me inside. It's just like I remember. But when did he get out of jail?  He punched me and I fell over. He kept kicking me. Then he did the worst. He ripped out my ivs and threw the chemo bag away. Oh no. I'm gonna die. He kept punching til eventually he gave up and left my there to bleed. I cried my self to sleep.
Cami baby my mom said. Mommy I yelled running to her. Is this a dream. She shook her head no. It's like when u were in a coma. Remember she said. I nodded. I came here to tell u that Harry and your uncles love u and are looking everywhere for u. U have to be strong. You father is lying okay. He just wants to hurt u. Keep in my mind that Harry loves u okay. I love u too please be strong baby just do what he says and be strong.
I woke up in the corner I was in when I fell asleep. Daddy does love me. That made me feel stronger.

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