Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

I heard a faint beeping noise and tried to open my eyes only to see a bright light. I closed them again then opened them and saw I was in a hospital. I looked to my left to see my Louis his head was down and he was crying. I carefully grabbed his hand. He head shot up. "Harry oh my god your awake! I'm so sorry u shouldn't ha-" he tried to say "No Louis this is not your fault. It never will be. That man is just fucking crazy! Don't blame yourself" I said calmly. "Harry I thought I lost you! I thought I wasn't going to make in it time. Now I know what you mean about walking in on him. I know what you saw with Cami. Granted hers was worse. But I couldn't control my body. I swear if the cops hadn't of made me focus on you I would've killed him!" He said with tears sliding down his cheeks. "Boo your never going to loose me. If you want to." I said. He smiled. "I'll never want to" he said. He sat their holding my hand almost debating on weather to say something. "Harry. Do you uh remember what all he did to you" Louis said sadly.  I nodded not trusting my voice right now. "Did he umm tell me he didn't rape you" he said crying. I looked down. "Harry tell me that's not what happened. " he said crying more. "I'm so sorry Louis. I tried to stop him. I didn't but they the knife and he was huge and I'm sorry" I said crying. Louis stood up and walked out of the room. I cried harder when he left. What if he doesn't come back. Why would he. I'm useless. I held my head in my hands while I cried. I heard the door open and Niall walked in. Niall and I were the closest besides me and Louis. I cried more thinking about him. "Haz hey. It's okay." Niall said grabbing my hand. "He-hes gon-nna Lea-ave me" I cried and hiccuped. "No Haz. Calm down. He's not going to leave you. He loves you he just needs a minute to cool down. He doesn't want you to see him like that. Liam is talking to him. Don't worry he's not going to leave you" I nodded. Then I thought Cami. My eyes widened and I felt myself panic. "Cami where's Cami. I need Cami. Niall where is she" I yelled. "Harry Harry. Calm down. She's right outside asleep. So you want her. " I nodded fast. Nialls walked out and came back with a sleepy Cami. He sat her in the bed with me. "Do you wanna just be with her" he said. I nodded. "But Niall thank you. " he smiled.

I sat there cuddling cami (in a father way) I missed her so much. I looked down at her and saw that she had bags under her eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. I kissed her forehead. Her eyes slowly started to flutter open. "Da-daddy" she said with a lot of tears. I smiled and cried too. "Yea baby girl it's me!" I said hugging her. "D-did he do this?" Cami asked. "Yes. But daddy is okay see. You don't have to worry about it. I love you" I said. " I sorry daddy. " she said sadly. "What are you sorry for" "if I not here you would be better and you would be no hurting. It my Cami. Cami sorry and Cami loves you" she said crying harder at the end. I hugged her tight. "Hey listen to me Cami. This is NOT your fault. It is NOT. I'm okay. Cami I don't hurt its okay. And I think your the one who kept me strong Cami. Every night I thought of you. You saved me Cami. You my hero. " I said kissing her forehead. I could tell she was tired so calmly started singing don't let me go and within minutes she was out.

The doctor walked in and smiled at me. "So you lost a lot of blood from the cut on your stomache but we fixed it. We also put stitches on some parts. There are also stocked by your eyes and you lip was cut up pretty badly but you fine now. You can go home today because you've been here for 2 days." He said. I smiled and thanked him.

Louis POV

I feel awful leaving Harry like that. I wasn't mad at him I was mad at the fact that that man did that to my innocent Haz. Liam came and talked to me and I felt better now. I walked into the hospital room to see Harry trying to get up and Cami asleep on the bed. I rushed over to his side and helped him. "Harry I'm so sorry I didn't mea-" he cut me off "no it's okay. I know you were upset. It's okay really Louis. I love you" he said. I smiled. "I love you too and I have I ever mentioned that your the best boyfriend ever." I said he smiled. U helped him walk to the bathroom so he could change since we were leaving. "Wait Cami's party. Oh my god Louis-" I cut him off. "Don't worry I rescheduled it for 3 days. We will have it on her actual birthday." I said "oh my god I love you so much Louis" he said kissing me. I kissed back. It got heated fast. I swiped my tounge across his lip and immediately opened his mouth. My tounge explored his mouth. And he did the same. We broke apart looking into each other eyes breathing heavily. I smiled. "Well finish this later" Harry said winking. I laughed. "Still my cheeky Haz " I said.

We had just gotten home and got everything unpacked and everyone was in there rooms considering it was 11pm and everyone was tired. Harry tucked Cami in and kissed her forehead he was about to leave when Cami pulled him back. "I stay with daddy and papa" she asked. He nodded and carried her to our well his room and we all layed down cuddled together. Everything was back to normal. Cami was about to be four and Harry was back. "I love you camibear and I love you Harry" I said. They replied back with I love you's and we said goodnight before drifting into a needed sleep.

I heard whimpering and Cami shaking me awake. "Papa what wrong with daddy" I opened my eyes to see Harry crying. He was having a nightmare. "Cami daddy is having a nightmare. Can you go get uncle Niall please" she nodded and ran to Niall. I grabbed Harry and held him close while he shook and cried. He soon started screaming. I was shushing him and Niall came running in with Cami. "Louis what's going on. Can Cami sleep with you. He's going to keep getting these tonight." Niall nodded. "Yea yea. Louis make sure he's okay" I nodded. "Always. Thank you. Night Cami." I said she waved goodnight and was already asleep on nialls shoulder. I continued to hold Harry. I knew he was awake now. He was broken. He's been acting strong for Cami but I know that that man broke Harry. Harry was s virgin. Believe it or not he was. He continued crying. "Harry talk to me. I wanna help." I said calmly. "Lou I- i " he couldn't finish he just sobbed more. I was about to tell him he doesn't have to tell me yet when he took a deep shuttering breath. "I'm broken. He broke me. I'm such a baby though. Cami put up with that everyday. She lived with that. He told me I was worthless. He is right. I've caused everyone around me pain. I shouldn't be here Louis. I wanna die. I want to fucking die. What he did I wont ever forget. He took my virginity! Louis I need help. Why do you love me?" He cried. What he said broke me. "Harry Edward Styles, you the love of my life. Your amazing. Perfect. Beautiful in every way. I love how your so pure and always happy. Seeing you like this kills me. But your perfect. Why can't you see it? Your long curly hair falls perfectly around you amazing beautiful face. Your green eyes. Every time I look into them I see pure love. They are beautiful. Your nose. It's perfect. I love giving you little kisses on your nose. Your lips. Your beautiful lite pink plump lips that seem to fit perfectly in mine. I love when you smile. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I love how when you laugh your face scruntches up and you look absolutely adorable. I love everything about you Harry. I love you! I love you with all my heart and nothing with ever change that!" I said. He looked up and his tears had stopped but we're back. But this time they were happy tears. "Louis I love you so fucking much!" He said. I smiled and kissed him. It wasn't heated. It was perfect. Passionate and loving. "Let's get some sleep love" I said. He nodded and fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and joined him too.

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