Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

  I walked in and what I saw broke my heart. Cami was screaming and clawing her arms and had torn one IV completely out. "Cami calm down. Please baby calm down" I tried hushing her. She wouldn't calm down.  She was backing away as if she were scared of me. "Cami it's just daddy. I'm not gonna hurt you.  Please calm down so I can help you" she kept backing away til she hit the wall. I took this chance to grab her. I picked her up gently. She started kicking more. I cradled her to my chest. "No stop!!!! You were going to leave me. You don't want me anymore!" Cami screamed. "CAMI I would never EVER leave u. I promise. I put u up here so u could sleep. I was right down stairs." I said. She was slowly calming down. "I-I'm sorry pl-please -d-don't hurt me." She stuttered. "Cami I'm not going to hurt u. I promise I love u okay. Now please let me fix ur IV and clean up your arm." She nodded. I pulled her to the bathroom and sat her on the counter top. I cleaned up her arm... Poor girl she's gonna have major cat scratches. "Baby girl promise me u won't ever hurt yourself again" I asked. "I promise daddy. I'm really sorry I thought u left me." She said looking down. "Hey hey hey. I will never leave you okay. I am your dad and will always be. I love u baby girl. Now let's go downstairs and get a new IV from your bag." She nodded and I picked her up. As I opened the bathroom door I saw my mom and Gemma ease dropping. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. I continued down the stairs. I grabbed her bag and got the IV "okay Cami 123" I said pushing the needle in her arm. She winced and let some tears fall. I wiped them away and pulled her close. I heard another camera click and awwing seriously with the pictures. My phone went off singalong a text. I liked at it. The picture Gemma and my mom took of me and Cami. Aww we are cute. I looked at the time. 5:30. " well we need to get going but don't worry we have days off Ina couple of weeks. I love u guys" I told mum and Gemma. "Love u too" they said. "Bye. Gramma and Gemma" Cami said. Aww it was cute she couldn't say grandma right. "Bye sweetie" they said and waved us off. I put Cami in the back seat and put all her stuff next to her. After I got in the drivers seat and was on the road I asked Cami " hey baby girl how u feeling." "I feel sick and icky and my arms hurt" she said. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I'll put some save on your arm when we get home and I'll see what I can do about ur Tummy okay" she nodded. "Do u want some food" I asked he shook her head no. Well I'll just have to get her to eat something at the hotel. "Okay." I said. I noticed she wasn't talking much and looked upset. Well she clearly wasn't gonna talk now I'll see when we get home. I put on the radio and the song A team by Ed Sheeran  came on. After a long hour drive I got home. Cami was asleep in the back seat so I grabbed all our stuff they carfully picked her up. We walked into the hotel without fans noticing us and into our room. I saw all the boys in our room doing a twit cam. They looked over at me and then put the camera on me I waved and then shushed them pointing to Cami. They nodded. I walked into mine and cami's room and changed her into her pjs and night chemo and put her to bed. I know she will be up with a nightmare soon.
I walked back into the room and they boys were still on twit cam so I thought I would join. I sat in between them "hey guys and all of u " I said. "Hey" they all said. We all started answering some questions that we pouring in. Thy answered til one question caught my eye. "Why would Harry adopt a child? He's only using her for popularity!" I looked at the boys they saw it too. " to whoever sent in this question. I adopted Cami because I love her. I don't need her for popularity. I love my daughter and all of you who think that I don't love her can fuck off" I said getting up and storming out of the hotel room. I needed a break. I walked around the large hotel for about and hour until I got a call.

Liam's POV
After Harry stormed off we ended twit cam. "I've never seen Harry so mad before" Lou said. I nodded in agreement with the rest of the boys. I knew Harry needed his time alone and so did the rest of the boys. We were watching TV when Cami started screaming we all jumped up and ran to her. I stopped at the door and held my hand up signaling for them to stay there. I walked over to Cami and gently picked her up. "Shhhhh baby girl calm down. Breath." That wasn't working or was getting worse by the second. We all tried singing but nothing would work. "Call Harry now" I yelled. Niall ran and called him.

Harry's POV

"Harry get your ass back to the room now Cami will not calm down we tried everything" Lou said. At the mention of cami's name I was spitting back to the room. I got there and ran to her room. She was screaming and crying. I grabbed her. I felt how hot her head was. She was on fire. "Someone grab water" I said. Niall came back with some water. I layed Cami down and poured some on her. I didn't want to but it was the only way. She shot up. She looked terrified. "Cami it's daddy I had to pour water on u to make u wake up." I said. She nodded. I waved the boys off. I changed Cami quickly. I walked out with her and her portable chemo. "Lads I'm taking her to the hospital." I said worrisly. "well we r coming too" Zayn said. I nodded and we were out the door. Liam drove while I held Cami who was crying because she felt sick. We got to the ER and rushed her in. The doctor came out immediately. He started yelled all this stuff and took her away. I tried going after but they wouldn't let me. Liam and Niall held me back while Zayn and Lou tried to calm me down. I start crying because I could here Cami screaming for me. I'm a terrible father. "No your not" Niall said. Oops said that out loud. "Haz your a great father. Just relax. They will let us know as soon as they can"

After 4 hours sitting there the doctor came back out. I jumped up. "I'm afraid we have some bad news. Cami's cancer had spread and we did surgery to try to help it. It slowed the spreading down but I'm afraid Cami is in a coma and we don't when she will wake up."

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