Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

  It's been 2 weeks since Cami was put in a coma. To be honest it's been a living hell. We have shoes everyday then I can't me back for the night then go back. I really hope she wakes up soon. I hate seeing her like this. She looks dead. Ugh stop thinking that. I miss my princess so much. I never thought you could miss a person this much. We have today off so all I have planned is being here with my princess. The boys should be here soon. They all went to get food. There was a knock on the door and I looked over to see the doctor. " Mr. Styles I'm sorry to say I have some bad news" he said. I was too focused on the doctor to notice all the boys standing behind him. "Cami is getting weaker. We are doing everything we can but we are losing hope. There isn't a strong chance here. I'm sorry" the doctor finishes walking out. I stared at Cami in shock. No my baby girl won't die. I felt anger boil inside of me. I didn't know what to do. I shot up and shoved past the boys walking out of the room.

Liam's POV

I was in shock after hearing what the doctor said to Harry about Cami. I could tell he was in shock too. I was going to comfort him but she got up and shoved past us all. Niall was gonna go after him but I stopped him " don't he needs some time. Of we chase him he's just gonna fight. " Niall nodded sadly. We all sat down thinking. Cami really needs to get better Harry hasn't been the same ever since Cami was put in the coma. He is depressed and not the fun cheeky hazza anymore. I don't blame him we all have been that way lately. Harry's mom and sister come and visit almost everyday. But I don't think that's what is making Harry stay strong. I think the chance of Cami getting better is making him stay strong. I looked at the clock. Harry left 3 hours ago. I noticed the others noticed that too. "I'm gonna go check for him" Zayn said. We all nodded.

Zayns POV

I walked down the endless hallways looking for Harry. It's been now 4 hours and it's 11 at night. I had walked through all the sections of the hospital exept the cancer part. I walked down the hallway and saw the familiar set of curls. I don't know why I didn't check this first. Harry was sat outside of a room on the floor his head in his hands. I looked at the room. Cami's room. Where Harry first met her. I sat down next to him and signed. "Haz I know it's hard for you. It's hard for all of us. But really hard for you. But I need you to understand that we are all here for each other. We need each other. We know you are hurting. But Cami needs you there when she wakes up. She needs you now. She's a strong one. Haz and so are you. You are the youngest of us yet you stepped up to take care of your daughter. You have been so strong through all of this. I mean it sucks seeing anyone in pain but for you to stay strong seeing your own daughter in so much pain. That's strong. That's hard to do. I can tell that u keep your feeling hidden. We all can. But Cami needs us all now. She is going to wake up. And we are going to continue our lives. Our fun hectic amazing life with an amazing little girl." I finished. Harry looked up at me. The tears streaming down his face. "I need my baby girl Zayn I can't do this without her. I feel like I can't breath without her I feel like nothing without her. I can't and won't live without her." My breath hitches as he said that. Cami will pull through she has to. Because if she doesn't Harry won't either. "She is going to wake up. Now let's go back and get some rest it's 12:30 in the morning." I said getting up and helping him up. "Thanks Zee" he said. "That's what brothers are for. And you have 3 more waiting to comfort you. We love you okay and so does Cami" I said. "I love you guys too" Harry said. I pulled him in a hug. He's like my little brother. And I hate seeing him like this. We made the long walk back to the ICU where Cami was.

Harry's POV

We are currently on a week break. It's been 3 days since we heard the news about Cami. But I can feel my baby girl will make it through. She's so strong. We were all layed around the room. My mom and Gemma included. The doctor came in. We all looked at him for some kind of hope. "So I'm sorry to say this but we can't keep Cami on life support forever. We are giving her 2 days to pull through then we have to take her off it. I'm sorry." The doctor said sadly walking out of the door. What the heck. No my baby girl isn't gonna die she's gonna pull through she has to. She will. I broke down. "Why is this happening. Why is my baby girl going through this. What the fuck happened to happily ever after. Where is her happy ending. Where is mine. Why is this happening." I screamed sobbing my heart out. "This gir hasn't ever had time to live her god damn life and he's already taking it. She's fucking four years old. She was abused for 2 of those years and the other fighting her ass off to survive." I sobbed even harder. I never cursed and my mom would probably be disappointed under different circumstances. I need a minute. "Can I please talk to Cami alone." I asked. They all nodded. "Yes we wil all go get some food" my mom said sadly. I nodded and waited til they all left. "Please baby girl wake up. You have to. You can't leave. I love you too much. If u go I go." I said breaking down more. I needed to calm down so I did the only thing I could. I started to sing. I sang until I felt my eyes close and I feel into a much needed sleep.

Cami's POV

I could see a bright light. I was getting really scared and I started to cry. Then I heard a voice I haven't heard in a long time. "Hey baby girl." I looked up seeing my mom. I hugged her and cried harder. I missed her so much. "Mommy I miss you don't leave me. Please" I cried she hugged back. "Hey don't cry love. I'm here because I'm your guardian angle." She said. "You must keep fighting. It going to hurt but u have to" she kept going. "But I want to stay with u mommy." I cried. "You can't you have to go back with Harry. He's your dad and he needs you. Look" she showed me and room. I could see me laying on a bed but that's not what I was interested in. It was Harry. He was sat by me saying how unfair it was that I was here and how he wishes it were him. Not me. And how much he loves me. He was also sobbing his eyes out. He looked broken. I knew I had to fight. I couldn't leave him like that. "Okay mommy I'll fight. But please will you stay with me til then." She nodded. It was so weird and confusing as to what was going on with me. My mom explained that I was dieing but if I fought enough I would live. That's what has to be done.

Picture on side is what Cami looks like.

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