Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I woke up hearing screaming and crying from the room beside me. I jumped up and ran to Cami's room. I opened the door to see her awake and bawling. Luckily no new scratches on her arm. I ran over and picked her up. "Hey Cami it's okay. I'm right here. Just breath. Your okay" I kept saying in her ear. She started to calm down but because she was crying so much she was hicupping and sniffling. I kept rocking her from side to side. I know it's sounds like something you would do for a baby but she's really small for her age and she was calming down. Finally she was back asleep and I kissed her forehead and walked out. I looked at the time and saw it was 3am. It took and hour and a half to calm her down. I flopped back in bed hoping she could sleep without getting another nightmare. Once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

Zayns POV

I was woken up to someone poking my cheek then laughing. I opened my eye a little to see Cami. I pretended I was still asleep til she was about to leave then I grabbed her and started tickling her. She squealed and started laughing really hard. "Uncle Zayn pwease stop I sorry" she laughed. I stopped and scooped her up. "Want some breakfast" she nodded. We walked down stairs and I saw we were the first ones up. "What do u want babe" I asked. "Lucky charms!!!" She laughed. I chuckled getting her her lucky charms knowing she would probably only want the marshmallows and a glass of milk because she hates milk on her cereal. "Thanks uncle zaynie " she laughed. I laughed with her at the new nick name. "Your welcome camibear " she laughed and started to eat. I got some cereal as well and started eating. By the time we were done Niall Liam and Louis were down stairs but Harry was still asleep. "Should we wake him" I asked. "No daddy sleep he up because I have bad dream" Cami said. We all nodded. "Okay let home sleep" Liam said. "Cami what was dream about" Louis asked. "My old daddy back and he hurt me again. And mommy couldn't save me" she said crying. Niall ran over and scooped her in him arms.

Nialls POV

Cami was telling us about her dream and started crying so I scooped her up. "Cami it's okay. That won't ever happen we will all protect you okay" she nodded. "Now smile camibear" I said tickling her. She started laughing while Zayn frowned. "Hey that my niackname for her. " he pouted Cami and all of us laughed. "You'll be okay" Louis sassed. We all laughed again. "Uncle Niall we play outside." Cami asked. "Ummmm sure. But we all need to get dressed. " I said I was already dressed and so were the boys so I took Cami up and got her some gray joggers and a black nike jumper with her black nike shoes and her gray beanie. And of course her mask. When I went down we all went out back and I saw Liam got the football(soccer). We all started kicking around even Cami. We had a net set up so we kept shooting in it. Cami took the ball from me and kicked it in the net. "SCORE" I yelled "looks like we have a football girly on our hands" Louis yelled picking her up and spinning her around. After a little bit she got bored and ran to the swing set we got her yesterday. "Last one there is a lazy pickle" Zayn yelled. We all ran and Liam was the last one there. We all laughed as he pouted. We all kept going down the slide and swinging on the swings til Harry called out the door. "Lunch is ready children" he laughed. I didn't even know he was up and that it was already noon. We all went inside wile Cami ran. "Daddy" she yelled as he picked her up kissing her cheek. "Hey princess"

Cami's POV

We all ate our lunch that daddy made it was really yummy. It was called a grilled cheese. After we all ate we went back out side and we were playing football again. Then Niall came outside with some bubbles. I love bubbles. We all were blowing bubbles. It was so pretty daddy was taking pictures of all of us and laughing. It was so much fun. Then I started feeling really tired so I sat down. Immediately everyone else stopped. "Cami you okay" daddy asked. I nodded. "Yea just really tired. " I said. "Okay how about we take a break" daddy said I nodded and we all went inside. Daddy put on a movie for me in my room and I layed down to watch it. Daddy left then came back with some milk for me. I took it and thanked him. Then he layed down and watched the movie with me.

Harry's POV

Cami fell asleep about 15 minutes into the movie Ariel. She had a long day. She was surprisingly strong and had a lot of energy so that was a good sign. I carfully got up leaving the movie play in the back ground and walked down stairs. "She asleep" Liam asked. "Yea it only took like 15 minutes she was really tired out. I was surprised she had so much energy today" I said and they all nodded. I decided to do some dishes while Cami was asleep. Once I was done with that u picked up some toys she left out. Which wasn't much cause she pretty good at putting her stuff away once she was done. Then I joined the boys in the living room and we all started playing FIFA. I noticed it had been 2 hours so I went to check on Cami. I opened the door and Cami was just sitting there crying silently. "Cami what's wrong" she just looked down. "Hey princess you can tell me. Was it another bad dream?" I asked. "No daddy I see mommy pushing me on the swing and daddy was being nice and it was like the old times. Daddy I miss my mommy" she sniffled. It broke my heart hearing her say all this. I knew she didn't k ow her mom long but I knew her mom visited her in her dreams and I knew Cami really missed her. "It's okay babes. Your mom will always be right there." I said pointing her heart. She giggled. I smiled. "Anything else wrong?" She nodded. "My tummy hurts. " "okay. Let's get you some medicine. It's probably because you worked really hard today. " I said. She nodded and got up. I thought I saw her put something in her pillow case but I was probably just imagining.
We walked down stairs and Niall said they ordered pizza and for right now we played board games and colored til the pizza was here.

After we ate dinner we all sat down and watched dolphin tail together. I looked down and notice Cami was sniffling. "Aww cam cam it's okay. The Dolphins okay." I said. "But da-daddy what if they no tail for her" she said sniffling I could see the other awwing at her and I was too. "They will babe I promise!" She nodded and went back to watching the movie. About half way through I saw Cami had fallen asleep so I picked her up and carried her to her room. I kissed her forehead and walked out. I went back to my room and a folder caught my eye. It was Cami's folder from when I got her. I never really looked at it. I grabbed it and looked at it. I already knew her name was Cameron Marie styles. I knew that she was four- wait she's only 3 right now! And her birthday is December 3. I never bothered to look. Oh my god I'm a terrible father. The boys knocked on my door and I looked up. " what's wrong." Zayn asked. "Cami's only 3 right now" she will be four next month!! I never bothered to look and I took her word for it.  I'm a terrible father. She gets confused easily and I never bothered to think ughhh" I said. "Haz calm down. This isn't a big deal." I started to calm down. "Hey I have a birthday month twin." Louis laughed. We all joined in. We talked for a little bit more til they left.
I satin my bed thinking. Why did she lie. Was she actually confused or was something up.
I decided to ask her tomorrow and see what she says.

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