Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

We jumped out of the ambulance and rushed inside. Cami was pulled from my arms as the took her away. I fell to my knees crying. I soon felt someone wrap there arms around me. I knew it was Louis as he tried soothing me. I leaned into him as I continued crying. I felt him pick me up and carry me to a chair. He sat me on his lap as I cried. I couldn't stop. This. Everything. Cami is fine one minute. Then she's being kidnapped then she's back in the hospital. When can this girl get a break. I'm praying this has nothing to do with her cancer. I cried harder at the thought. "Hey hey. Shhhh. Harry listen to me. Cami is strong. We both know this. I know your scared. We all are! But we have to be strong too! Cami needs us. And she wouldn't want you wording over her." Louis soothed me. I didn't respond. I just continued crying silently. I felt Louis rock me back and forth. Humming in my ear.

"Haz. Wake up. The doctors here" Louis said. I opened my eyes to see us still in the waiting room. I jumped off Louis and walked to the doctor. "Is she okay!" I asked frantically. "Mr Styles. Cami's cancer is spreading and is worse than ever right now. We immediately put her on strong chemo and oxygen. She's asleep right now and will probably be for awhile. This chemo will make her extremely weak." He said sadly. "What how. She was perfectly fine the last time we checked in" I said. "Cancer is unpredictable. I'm sorry" he said. "Can we see her please" I said pointing towards all of us who just heard the news. "Of course. But remember she's asleep." We nodded.

I walked into Cami's room and instantly ran to her side. This did not look like my princes. She was pale and weak. It was heart breaking. All the boys crowed around. We all sat in silence for about a half hour. I turned and looked at the clock it was 4am. "Why don't you guys go get some sleep. Come back tomorrow if you want. " I said. "Are you sure Haz we can stay" Niall said "Niall it's okay. Go get some sleep. I'll sleep on the couch. " o said. He nodded and him Zayn and Liam got up. "You coming Lou" Liam asked. "Nah. I'll be okay" they nodded and walked out. "Louis you can go I'll be okay" I said. "Harry. I'm not leaving you or Cami." He said. I nodded. I kissed Cami's forehead followed by Louis and we both walked over to the pull out couch and got some blankets and laid down.

"Thanks for staying Lou. I know i didn't day it but I would've broke down if you left. I love you so much and this is all so hard to go through. I honestly don't know what I would've done without you!" I said cuddling into his side. "I love you too Haz. I'm not going anywhere!" He said kissing my forehead. We both fell asleep minutes later all cuddled together like a perfect puzzle.

Camis POV

I opened my eyes to see a plain white ceiling. I was confused at first but then I remembered I'm in the hospital and what happened last night. I looked over to see daddy and papa on the couch sleeping. I smiled. They loved each other so much. I didn't want to wake then so I just layed there. I couldn't move to do anything. I felt too tired. I knew I was back in chemo because this is always what happened. I always felt sick. I felt tears fill my eyes as my stomache started hurting. I didn't wanna wake daddy or papa so I just tried to get comfy while crying quietly. The door suddenly opened and I saw uncle Niall. He rushed over to me. "Camibear what's wrong?" "Tummy. Tummy hurt bad" I said crying louder. "Okay hang on love" uncle ni said getting the doctor. "It's okay Cami. I'll get you some medicine" he said. I knew it was just chemo taking its affect on me. Uncle Liam and Zayn soon walked into the room while the doctor was giving me medicine. "Hey babe" Liam said. I smiled. I couldn't really talk. "Hey cam cam" uncle z said. I smiled at him too. I just layed there as they talked to me. I couldn't move everything hurt. "You want to watch a movie" I nodded. Uncle Liam put on Snow White. I smiled at him silently thanking him. The boys all sat down on chairs and the couch. We have two chairs and two couches in this room. They always give us the bigger rooms because there are a lot of us.
I felt myself falling asleep while the movie played quietly in the background.

Louis POV

I woke up and saw Harry was still asleep. I slowly pealed myself away from him and let him sleep. I looked over and saw the boys watching Snow White while Cami was asleep on her bed. "Hey Lou." Zayn said. "Hey when did you guys get here?" I asked. "About an hour ago. We didn't wanna wake you. It's only noon." I nodded" thanks. So did the doctor say anything. " "well I walked in and she was crying so I got the doctor and he gave her some pain meds because chemo is definitely taking its toll on her poor body" Niall said. I smiled sadly. "Poor girl." I said. "So how's Harry?" Liam asked. "He's hanging in there. I can tell he's hurting though. " I said. "I'm letting him sleep though. Hopefully he'll feel better when he wakes up." I finished. They nodded. "We called Anne and your mom. They said they would try to come see you guys soon. " Zayn said. "Thanks." I said joining Niall on the couch. We all just sat in silence watching the movie.

The doctor walked in. "So we are going to try to give Cami food when she wakes up. If she can't eat or keep it down. She will need to have to tube put in. " I nodded. "So what's going on with everything." I asked. "Well Cami's cancer spread fast and it's affecting her stomach and liver and kidneys. It's also making small appearances in the brain. We are keeping that on close eye." I nodded. "What are you going to do about the cancer" I asked again. "We put her on stronger chemo and will be doing more tests tomorrow. For now just close monitoring and a lot of chemo. This also as I said yesterday means she will be extremely weak. It will make her sick and put her in pain but will do our best to keep her comfortable. If it gets too bad at certain times we will give her a shot to make her relax and sleep." He said. "Thanks" I nodded. He smiled and walked out. Please god make her better. I can't take seeing my baby and Harry in pain. I silently prayed.

We just walked back into the room with food from the cafeteria. It was 2 and Harry still wasn't awake. Cami wasn't either but that is more normal. I decided to go wake Harry. "Haz. Hey. I got food." I said. He groaned and looked at me. "It wasn't a dream?" I knew what he ment. Sadly I shook my head no. "Here you need to eat. Cami's still asleep." I said. He nodded. "Thanks. " he said taking the food. "Hey guys " he said seeing The boys. The smiled while eating there food. He looked towards Cami and I could tell he was wishing he was in her place. "Hey. Don't think about it Harry. It'll all be okay " I whispered loud enough for just him to hear. He sighed and ate his food.

Cami has just woken up and the doctor was trying to get her to eat. She did. But it wouldn't stay down. They decided on putting the tube in. Cami didn't want it either but she went along. Strong girl. Hopefully this will all get better soon. I saw Harry walk out of the room. I got up following him. He was sitting outside the door on his butt with his hands covering his face as he cried. Pulling his knees to his chest. I sat down next to him. I didn't say anything knowing it wouldn't help. I rubbed his back letting him know I was here for him. He sobbed louder. I can't take all this. It's so heart breaking. I felt tears slide down my face. I just wrapped my arms around him while we bothe cried. I don't care what it looked like. We needed each other.

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