Chapter 53

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Cami's POV

I woke up in a car. For a minute I freaked out but then i realized daddy was beside me. Before I could talk we pulled up to the hospital. I didn't know why we were here but daddy just picked me up and carried me in with papa and uncles. Daddy wouldn't say anything.

We got checked in and the doctor led us to a room. Only me and daddy walked in. "Daddy why are here?" I asked. He sat me on the bed and sighed. "Cami the doctor called and we had to get you here so we can try to make you better" he said. I knew what that ment. I was extremely sick. "So I'm really sick?" I asked. "That's why you were crying last night? You told me everything would be okay!" I said sadly. "Cami I'm sorry I-" "You lied to me. You told me it was okay! I may be 4 but don't treat like a baby. I'm gonna die. And you promised you would never lie to me!" I cried. Daddy looked super sad. I instantly felt sad. "Cameron. Your not gonna die. You have to be strong!" He said. "But daddy I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling like I can't do anything! You always say keep fighting. It hurts and I'm tired!" I cried. Daddy started crying too. "I love you Cameron!" He said. He got up and walked out. I started crying more. Papa and my uncles and the doctor came in after. Papa calmed me down while the doctor hooked me up to everything. They all kept trying to make me happy but I wouldn't laugh or talk. All I wanted was my dad and my mom. Harry. Not my real dad. You know what Harry is my real dad. He was more loving to a stranger that my true dad was to his own child. Harry was my real dad!

Harry's POV

I got up and walked out. I just couldn't take it anymore. The lies the pain. I can't stand it! I ran I ran through the doors of the hospital and away. I don't know where to. But I wanted away. I keep walking.  Walked for hours and hours. I found my self lost. I decided to sit down and take a breather.

"You look upset" a deep voice said. I turned and looked and saw an older man. I just nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My daughter has cancer. She has a year to live. She four. And I can't be with her in the hopsital because I'll be on tour. " I said. "Sounds like a lot. My daughter died when she was 14 of suicide. I wish I would've been there more for her. " he said. "I'm so sorry. Don't blame yourself. She just didn't feel like belonged. She felt alone..." I trailed off. "How would you know? If u don't mind me asking. "I uh. I've had personal expirences." I said. "You've been that person before haven't you? I uh saw your wrist. I know there faded but when I see one I know what it is. My daughter had a ton of those. I never bothered to ask what they were until it was too late. " he said. "Go back to cameron Harry She needs you. And don't worry about the tour. She understands. Do your tour like she's in the front row dancing!" He said. I looked at him shocked. I hadn't had a full look at him til now. "How do u know my name. Or Cami's name?" I asked. "My name is Bob. I'm Cami's grandpa. Her mother was my other daughter." He said. "Wow. Do you wanna see her?" I asked. "No it's okay. I'd love too but she doesn't know me. Her father kept her from me. She never knew about me. " he said. "Okay well thanks for the advice. And here's my number. If you ever wanna see Cami call me." I said. He nodded and got up. I decided to walk back.

The whole way back I kept thinking about him. He told me personal stories. I trusted him. He was a very nice man. It's a shame Cami never knew him. I kept walking until I was Infront of Cami's door.

"Harry where were you?" Louis said running to me. "I needed air. I'm sorry. " I said. He nodded. "She won't talk to anyone. Or even smile. " Louis said. "I'm gonna go in" I said. They all nodded.

Cami's POV

I was in my room all alone. I was upset and sad. Daddy still wasn't back. I sat my my bed facing away from the door staring into the space. I heard someone walk in. But I ignored it. It was probably Niall or Liam or papa. Whoever it was sat on the end of my bed and rubbed my leg. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry I lied. But please Cami I know your tired. I know your sick of being well sick. But you have to fight! I hate saying this but I won't be able to be here all the time because of tour. But very free day we have I'll be right here with you. So will papa! I'll call everyday. But for now. Will you please talk to me. Can we spend this week together. I know your mad. But please forgive me!" Dad said. I looked over to see him crying. I was crying too. I didn't talk all I did was slowly sit up and hug him. I cried into his chest. I'm afraid of dieing. I'm afraid to be without him. "Daddy I'm scared!" I said. "I know you are! But don't be! Your mommas looking right down on you! She's will protect you!" He said. "Can u lay with me?" I asked. "Of course!" He said. He layed next to me and I layed right next to him. I was still crying but as long as I had my family I would be less scared! "Daddy?" "Yes" he said. "I need you to promise me something. And I need you too keep it!" I said. "Okay what is it?" He asked. "Promise me no matter what happens. You won't ever give up. Don't ever blame yourself. If I don't make it. Promise me you'll move on. Promise me you won't close out uncles and papa. Stay together!" I said. He started crying. "Cameron. I promise! But don't think that. Your going to make it!" He said. "I love you dad!" I said. "I love you too!" He said. I smiled and fell asleep.

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