Chapter 7

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A/N bad copy but song describes cami's life before. Look up Demi lovato for the love of a daughter. This copy doesn't sound as well sorry. Xxxx

Cami's POV
"She's so ugly" I heard. I felt tears leave my eyes and I ran to the nearest room and fell to the floor. "Cami. Hey baby don't listen to them. You are so pretty and strong and beautiful. Okay never listen to them they are just jealous." I heard Harry say as he wrapped me in a warm hug. I continued crying while Harry sang "your beautiful no matter what they say words can't bring you down ohhhh you are beautiful in every single way..." I drifted off to a horrible sleep.

Harry's POV

I was furious. I sang Cami to sleep but I was so mad. I got out my phone and logged on to Twitter. I saw that boys already made comments about who would say something like that. But mine was gonna be a lot worse.
Whoever the hell u are that said such things to my baby girl is gonna pay. She's beautiful! And so strong. And u r a pathetic piece of shit!
I logged off after I tweeted that. The boys came into the room. "How is she." Liam asked. "She cried herself to sleep. And now I know for sure she will wake up from a nightmare." I said. All the boys nodded exept for Zayn. He looked almost as mad as I was. "Zayn what's wrong" Niall asked. He looked at him "what's wrong? What the hell. Some person just called our little Cami ugly. She is the most amazing person and I want to kill whoever said that." Okay so Zayn was more mad. "Zayn look I'm pissed too. But we have to calm down or Cami will notice and get overwhelmed or scared." He didn't say anything. "Guys can I talk to Zayn alone." I asked. They nodded. "Come sit " he listened. "Tell me what's the real problem." I said. "It's just she goes through so much. And I just want to make her happy and safe. Yea I know your her dad and I sound like a father saying this but we are like her older brothers/uncles. I love her. I want her safe and feeling amazing. Not sick and insecure!" He sighed. "I feel the same way. Let's just kept her positive that's all we can do!" I said. He nodded. Liam knocked on the door. "Hey we have to get ready for the concert." I nodded and Zayn left. I changed into my concert outfit. Which was my black skinny jeans and white t shirt. I put my curls into a bun. I'll probably mess with it anyway. As I was getting ready Cami started screaming. Lou ,our stylist, and Paul and the rest of crew looked terrified. I explained it was only nightmares. I picked Cami up carefully because of the whole chemo treatment. "Shhhh baby girl. Shhhhh it's daddy. It just a dream." I whispered. Rocking her back and forth. She stopped screaming but was still crying so I started singing. "How many nights does it take to count the stars that's the time it would take to fix my heart oh baby I was there for u all I ever wanted was the truth yea" soon she relaxes and was asleep again. Lou would be the one watching her for me while I was performing. I explained everything she needed to know and where cami's bag was. Lou nodded. "Please get me if she needs me and kept her sa-" "HAROLD breath I raised lux and u know I will keep her safe now go" she said. "Right sorry I'm just a protective parent" I laughed. "Thanks again Lou" I said before walking on stage starting the song clouds.

Cami's POV
I woke up in the room I didn't know on a couch with no one there. I started to cry and scream because I didn't know where I was. I thought Harry left me so I started screaming "DADDY" soon someone opened the door I looked up to see a really big man. "Cami it's okay It's just me ." I knew who Paul was he was always with us. He was nice. He protected me. I ran to him he picked me. "Hey girly. Wanna see daddy and your uncles singing." I nodded. We walked out and to the side of a stage. It was really loud so they gave me headphones but I could still here daddy and my uncles singing. They were really good. I saw daddy look at me and wave and I got really excited and waved back. Then I saw uncle Liam wave and then uncle Lou and then uncle zaynie and then uncle nialler. He was playing the guitar and it was really good. Paul put me down and I started dancing then a girl a little older than me came over. "Hi I'm lux. I'm 7."she said. "I'm Cami I'm 4" I said. Then Paul came over. "Cami Lux is like your cousin. She is lous daughter the one who did daddies hair." He said. I nodded. I waved at Lou. I started dancing with lux. She was really nice. After dancing for a while I started to feel really sick. I sat down for a minute then I shot up and ran to the nearest trash can and threw up. Lux ran to get her mom. Soon Lou and Lux came back. "Cami it's okay" I always cry when I puke cause it's gross and it hurts. After I was finished Lux brought me my juice and we sat down and colored. I was coloring a picture of Cinderella when heard someone yelling at someone. I turned around to see a guy (security) and a girl (crazy fan) fighting.
Cameron Marie. Get your butt down here now. My dad yelled. I was terrified. I walked down the stairs and so my dad holding a broken bottle there was glass all over the floor. He started coming towards me. I backed up til I hit a wall. He took the bottle and cut my arms. I was screaming in pain as he dug deeper and deeper. I couldn't control anything. I couldn't see anything but the blood running from both my arms. Then he took my shirt off and started cutting my tummy. I was bleeding everywhere. I fell to the ground and I looked up to see a bunch of men in black uniforms putting chains on my dads hands. Then a man came to me. I was too weak to do anything. I blacked ou- "CAMI baby it's Daddy. Calm down. Breath take deep breaths." Harry said to me. I was having a panic attack. I tried hard to breath. In out I told myself. Finally I could breath. Everyone was looking at me. I stuck my head in daddy's chest. I cried silently. Why couldn't I get better. He picked me up and took me to the room I woke up in. "Cami, what were u seeing this time" dad asked me. "My dad called me down stairs and he had a broken bottle and he started cutting my arms. He wouldn't stop and I kept screaming and there was so much blood then he took my shirt off" I couldn't finish because Harry grabbed me a pulled close to him. "Listen to me okay. I will NEVER ever let anyone hurt u ever again. Okay. I love you so much. And you are so pretty and strong. Okay" daddy said. "Okay I love you too." I said back.

Harry's POV

I walked off stage to see Cami shaking. Lou was trying to calm her down. I realized she was having a panic attack. I grabbed her. "Harry I'm sorry she was coloring and-" "Lou it's fine it's just a panic attack she saw something that reminded her of her past." I said. I calmed Cami down finally. After I said bye to Everyone I took her to my dressing room and asked her what she saw this time. She started telling me the story but I couldn't finish listening. Her real father was awful. After we both calmed down I got all our stud around and loaded up with the rest of the boys in the van. I was carrying my sleeping beauty with me. They all awwed and said how cute she was. "Good show guys." I said. They all said thanks and you too. " Haz your so good with her " Louis said. "Thanks." I replied. " it kind of comes naturally. I guess" I said. "Fatherly instinct" Liam said. I nodded and chuckled. We arrived at the hotel. I got our stuff and grabbed me princess and walked to our room. We shared a room with Zayn while Liam,Niall, and Louis shared a room. I put Cami in pajamas sucessfully without waking her up. And I put her on her night chemo. She was out. I changed into comfortable pants and went to say good night to Zayn but he was already asleep. Good thing we have the day off tomorrow. I'm going to my moms for the day so she can finally meet Cami. It's going to be a surprise. I layed down and was soon out like a light.

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