Chapter 96

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Harry's POV

I quickly got up careful of Cami and followed Louis down to the car. "Babe what happened?" I asked. "I have no clue. I got a call from the school and they said that Kenzie was in the hopsital and that no one knew what to do since she was all alone so they called us because they know Cami is friends with her" he said rushed as we drove to the all to fimilar hospital.

"We're looking for a Kenzie. She is 5 came in all alone. " Louis said. "Yes yes. You must be the tomlinsons." The nurse said as showed us outside of a room. "Kenzie was brought in after being found unconscious in a home all alone. They brought her here and it seems she's suffered from severe beating and abuse. They have her on life support but they don't know if she can keep fighting. Her body is weak and her heart is failing" the nurse said sadly. I know it seems strange to feel so attached to someone when you haven't even met them properly yet. But this was different. This is Cami's best friend and she may die... "Can we see her?" I asked. The nurse nodded and led us in then left us alone. I grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the bed as well as Louis and grabbed Kenzie's hand. Louis took Cami so I could talk to Kenzie. "Hey Kenzie....I know we've never met but I'm Harry. Cami's dad. Your a wonderful girl Kenzie Cami talks about you all the time...You gotta fight baby girl! Your strong I know you can do it!" I said. Louis grabbed my other hand giving support.

Everything that's happening, everything that's happened these past couple years, why? Why is it happening. The heartbreak, the pain, the loss, everything! It's like no matter where we go someone gets heartbroken whether it's Louis or Cami or I. Someone is hurting. In this case and what seems like most cases, it's Cami.

Cami's POV

I woke up in papas arms and looked around confused. "Hey babe" papa said. "Where we at?" I asked. Then I noticed Kenzie laying in the bed. "Kenzie? Daddy what wrong? Why Kenzie here? Is she okay?" I cried. "Hey hey Cami you have to calm down! Kenzie isn't doing well...she was hurt really badly!" Papa said. I didn't really listen to him. I sat down in the end of Kenzie's bed and held her hand. " have to get better! We still have to have sleepovers and we have to have parties together! Kenzie I'm sorry this is all my fault-" i said but daddy interrupted me. "Cami this isn't your fault" i ignored him and kept talking. "I promise I would help you! I promised! Kenzie I'm so sorry!" I cried. I sat there holding her hand forever. Papa and Daddy sat with me the whole time. Until the monitor started making weird loud noises and a bunch of people ran in and pushed me and papa and daddy out of the room.

"NO! Kenzie!" I started bawling. What's happening? "Cami Cami hey breath baby! It's going to be okay!" Daddy said holding me. Daddy held me comforting me until the doctor came out minutes later. "I'm sorry...Kenzie's heart failed and she wasn't strong enough...we did everything possible. " he said. "No Kenzie okay! She strong! I know she strong! She can't leave me!" I cried. The doctor looked at me sadly. Daddy put me down and looked at me he was crying so was papa. "Cami they did everything they could! Kenzie fought and stayed strong but it was hurting her! I'm so sorry Cami!" He said hugging me. I sat there and cried. I felt daddy lift me up and take me to the car. But I didn't respond. I felt numb. This is all my fault. I promised I would help and i didn't. I let her die. I told her I would save her...I told her bad people with go away.

"Cami babe were home." Papa said. I unbuckled but didn't say anything. I didn't want to. I couldn't. This was all my fault! I felt ashamed. I walked into the house. "Cam-" I ignored whoever was talking to me. Liam I think. And went to my room closing the door and hiding in my covers. I let the tears fall. "I'm so sorry Kenzie! I hope your safe now! I hope no one ever hurts you again!" I cried. I kept crying for awhile but then I got mad. Mad at myself. Made at the bad people mad at everyone. I grabbed pillows and threw them. Stuffed animals and threw them. Anything to get rid of the pain. I ended up on the floor in Daddys lap. He came running in after hearing me scream. He kept whispering in my ear but I couldn't here him.

Harry's POV

Cami eventually stopped crying and I put her in her bed after she fell asleep. I figured she needed sleep right now. I sighed and went down stairs. Louis had explained to the boys what happened and we all had the same look. Sadness. It's like Cami can't get a break. She is an incredible person and for her to be going through this. It's terrible.

I walked upstairs to check on Cami but when I walked outside her bedroom I heard soft singing. "Dear Mr Jesus I just had to write to you something really scared me when I saw it on the news. Story bout a little girl beaten black and blue...please don't let them hurt your children. We need love and shelter from the storms...Jesus let us take this right to you" I felt tarts slide down my cheeks when I heard her tiny voice crack and her cried fill the room. I Cradled her in my arms. "Daddy no wanna be sad. No wanna hurt. Why is as and hurt? Why can't I ever be happy? Why does everybody leave me? " she cried. My heart broke. I couldn't answer her so I just held her close. "I promise you it will get better!"

A/ N sorry about the unpublished and republish. The song on side makes me cry everything. Sorry about the messed up chapter on the last one I got the numbers confused.

Payton xxx

Life's a BattleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora