Chapter 86

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Gemma's POV

After hearing what Harry said about Cami I felt terrible. I was the reason she was there. I won't let her die. I know what I have to do...

Louis POV

Harry and I sat in Cami's hospital room waiting for some kind of news. Praying for good news. We heard a knock and the doctor appear. "Good news. We found a heart for Cami! We will need to start this procedure immediately!" The doctor said. Oh my god Cami's going to be okay! "We need to prep her and then the sergery will take close to 4 hours(idk go with it). Go home and wash up. She will perfectly fine!" The doctor said. We nodded as he made us leave so they could get things ready. I sent out a group message letting everyone know what was going on before catching a cab with Harry home.

I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt before walking to Cami's room to see Harry sitting on her bed. "Hey" I said "hi" we hadn't really been talking much. All the stress and things. "You ready to go?" I asked. We had both taken showers and it had been 3 hours since we left. "Let's go get some lunch before going back" I said. Harry nodded and stood up. He walked past me but before he could leave I grabbed his wrist. "Haz..." He looked down at his shoes. I lifted his chin making him look at me. "I love you" I said kissing him. I pulled away to see tears falling down his cheeks. "It's going to be okay!" I said pulling him into a hug.
"Everything is okay now! Cami's going to be okay!" I said. He nodded. "I'm just so grateful for everything. That she's okay. But I'm said that she has to go through these things" he said. "I know babe I know! But it will stop here." I said.

We decided to eat at nandos and get things to go so we could be at the hospital. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed the food before following Harry into the hospital. We decided to just eat in the cafeteria then go to see how Cami's sergery was.

Harry's POV

Louis and I walked back up to the floor and into Cami's room to see the doctors wheeling her bed into the room. She looked Amit better. She didn't look as pale or lifeless. I smiled. My babys getting better. "She should wake up within the next couple hours. She can't have any visitors now exept you guys until after she wakes up" he said before leaving. "Wait doctor" I called out. "who was the donor?" I asked. "oh right I have a letter for you from her" he said hanging me a letter walking out.

I opened it up and sat next to Louis so he could read it as well
Dear Harry and Louis,
It's my fault Cami is in this situation in the first place. I'm so sorry I didn't protect her! I should've never taken her to the store! I'm sorry. I love you guys so much! I love Cami too. That's why I can't put you through all this pain. I found out cami and I Have the same blood type which makes me a good heart donor. So that's what I'm gonna do. By the time you read this it will be over. And you will have your baby girl back. Don't be sad. Please! I chose this! I wanted to save Cami because she saved me! I love you Haz! Make sure Cami knows it too! Louis keep my brother safe! Tell mum I love her and that I wanted this. No one could've changed my mind! I love you all!

Love always,

I looked up at Louis and his expression mirrored mine. Tears ran down my cheeks. My sister is dead but she's a hero! She saved Cami! She saved my baby girl! The feeling of happiness and sadness all came at once and u didn't know what to do. I didn't have much time to think either because a small whisper broke me and Louis out of thought. "Daddy? Papa?" I looked up to see Cami. "Cami!" Louis sad running over to her. I watched as Louis hugged her and kissed her cheek. I walked up and smiled seeing my baby girl awake and healthy. "Cameron don't you ever scare me like that!" I said wiping my tears. She smiled. "Sorry daddy!" I kissed her forehead.

The doctor came in and went over everything. Cami was perfectly fine now. She would have to take precautions with some sorts and rubbing. She could get short breathed easily but other than that she will make a full recovery. I was so relieved! They said she would be able to go home tomorrow morning. I texted everyone to let them know we would be home tomorrow.

"Daddy papa lay with me?" Cami asked for her bed. Louis and I didn't need to think twice before we were both layed beside her.  I'm still upset about gem but I can't think of that now when cami is here. She will never forgive herself once she finds out. She will blame herself. "Daddy?" I heard Cami say. "Yes baby" I said. "Is Aunt Gemma okay?" She asked. I froze. I looked at Louis and his expression very well matched mine. What do I tell her? Well here goes nothing.

"Cami you know how you saved aunt Gem?" I asked. She nodded. "Well when you got hurt you needed a new heart because your old one wasn't working and you needed a new one fast. And um Aunt gem gave you hers because you saved her so she wanted to save you" I said carfully. I felt Louis' hand in mine giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Where is Aunt gem? I need to say thank you!" Cami said looking around. I felt my eyes fill with tears. Before I could stop them they ran down my cheeks. "Daddy what wrong? I sorry" she said trying to wipe my tears. "No baby you didn't do anything! Daddy's just a little sad. " Louis said for me. I smiled and him and wiped my tears. "You need your rest baby. We go home tomorrow!" Louis said changing the topic. "Can you sing a song?" She asked us.
People say we shouldn't be together to young to know about forever but I say they don't know what they talking about...
We sang til her eyes closed and her breathing evened out.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Louis sadly. "We'll get there babe. She'll learn soon enough. And we still need to call your mom." Louis said sadly. I nodded. "Ill give you your privac-" "no Lou please don't leave me!" I said grabbing his wrist. "Oh course!" He pulled me in a hug as we stood outside Cami's door so we wouldn't wake her.

Hey mom
Harry! I heard Cami's okay. How is she?
She's great asleep now! Be home tomorrow
That's great have you heard from gem I keep calling but she won't answer.
My heart stopped. I looked at Louis because he could hear her over the phone. He nodded and hugged me comforting me. "That's what I called you for mom. We got a letter from the heart donor...m-mom gem was the heart donor" I stuttered out before sobbing.
W-what. N-no my baby girl! I sobbed into Louis Chest hearing my mom cry. "I'm sorry mom! I'm so sorry!" She was quiet for awhile. "Harry we can't be sad about know gem. When she wants something she's determined. She wanted Cami to live...Cami saved her so she save Cami! Let's not morn over her death but be happy Cami's Okay! It's what gem would've wanted! Now go be with your daughter and be happy! I'll see you tomorrow baby. I love you!" She said. "I love you too mom!" I said before the line went dead.

I sniffled one last time before looking at Louis. "We will make it through this! We always do and always will! I know Gem is looking down on us now not wanting us to be sad. She chose to help our daughter. And now we've all gained a guardian angel!" Louis said. "I know. I'm just really gonna miss her. But now every time I look at Cami I know gems looking down on her!" I said. He smiled. "I love you!" "I love you!" I kissed him once before pulling him into Cami's room. I looked to see it was 9pm. "I'll go get food from the cafeteria be back" Louis said walking to get food. I took a seat next to Cami and looked at the note gem gave me. "Thank you Gemma! Thanks for saving my baby girl! We'll never forget you! I love you! I know your looking down us...I'm trying not to be sad anymore because you did this so I could be happy! Thank you! Your the best big sister ever!" I laughed to myself. I felt a hand touch my shoulder but no one was there. I took it as a sign gem was with me! She'll always be!

I know chapters are sucky but they will get better I promise!!!!! I'm trying to update more frequently but it just depends on school!

~ Payton ❤️

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