Chapter 69

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Cami's POV

I opened my eyes and was confused. Why aren't I in my room? I turned and saw daddy still sleeping. Then I remembered papa and the hospital. I started crying quietly so I wouldn't wake daddy. I carefully got out of bed (she keeps her "leg" on sometimes) and walked out the room. Once I was out of Daddys room I started crying a little louder because I couldn't hold it in. "Cami?" I heard someone question. I looked up and saw aunt Fiz. "Hey hey it's okay...come here" she said opening her arms. I ran straight into them. She picked me up while I cried into her neck. I wanted papa. Why wasn't he okay? Daddys sad and I know he misses papa too. "Cam it's going to be okay! I promise! Louis is strong!" Aunt Fiz said. "H-he p-prom-mised m-me" I cried. "What?" Aunt fix said. "P-papa promised me he wouldn't leave me or my dad" I cried. "Cami he hasn't left and he won't! I know Louis and so do you think he is strong?" She asked. I nodded. "Do you trust him?" She asked. I nodded again. "Okay. Louis is strong and he keeps his promises. Cami your papa isn't going anywhere. I know it's scary! I'm scared too. So is your dad. But if we stay together and help each other we'll all be okay! I promise!" She said. I finally stopped crying and gave her a smile. "We be okay?" I asked. "Always!" Aunt Fiz said wiping my tears.

Harry's POV

I woke up and realized Cami wasn't next to me. I groggily got up and checked her room but she's wasn't there. As I was walking down the stairs I heard Cami crying. I was about to run to her when I heard Fizzy talking to her. She was comforting her. "We be okay?" Cami asked. "Always!" Fizzy said. This situation is way to hard to deal with especially for Cami and it's amazing knowing that she can turn to fizzy for help. I know I can't be much help to her. I try but it's hard because in all honesty I just want to break down and cry.

"Morning Cami. Morning Fiz!" I said walking into the kitchen. "Daddy!" Cami said. "Hey babe. " I said kissing her forehead. I grabbed some cereal and joined them in eating breakfast. By the time we were done everyone else was just getting up and coming downstairs. "Hey Cami why don't you go pick out your clothes and I'll be in a minute so you can take a bath. "I said. She nodded and walked up the stairs. "Hey Fiz can I talk to you for a minute." I asked. She nodded and followed me to the living room. "What's up" she asked. "Thank you fizzy. I heard you talking to Cami this morning. It" I stopped a minute to choke down the sobs,"it really helps. I know it's really hard on your mom and you. It's hard for Cami as well and I'm not doing a good job at helping. I'm really trying an-" "Harry your doing a great job! I promise! And as for helping Cami it's no problem. While I was talking to her I kinda was talking to myself as well." She sighed. I hugged her. "Stay strong Fiz! Well all be okay!" I said. Mainly to myself.

I helped Cami into her white skinny jeans and Aqua T shirt while she slipped on some white flip flops. I brushed through her almost shoulder width hair. "All ready?" I asked. She nodded. I already changed into a white t shirt and black skinny jeans. We were going to see Louis. I grabbed Cami's hand and we walked down the stairs. Everyone else seemed to be ready so we piled into the cars.

Cami and I went in first so I could talk to the doctor. Cami sat on my lap in the chair next to his bed "so how is he?" I asked. "He seems to be getting weaker. I'm not sure how much longer he'll last. I'm sorry mr styles" he said. I just looked down. He took that as his cue to leave. "Hey Cami why don't you go see if uncle Liam will take you to go get a snack" I said. She nodded and walked out. I just needed a minute with Louis. And I knew Cami knew that too. Cami is definitely smart for her age so I knew she just went along with it.

"God Louis why are you doing this! It's so hard seeing you like this. We were supposted to get married soon. We're supposed to live the rest of our long lives together! Louis you can't leave me! You can't leave Cami! You promised you would always stay! "I couldn't talk anymore. I just broke down to a sob. I don't how long I had been there crying but I soon felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was Jay. "Harry why don't you go get some food. You need a break love. " she said. "I can't leave him jay. I need him. He's my everything." I cried. She hugged me. "Shhhh I know hon. I know it's hard" she croaked. I pulled away and wiped her tears. I gave her one last hug and let her be alone with Louis. I walked into the waiting room where everyone else was sitting. I saw Cami was asleep on Zayns lap.

We have been here for 5 hours and Jay and Fizzy have to leave because something came up with the twins and they have to be home. I know it sounds selfish of them to leave but honestly they didn't wanna leave but I could tell they needed to be away from this so I assured that everything would be okay. Although I'm pretty sure I was trying to tell my self that. I said goodbye to Jay and fizzy one more time before they drove off. I decided to stay tonight and Cami refused to leave so she's staying as well.

"We should get going" Liam said. "Alright. Drive safe guys. I'll see you tomorrow" I said. They nodded and each said goodbye before leaving. That me alone with a sleeping Cami. We gotten a couch that folds out since we were staying so I pulled out the bed and layed Cami down and covered her up. I walked over to the chair beside Louis and sat down grabbing his cold hand. "Hey Lou. I know I already talked to you but I'm begging you to fight! These doctors they say that your too weak but I know you. I know the real Louis Tomlinson. And he's not even close to be being weak! Lou your the strongest fucking person I know. So Louis please use that strength. I love you Louis!" I said kissing his forehead. I'm a mess right now. A true mess. The love of my life is stuck in a hospital bed pretty close to dead. That should be me. It's all my fault anyways. It seems like as soon as everything is okay somethings bad happens again. Life is like so twisted battle. You fight your whole life yet in the end you always end up dead!

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