Chapter 28

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Harry's POV
So in 4 days is Cami's birthday and Niall was back so we were all just sitting around watching playing games. "Time out I potty" Cami said as we were playing uno. We chuckled and she left. "Okay guys so Cami's parties in four days. It's a surprise and i may have gotten Demi to come because she say Cami's video of her singing." I said. They all smiled. "Your the best dad" Liam said. I smiled. "Thanks guys. Now shush Cami's coming. " I said laughing. "I BACK" Cami yelled laughing. We all laughed with her.

"UNO" Cami yelled. "What?!? She has to be cheating. She's won like 10 times!!!" Niall whined. We laughed at him. "I sorry uncle ni I just really good" she said cheekily. "Huh the cheekiness doesn't fall far from the tree" Niall said laughing. I smiled. "Double trouble" I said fist bumping Cami. We both laughed. I looked at the clock and saw it was 12:45 and we had to be at the doctors at 1 for Cami's check up. "Cami lets go get you ready for the doctors okay?" She nodded. "Papa come too?" She asked. "That's up to papa" I said. "Papa papa please go to doctor with daddy and Cami " she said. "I would love too!" He said excitedly. She grinned. "Alright let's get ready. " I said marching up the steps with Cami. She got in dark skinny jeans and a white t shirt and her white benie with black ughs. She looked so cute. And then of course her braces. I got her bag packed and we made our way out. "Lou were leaving " I said. "Alright let's go" he said.

" Cami Styles"  the doctor called. We stood up and followed him back to a room. "So Cami how have you been feeling?" He asked. "I good. Tummy hurt sometimes and leg but I okay" she said smiling. "Your very brave you know that?" He asked her. She blushed and shook her head no. "Well guess what your very very very brave. Your pretty much a super hero" he said. I smiled as Cami gasped. He was really good with kids. I nodded at him and he smiled. "Alright so I'm going to do the normal CAT scans and then an MRI just to make sure. And as for her legs all we can do for right now is the braces. And if it's a day at home let her take them off. She can try to walk. But no more than 5 steps. She gets tired very easily and it can affect other things. But as for staying home without braces. If it's a relax day jut take them off and someone can carry her" he said. I nodded. "So we are going to check weight and height real quick. " he said. He took her in the hall while me and Lou stayed back. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "It's alright" he whispered. I nodded and the doctor walked in. "Alright her weight is 35 pounds. That's really light but considering the other health factors she's doing just fine. Her height is lower as well. Also doe to the factors. Now we'll take her to do the tests real quick." I nodded. "You'll do just fine okay baby" I said. We couldn't go with her to do the tests. She looked at me and smiled. "Daddy I be okay" she said. I looked into her eyes. I knew she was just trying to make me feel better. She turned around and walked out the door. "Hey. She will be okay. The test results with be just fine." Louis whispered in my ear. "I'm just so nervous I can't help it. I want my baby to be able to be a child. For once in her life. Not worry about having a mask on or if she's tired or if she feels good. She just be able to be carefree and be a child. Not be more strong than a grown adult.  The way she looked at me when she said she'd be okay. She was just trying to convince me. I know she's scared. " I rambled on. Louis listened the entire time. "I know Haz I know. " was all he said. I sighed and decided to look on Twitter. I scrolled through and retweeted a few things and replied and followed to people. Then a text came through
You thought you could get rid of me that fast. Don't worry I'll be back for Cami !
I was froze. I looked at Lou. He didn't see it. I didn't reply. I was just shocked. I debated on if I should tell him. I voted on no for right now because it could just be a stupid threat. If it kept going ill tell him. I turned off my phone and decided to just lean my head on Louis shoulder.

"Okay so Cami's results are back we found in her CAT scan that she was getting a little infection. It can be treatable. Well give u an antibiotic for it. This means her mask needs to be worn more often. Of course home is fine unless sick people or a lot of people are there." I nodded as he gave me the medicine. "Other than that all is good. Cancer is same. Which isn't a bad thing. She's on her way to recovery. " the doctor finishes. "Thanks doctor. See you soon" I said shaking his hand. "Thanks" Louis said doing the same. "No problem. Bye Cami " he said waving to her. "Bye bye" she waved. I smiled. My baby girl is doing pretty well. I'm so excited. I can't wait for her birthday party. That she has no clue about.

By the time we got home we had stopped at McDonalds. We got food for us an the boys. I carried Cami in because she didn't want her braces. And she was getting pretty tired. "We're home" Louis yelled. Niall was the first to come running in. "How's my cam cam " Niall Said taking her from me and spinning her around. "I good" she laughed. He carried her to the table and sat her down.  I gave her her food and handed the rest out and we all took a seat. "So what happened at the doctors today" Zayn asked. "Well we found out that she had a small infection but he gave her an antibiotic for it and her cancer is the same. She needs her mask more. But other than that all good" I smiled. They smiled too because actually this was a really good appointment.

The rest of the day went by fast and soon I was giving Cami and kiss on the forehead and tucking her in. I walked to my room and saw Louis was in the shower so I layed down. I was looking on my phone when I got another message.
"I'll get her! She was mine in the first place!!! I'd watch out pretty boy. You can't keep everything you want to! I'll get Cami back one way or another!"
What the hell am I gonna do now. I was freaking out. I have to tell Louis.

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