Chapter 66

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Louis POV

I looked at the clock to see it was 10am and I Cami was asleep thankfully and hadn't gotten sick anymore. I decided to take the monitor out of my room and take with me down stairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing all the boys eating their brealfast. "Where's Cami and Harry?" Zayn asked. "There both asleep. Cami was up at 3am and is really sick. Harry's rated up with her all night so he's asleep." I said. "Poor baby" Niall said. "Is it anything serious?" Liam asked. "I don't think so. I think it's just a fever from traveling. Her immune system is getting stronger so this shows that she's adapting to some viruses. If she's not better in a couple of days we will take her in" I said. They all nodded. I grabbed a yogurt and started eating it but didn't get very far before I heard Cami. The boys looked at me and I sighed getting up and running upstairs. I walked in to see her bending over and getting sick in the bin beside her bed. I ran over and quickly rubbed her back. "Shhh Cami it's okay. " I said. I knew she hated getting sick. She would always cry. I didn't blame her. Harry and I were the same way.

Once she was done she sat up and leaned her head on my chest. "Where's daddy?" She asked. "He's asleep. " I said. She nodded. "Do you wanna try to eat anything?" I asked. She nodded slowly. "Wanna walk downstairs with me?" "Carry me please ?" She asked. "Of course!" I said picking her up and carring her downstairs. "CAMi" Niall yelled running to her making her giggle. "Uncle Ni I sick" she said putting her hands out telling him to stay away. "That's alright bub I'll get sick anyway" he said kissing her cheek. She laughed as I took her to the kitchen so she could get some food. I sat her on the stool while I looked in the fridge grabbing some fruit. "PAPA!" Cami said. I didn't even need to ask. I grabbed the trash just in time. She sat there getting sick for about 10 minutes before she was finally done. "Hey babe it's okay don't cry. Do you wanna go back to bed or the couch?" I said. "Couch please" she said. I nodded. I picked her up and carried her to the living room to see Niall sitting there watching TV. "Niall I'm gonna lay her here while I clean this and make her some breakfast" I said. "No bring her here" he said. "I don't care if u get sick. I'll live" he laughed. I layed Cami down so her face was on nialls lap.

Nialls POV

Louis layed Cami down and I started playing with her hair. "How you feeling baby girl?" I asked. "Tummy" she mumbled. "I know babe. I'm sorry! Do you wanna watch some cartoons?" I asked trying to cheer her up. She nodded her head. I turned on Nickelodeon for her. "Thanks uncle ni" she whispered. "Anytime" I said. I think it's quite funny how close we all are. We don't act like the normal uncle niece thing. Honestly. She's my sister. Pretty much to all of us boys besides Lou and Haz. She's our niece but we all closer than brother and sister. I want to keep her safe. As do all the other boys.

Lou Cami back 10 minutes later with her bucket that he layed beside the couch, some fruit,her sippie cup with milk, and her favorite blanket. "Thanks papa!" She said. She slowly are about 3 pieces of fruit before saying her tummy hurt too much and laying back down. Lou nodded and took the fruit to the fridge. I looked back down to see her out like a light. I took a picture of how she was cuddled up to me and posted it on Instagram saying... Poor baby's come down with a fever. Hope she feels better soon!

Harry's POV

I opened my eyes to see it was 3pm. Damn I slept long. I slowly stood up and decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and stripped of my clothes while turning the water on. Once it was warm enough I stepped in and the warm water instantly relaxed my muscles. I washed my hair and body before stepping out and drying off. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to the closet grabbing some of Louis grey sweat pants and one of my white t shirts and my green beanie before walking downstairs.

"Hey babe you finally up?" Louis asked. "Where's Cami?" I asked. "In the living room asleep with Niall" I nodded and walked into the living room seeing Cami asleep on nialls lap and Niall asleep leaning against the couch. I smiled and took a picture. I decided to let ten sleep and walked back to the kitchen. "Where is Liam and Zayn?" I asked. " Liam is out with Sophia and Zayn is I think with Perrie." I nodded.

Louis,Cami, and I spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies. She hadn't gotten sick sonce this morning but she wa still pretty tired. I looked down and saw Cami asleep. Then I heard soft snores coming from Louis. I laughed quietly before taking a picture and sleeping beauties ;)

A/N sorry it's short. I have some good plans for the next chapter.

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