So i have never written a story before so here it goes...

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"Cami cmon it's time for to go!" Miss Alix called from downstairs. Miss Alix was my "caretaker"... And by its time to go she means hospital. I'm Cami and I'm four. I have leukemia and I'm an orphan. I have been her since I was 3. My mom died while in labor and my dad abused me. 2 months ago I found out I have cancer. I don't talk much... So I never get adopted ... Plus I have cancer and no body wants a child with that.

I walk downstairs with my bag for the next 2 weeks. I will be at the hospital getting chemo and radiation. My cancer is spreading really fast so they are trying to stop it. We get in the car and make the long drive to the hospital. Miss Alix turns the radio on. I love music. It always calms me down. I smile and hum to the words.
After about an hour we make it to the hospital and check in. I get changed into my comfy clothes and lay in bed waiting for the doctors to hook all the wires and machines to me. After they have everything hooked up they start the chemo. It takes about an hour to do all this. As they got done I became really tired and before I knew it I fell into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV

"Harry cmon mate it's time to go see the children at the hospital." Liam said knocking on my door. "Coming" I replied. Today we were going to a local hospital to talk and see some young cancer patients. I walk downstairs to see all the boys ready to go.
We all walk to the car and Make our way to the hospital.
After about an hour and a half we make it there. It was about noon so hopefully most kids were awake. We all pile out of the car and walk in. Paul checks in on everything and a few minutes later a nurse walks out an leads to the children's cancer part of the hospital(idk if there is really one). We walk through the halls but one little girl catches my eye.

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