Chapter 41

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Harry's POV

I woke up to Cami climbing in bed with Louis and I. "Daddy bad dream. I scared" she said. I looked at the clock. It was midnight. "It's okay. You wanna sleep with papa and I" I I she nodded. I moved over and made room for her. "Don't worry Cami. It was a dream. Now let's go back to sleep. " I whispered so I wouldn't wake up Louis. I hated when she came in here because I know she had to crawl to get here. She can't walk yet without the braces and she didn't have them on. I'm happy that her room is right next door. "Cami next time. Just yell for me. I don't want you to have to crawl over here. Okay" she nodded. "Night princess sweet dreams" I said and we both fell asleep.

I woke up a second time and looked at the clock. It was 9:30. We had an interview at 2pm. Louis and Cami were still asleep so I carefully got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sighed. All the memories of last night came flashing back. How me and Louis were...ugh. I hate myself for letting him scar me. I feel so worthless now that he hurt me. I sighed again and decided to take a shower.

I pulled on my black skinny jeans and a black plain long sleeve shirt. I let my hair go natural after drying it with my towel leaving it a little damp. I walked out seeing Cami awake and Louis still asleep. Cami looked at me and I smiled. "Morning" I whispered kissing her forehead. "Morning daddy" she said. I picked her up and carried her to her room. "Let's get you a bath" I said. She agreed. I carried her to her bathroom and she got undressed.

Cami was sitting in the tub while I scrubbed her hair "daddy?" She asked. "What's up princess" "Am I going to be okay now?" She asked. I felt my throat go dry. It broke my heart when she asked things like that. Knowing that she thinks she may never be okay again. "Cami baby. You are perfect. You are going to be weak. But your cancer free!" I said. "I know that daddy but what about walking and the nightmares. Will I be okay" she said again. "Cami you are okay. Your will walk again. You are strong. Those nightmares. I get them too. But all you have to think about is they are over. It's all over! You are an amazing little girl. Your strong and beautiful. Don't worry about all that stuff" I said. She nodded. "Thanks daddy. I love you!" She said. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you too. Now let's get dressed we have an interview today!" I said.

I picked out normal light skinny jeans and a black and white sweater. I also got her her white beanie with her white high top converse. She looked adorable! I carefully put on her leg braces and We walked down stairs and I noticed all the boys were there eating breakfast exept Louis. I noticed it was 11 already and we had to leave at 12. I got Cami some cereal and sat her in her chair. "I'm going to go wake papa. I'll be right back" I said she nodded and Niall came over and started to play with her.

I walked into our room and saw Louis was laying there facing the other side of the room. I was going to try to scare him but I heard him talking. "God why am I so stupid. I shouldn't have let Harry feel like I was pressuring him. I didn't mean too. God he probably hates me. Why did this have to happen." He said to himself. I could tell he was crying. I walked over carefully and wrapped my arms around him. He flinched. "Hey Louis. I'm not mad. I feel terrible about that. Look I'm just scared. I know that you would never do anything. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry" I said. He flipped me around so I was on top of him straddling him. I wiped his tears. "Harry I didn't mean to" he said. "Look Louis don't be sorry. It was my fault. Let's just forget it ever came up yeah?" I said. He nodded and smiled. I leaned down and kissed him. It got more and more heated. I pulled away. "We have to leave soon. Well finish this later..." I smirked. He nodded furiously. "Now go get dressed. We leave in a half hour." I said. He kissed me one more time before pushing me off him and standing up. "Hey" I huffed. "What. I needed up" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked back down stairs.

"Where's Louis" Zayn asked. "Getting ready" I replied he nodded. I walked over Cami. I saw he hadn't eaten much. "Cami what's wrong. Why aren't you eating?" I asked. " tummy hurt." She said sadly. "Okay. I'm sorry. Let's just make sure you don't go running arose me. Your still weak which means you can still get sick easily. You still need to wear your mask when we leave. " I said. She nodded. I cleaned up her things and helped her out of the chair considering it was too o tall for her to get off herself. I sat her on the floor and she wobbled then got her balance and slowly walked to the living room. It will take time for her to be able to walk normal. Especially with being in a coma and not moving her legs for that long. Luckily she won't need therapy. I sat down on the couch with the rest of the boys waiting on Louis. "Daddy i please up" Cami said. I carefully picked her up and sat her beside me. I watched as she crawled in my lap and layed her head on my chest. I smiled. I'm so happy to have my baby back. I won't ever take advantage of these moments ever again! So much has happened these past few months. I adopted Cami in October. Cancer struck hard. She went into comas. Yet she's still a strong loving little girl. I looked around and all the boys were I occupied on their phones. "Daddy. We take a selfie" she grinned. I laughed and nodded. "Ready one, two, three" I said. I snapped a picture of us making silly faces. "Now let's do a one where we're smiling" I said. We took another one of us making cheesy smiles. I laughed and showed Cami. "Daddy we hot!" She said. I busted out laughing. The guys heard what she said too and laughed along. "Cami I love you!" I said. "I love you too daddy" she said. I smiled and set those pictures as my background on my phone.

"Guys I'm gonna go see what Louis doing" I said they nodded and i sat Cami on Liam's lap. I walked upstairs and into our room. I saw Louis sat on the bed looking at his hands. "Louis? What's wrong?" I said. He looked up startled. "Fizzy called. There was an accident." He said. I looked at him wide eyed. "Louis what happened?" I said sitting beside him. "A drunk driver. He hit my moms car. Fizzy was at her friends. Lottie was with Lou. But mom and phone and Daisy and Ernie and Doris. They were in the car. " he said wiping his eyes. "She said they won't tell her what's going on. " he finished. "We should go see them" I said. "We will. But we have to do this interview first and I'm not going without you. Or Cami" he said. "Okay well let's get this interview over with" I said. He nodded. We both got up. I made sure Louis was okay. Then we headed down the stairs.

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