Chapter 14

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Louis POV

We had just gotten off stage and I noticed Cami had all these scars on her arms. I knew Harry would've had to noticed. I'll ask him about it later. We all got changed and got in the van to go to the hotel. Everyone went to their room and this time me and harry and Cami were sharing a room. And the other boys had a room together. Cami was asleep in Harry's arms so he got her changed and put her in bed. He came back out and sat on the couch. Well nows as good as ever. "Haz ummm I saw Cami's arms. What happened?" I asked. He looked over and sighed. "Sorry u don't have to -" "no it's okay. Her ummm her dad beat her pretty badly and that's why she gets those nightmares and if she gets really scared or stressed she digs her nails in her arms. But never enough to make scars like that. Her stomache and legs have it to. Her dad completely shattered her." I was speechless. " you should explain to the others. And when she's ready we should ask her more about it so we can help her. " I said. Harry nodded. "Well I'm gonna go to be. Night Lou" he said. "Night hazziebear " I said. He chuckled and walked off. I sat there for a little bit longer thinking.

Harry's POV
I woke up the next morning to Cami shaking beside me. I jumped up then realized it was a nightmare I listened carefully "I-I'm sor-rry pl-please don't h-h-urt me. " she started struggling like she was fighting something. Her hands and feet were tangled up almost like she was handcuffed to something. Then after she kept struggling and screaming more she let out the loudest most painful cry I've ever heard. I grabbed her as the boys came running in. I held her in my arms as I cried realizing what happened. It was a nightmare of the first time she was raped. I think it was a flashback. Because I knew her real father was a sick man. I cried more and more trying to calm her down until finally she fell back into my arms. She opened her eyes. I can't take it. I carried her to Louis and walked out. I can't stand seeing my baby girl hurt. I heard her scream my name but I couldn't look back t her. Don't get me wrong it was killing me but I needed to think. I was down the hallway when Liam caught up with me. I sat on the bench at the end of the hall. "Hey Haz. Why are you crying. I've never seen u cry at her nightmares like that before." Liam said. "Don't u understand. That wasn't a nightmare it was a flashback of when she was raped. By her own father. I woke up to her shaking and she was struggling like she was handcuffed and she was crying and shaking then after a couple seconds she just screamed. I could tell by her body language. I can't stand seeing her like that. It kills me li. I want to help her. " I cried. He wrapped me in a hug. " look I know ur upset but Cami thinks u left her. She's back there scare among and won't talk to anyone and woke calm down. She needs u and u need her" Liam said. How could I leave her alone after that I'm a terrible person. "Haz ur not a terrible person" oops said that out loud. I just got up and walked back to the room.

Cami's POV

I was at my old house and in my closet. I could her my "dad" calling for me. He opened the door and pulled me out "you little bitch why didn't u answer me. Well looks like u need to be punished. HARD" he screamed at me. I started skating as he grabbed me and threw me on a bed. He tied my wrists and feet up. Then he pulled out a knife and cut my clothes off. Leaving long slices down my body. I cried as I saw the blood. He cut my pants off to leaving long slices down my legs. He then took his pants off. I was scared and confused I didn't know what he was doing. Then he slammed his "no no" in my "no no" I screamed out in pain as he laughed. I then heard whispering and it all started to disappear. I could here Harry's voice.
I realized I was dreaming and opened my eyes to see my daddy crying. I made him sad oh no. I thought. He stood up and handed me to uncle Lou. And left. I screamed for him to come back. But it was like he couldn't hear me. I knew it he was gonna leave me. No I need my daddy I kept crying and wouldn't calm down. This was it he was gonna take me back to miss Alix. And I was gonna die there. I started to panic even more and I couldn't breath. The others noticed and screamed for Harry down the hall. I started crying harder and started to see dots. Then I saw my daddy's face and then it was all black.

Harry's POV

As I was walking back I saw Niall opened the door and scream my name. I went running back to the room to see Cami was having a panic attack and couldn't breath. I grabbed her. And tried to talk but she blacked out. I started to panic but I felt her Palse. She was breathing. I cradled her. I'm such a dick. I left her after all that. Poor baby. Ugh. I hate myself. I would never forgive myself for this. All the boys huddled around me whispering things about how it wasn't my fault. I knew it was but I put on a fake smile. And nodded. They all went back to their room exept Louis because this was his room too. "Haz I know ur blaming yourself. Don't. You needed time. It's okay. She just got scared. She's gonna be okay. " I nodded looking down. "Please Haz u have to believe me. Your her world and she's yours. You two are inseparable. She loves u no matter what. And she always will. I hate seeing u down like this because I know what it did to u before. " Louis continues referring to when I used to cut. I looked at my arms. There were still very light scars that wouldn't look like cutting scars unless u knew about them. "I'm not going to that again Lou. I'm just upset because I left her. That was a flashback of her getting raped by her "dad". I hate seeing her go through this much pain. I wish I could take it all away. " I said. "You can't do that but u can give her extra strength and love. And that's all she needs. We all love her so much Haz! We will always back u two up. Okay. Get some rest. I can tell she's asleep now. Please get some rest. You need it. " I nodded looking at the clock. 3am. "Thanks Lou love ya. And goodnight " I said. "Night Haz I love u too. " he said going to his bed. I layed Cami next to me and the darkness soon took over me.

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