Chapter 50

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Harry's POV

I woke up at 9:30 and Rolled over to see Louis still asleep. I decided to go check on Cami. I pulled on some sweats and walked down the hall to her room. I opened her door quietly to see her awake. I smiled. "Morning beautiful!" I said. "Morning daddy" she croaked. I could bearly understand what she said. I smiled back. I didn't want her to see me worried. She was going to be very weak! "How about we have a movie dad today?" I said. She nodded slowly. "Alright I'll go make breakfast then we'll tell the boys okay?" She nodded. I turned on her TV and went downstairs. I saw Liam was awake and sitting on a stool.  "Hey I'll make breakfast. Cami is feeling really sick so I decided we all have a movie day. We can pull out the bean bags and lay in her room" I said. "Sounds good! She awake?" Liam said. "Yea. You could go talk to her if u want. I'm making breakfast anyways." I said. He nodded and walked up the stairs going to Cami's room.

One by one the rest of the boys woke up and went to Cami's room. Louis was the last to wake up and he helped me get everyone's breakfast on plates and we brought it up stairs to Cami's room.

Everyone sat on a bean bag exept Cami who u had propped up on her bed and had their plates on their laps eating breakfast and watching Peter Pan. Which for some reason Cami was obsessed with right now.

I gathered all the plates and took them down stairs to clean. I was washing the dishes when I felt two arms snake around my waist. I jumped. "Louis you scared the shit outta me!" I said. He smirked. "Oops" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and continued "Haz. Take a break I know what your doing!" He said. "What do mean?" I asked confused. "Your trying to get your mind off of everything my cleaning. You do it when you want to avoid problems. You used to do it all the time on the X Factor. " he said. I thought about it. It was true. "How can you read me like an open book?" I asked. "Because I love you!" He responded. "I love you too!" I said kissing him.

Louis helped me finish the dishes and we both walked back into Cami's room to see Cami asleep as well as the rest of the boys. I laughed and took a picture.
Afternoon nap? :)
I tweeted. I instantly got comments about Cami. Oops i forgot. I decided I might as well tell them.
So for those of you wondering. No the picture isn't old. Cami is sick again. But she's our little fighter. She'll make it through! Love as always H xx

"Daddy can we watch your movie?" Cami asked. It was now 7pm and we had just finished dinner. We watched movies all day. I had gotten calls from Simon and other friends such as Demi and Ed about Cami. "Of course!" I said and all the boys laughed. It was funny watching these back and seeing how wee never really changed. I put on the movie and we all cuddled together.

"Daddy daddy this is my favorite part!" Cami said as happy sounding as she could. I laughed. As she pointed out when Louis slapped Niall across the face. "Hey! You think it's funny that he slapped me!" Niall pouted as Cami "laughed" she was weak so she really couldn't. "I sorry uncle Ni" she said. "I'm just kidding cam cam. It is funny. Watch" he said before screaming payback and slapping Louis across the face. "WHAT THE HE-" Louis yelled but I cut him off. "CHILD!" I yelled. He stopped and glared at Niall. Cami just sat their smiling. Yep I loved this. My crazy family!

"Goodnight Cami. And if u new anything or are scared or anything. Just call my name and I can hear you" I said. I had put a baby monitor in her room since she really couldn't get out of bed by herself because she was so weak. She probably could but I didn't want her falling. "Okay I love you daddy" she said quietly. She was super tired. I kissed her forehead and walked out cracking the door half way and taking the baby monitor with me.

I walked into the living room with everyone else. "So what are your guys' plans for tomorrow?" I asked. "I think we have rehearsals." Liam said. "Oh shit I forgot about that. What time do they start?" I said. "11am" Niall said. "Ugh!" Zayn said along with me and Louis. "Okay. Well I'm gonna get to bed then. I'll see you boys in the morning." I said. I heard a chorus of good nights and wakes up the stairs. I decided to take a quick shower before going to bed.

"....daddy" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw it was coming from the baby monitor. I quietly got out of bed trying not to wake Louis and walked to her room. "What's wrong Cami?" I said. "My side hurts" she said. "I'll get you your medicine okay?" I said. I quickly waked downstairs and into the kitchen getting her some milk and her pain medicine. And walking back up the steps. "Take this. It will help" I said handing it to her. "Thank you daddy sorry for waking you" she said. She was always so polite. I'm very thankful for that because I was worried all the people spoiling her would make her all demanding. But she's still very polite. "It's okay Cami. Now close your eyes. We have to go to rehearsals tomorrow. I love you Cameron!" I said. She smiled. "I love you too dad!" She said. My smile grew when she said dad. Usually people would be upset but I'm happy because she was afraid to call me that before because that's what she called him. I kissed her forehead and walked out going back to my room. I layed in bed and noticed it was 2am. I cuddled into Louis and fell right back asleep.

So the picture on the side is how Cami looks when she is hooked up to the chemo. Sorry it's taking longer to date. I have finals but I'm almost out on Christmas break so I'll update a lot more. Thanks!
~Payton xxxx

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