Chapter 51

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Cami's POV

I layed in bed taking deep breathes to get the pain to go away. I knew I would soon enough. After awhile I couldn't take it and I called for daddy. The door soon opened but it wasn't daddy it was uncle Zayn. "What's wrong cam?" He asked. "My side" I whimpered. "Okay hold on. I'll get you your medicine. " he said. Everyone in the house knew what to do if something bad happened because my daddy and papa might not always be home. He came bad a few minutes later wit some milk and my medicine. "Thank you uncle Z!" I smiled. "Your welcome babe! Now are you ready to get up?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay I'll get you some clothes." He said. "I got it uncle Z! I can do it! Please" I said. I didn't like when I couldn't do things. "Alright." He said. He helped me out of bed and carried me to my closet. "These!" I said grabbing some light wash skinny jeans and a white sweater. Then I put on my Nike gym shoes and a white beanie. Uncle Zayn had to help me get changed because I needed help. "Thanks uncle Zayn!" I said. "Your welcome. Now let's get your bags hooked up for the day." He said moving my IV from the pole to my back pack. I smiled and him as he put on my walkers (leg braces). "Ready for breakfast?" He asked. I nodded and we walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"What would you like?" Uncle Z asked. "May I have some cereal please?" I asked. "Of course you can!" He said smiling and getting my cereal. "Thank you uncle Zayn" he smiled back.   I was feeling a lot better today than yesterday but everything still hurt but I was trying to be brave so that I wasn't a burden and everyone could still do what they needed to and not help me.

Harry's POV

"Harry it's time to get up!" Louis said. I groaned and rolled over. I sighed and got out of bed. We had to leave in an hour. "I'm taking a quick shower!" I yelled to Louis. "Ok" he yelled back.  He was already dressed and ready so he went downstairs. I looked in the mirror. I was a mess. There was a lot of stress going on now. I sighed and stepped under the hot water on the shower.

I didn't like being alone because my thoughts like to start wondering and I think of the past. And present. I worry. That's exactly what I was doing now. I was in the shower and my thoughts kept going to Cami. We are still waiting on her blood test results and what if it's bad. What if she can't fight it. What if... My thoughts kept going. I felt a few tears slide down my face. I can't live without Cami! I must have been taking too long because Louis walked into the bathroom. "Haz? You almost done?" He called. I quickly wiped my tears. "Yes" I croaked. Damn it. Louis walked over and opened the shower. "Harry. Why are you crying." He asked worried. "I-I ... Cami" I cried. "Oh Haz come here"he said shutting off the water and holding up a towel. I got out and he wrapped the towel around me. "She's our little fighter! She will make it through this. I know your worried. And I'm scared as hell too. But I can tell you one thing. Our girl is a fighter!" He said hugging me.

I finished getting ready after a long talk with Louis and ran downstairs to see everyone ready. "Morning daddy!" Cami said. I smiled over at her "morning baby girl!" I said picking her up and kissing her cheek. I quickly packed a bag for her and got my self a quick breakfast.

I put on Cami's mask as we walked outside. There were poperazi like usual she quickly hid. She will never get used to their screams. We piled into the car and drove off to rehearsals. Cami sat beside me and I noticed she started taking deep breaths. I knew the pain her side had returned. "Did you take your medicine today?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded. "Uncle" she said taking a deep breath and he turned around. "What's wrong. " he asked drawing attention from the other guys. "It's her sides. When she take the medicine?" I asked. "About 2 hours ago" he said. I nodded. "Okay Cami you have to wait a little longer. Can you hang in there for me?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled and rubbed her sides which always seemed to help.

We all walked in and everyone greeted Cami sending her sad looks. Cami hated when people did that it made her feel sick and she didn't wanna feel that way. But she smiled at them. "Okay baby girl do you wanna sit in the room or out in the front row?" I asked. "Front row!" She squealed. I smiling and I sat her down in one of the chairs with her bag of toys and her IV bag. We were ushered onto stage to start rehearsals for our up coming tour. She sat there and listened to us sing. I could tell she was tired. She was laying down across two seats with her head on her bag. I got the boys attention and they noticed. I whispered "if I could fly" and they nodded. The band started playing it softly and we all sang it. By the end of the song she was asleep.

"Thanks guys!" I said. "I could tell she was getting tired " I finished. "No problem Harry!" Sandy said. I smiled. We continued on with rehearsals til it was 5pm. "Can we please get some food!" Niall said. "Yes!" Liam said. We all agreed and getting NANDOS and then heading home to eat it. I gathered all of Cami's things and picked her up caring her to the car. I buckled her up and sat down beside her. I was thankful she hadn't woken up yet. We could get the food go home then I would wake her up.

Louis grabbed Cami's play bag and I carried her to her room. I was going to wait to wake her because I knew she was tired. "Thanks Louis!" I said. He smiled. We both walked back downstairs and got our food sitting with the other boys and watching Batman.

A/N sorry this was a filler next chapter will be better.
Payton xxxxx

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