Chapter 65

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Louis POV

It's been a week since I proposed to Harry. It's been amazing. We are even closer and more in love. We've had concerts the past 5 days and we all tired. We are on a plane heading from Australia to home. We have a few months off for our mid tour break. Zayn,Liam,and Niall all layed in the seats next to us while Harry,Cami, and I all sat next to them. I looked down to see Harry asleep and Cami looking at me. "What's up girly?" I asked. She giggled. "Papa and daddy love each other a lot?" She asked. "Yes we love each other a lot...why what's wrong?" I asked confused. "Nothing. I happy papa and daddy are happy!" She smiled. God I loved Cami. She was a perfect child. She never got sassy or rude. She was always so polite and respectful. And most importantly she was so thankful. "Thanks Cami. I love you!" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too papa!" She said. She leaned her head on my chest and slowly fell asleep. I sighed and decided I could go for some sleep.

Harry's POV

I woke up to see Cami cuddled into Louis side asleep with Louis resting his head on Cami's asleep as well. I smiled. They were so adorable. I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I decided to post it on Instagram with the caption my family. I looked at the time and saw that we would be landing in an hour. I saw that all the other boys were knocked out as well. I just looked out the window. I can't believe how far my life has come and To think that a few years ago I didn't wanna live. Almost two years ago I stumbled upon a hospital door and decided to say hi. Now I have An amazing daughter and she brought me to my amazing Fiancé. Wow.

I grabbed mine and Cami's carry ons while the other boys grabbed there's and stepped off the plane. It was 10pm and I was hungry and tired. I could tell the other boys were as well. Everyone was a little moody. We all piled into the car while Paul got our things out on the back. "Can we get food?" Cami asked beside me rubbing her eyes. "Yeah. What do you want?" I asked. "Food" she replied. I laughed. "Alright miss smarty pants" I said tickling her making her laugh. "NANDOS it is" Niall said. Everyone pretty much agreed seeing as we just wanted to eat and sleep.

We pulled into the driveway and everyone grabbed their things and walked inside the house. I carried Cami's things while Louis carried her in. I took Cami's things to her room then put mine and lous in our room. I walked into the kitchen and everyone was done putting things away and was sitting down eating. I sat next to Louis and leaned my head on his shoulder while eating a sandwich. After a few minutes I looked up and noticed the other boys getting up. "Night boys" I said. They all replied with a goodnight before walking upstairs. I looked over to see Cami asleep and Louis looking at me. "Let's go" he said. I nodded and threw the trash away and picked up Cami. She opened her eyes and looked around. "It's alright babe papa and me are gonna tuck you in okay" she nodded. I smiled and layed her down kissing her forehead. Louis did the same. "Goodnight Cami. Sleep tight. I love you!" Louis and I said. She was already passed out. I walked across the hall and into our room taking my pants and shirt off and jumping into bed with my boxers on. Louis did the same. I rolled over and cuddled him. Tonight I was the big spoon. "Night Haz I love you!" He whispered. "Night babe I love you too" I whispered kissing his shoulder. I closed my eyes and realized I was much more tired than I thought but I was happy to be home in my bed with the people I love most around me.

Cami's POV

I woke up to my tummy hurting really bad. I closed my eyes and tried to get the pain to go away but it wouldn't. I looked over and remembered the baby monitor. "Daddy? Papa?" I cried into it. I elated a few minutes before calling again. I waited a few more minutes and then I saw daddy walk through the door. "Cami what's wrong?" Daddy asked walking over to me. I knew I was gonna puke so I pointed to the trash bin and he grabbed it quickly understanding what I ment. I took and puked inside of it. I started crying more but daddy rubbed my back "shhh cams it's okay. Just breath. " he calmed me down. Once I was finally done getting sick he felt my forehead. "Your pretty warm Cami. Let me get you some medicine" he said. He walked out but came back soon with a glass of water, a wash cloth, and some medicine. I took the medicine quickly and took a drink of water. "I'll put this on your head to make it feel better okay" he said. I nodded. I still felt really sick. My tummy still hurt but I knew that the medicine took time to work. "How many nights does it take to count the stars that's the time it..." Daddy Sang softly and I felt myself drift to sleep.

Harry's POV

After Cami had fallen asleep again I took the trash bin, cleaned it out and  then say it beside her bed. I was about to walk out but Cami stopped me. "Can you please  stay with me?" She asked. I would never say no even if she is sick. "Of course!" I said. I climbed into her bed and pulled her to my chest. "Daddy tummy hurt" she whispered. I knew it did. Cami tried to hide pain and the fact that she was actually telling me I knew it hurt. "I know babe. I'm sorry. Just try to sleep okay? We'll see what we can do tomorrow to make it better. " I said. She nodded and closed her eyes. I'm guessing she had a fever from traveling so much. She was pale and warm and was poor baby girl. I looked at the clock to see it was 4am. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to get back to sleep. That however didn't last long when I heard Cami start gagging. I grabbed the bucket quickly and put it Infront of her. She got sick while I rubbed her back as she cried. After about 10 minutes she was sure she was done. I got up and brought another wash cloth to wipe her face. "I sorry daddy" she cried. "Cami it's okay. Your sick. It happens. I've done it before too. So has papa and uncle Ni and uncle Li and even uncle zaynie. Just try to go back to sleep. " I said. She nodded. "You stay with me right?" She asked. "Of course. I'm just gonna clean this. " I said. She nodded and closed her eyes. I walked back into the bathroom and cleaned the bucket again before walking back out and climbing into her bed. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes hearing Cami getting sick again. I grabbed her bucket and rubbed her back. This was the 8th time I've woken up with her. My poor baby. She couldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes without getting sick. Finally after about 10 minutes she was okay. I don't how she's still getting sick she hasn't eaten. She layed back down and cried. "I know babe I know. Just close your eyes and try to sleep I'll get your more medicine." I said. I grabbed the bucket and cleaned it out before putting it back and going downstairs to get her medicine. It was now 6:30am and no one was up yet. I grabbed her some medicine and her sippie cup with milk. I walked back into her room to see her asleep. I didn't wanna wake her but she needed to take this.

"Cami. Babe. Here take your medicine. " I said. She slowly sat up and took it quickly before laying back down with her milk. "Cuddles?" She asked. I nodded and climbed into bed with her. She cuddled into me while I wrapped my arms her. She drank her milk and slowly fell back asleep. Knowing it wouldn't last long I just held her close while she slept. She looked so weak and sick right now. I felt so bad. If she doesn't get better within a few days I'm taking her to the doctor.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep til I woke up at 8:30am to Cami getting sick again. Well at least she slept for 2 hours. I did the same things as always and grabbed the bucket while rubbing her back. After she layed back down and was instantly asleep again I looked up to see Louis in the door way. "Has she been like this all night. " he asked following me to the bathroom while I clean the bucket. "Since 3am" I mumbled. "Is she alright?" He asked. "Yeah I think it's just a fever from traveling so much." I said. He nodded. I took the bucket back to Cami's room and she was still asleep thankfully. I sighed and yawned. "Haz go sleep! You watched her all night. I got this. " Louis said pushing me out the door. "I love you!" I said kissing him. "I love you too now sleep!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes but walked into our room and went straight to bed.

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