Chapter 71

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Camis POV

I was all alone walking through the hospital. I kept walking til I walked into papas room. I saw his room empty exept for daddy. "Daddy?" I asked. He didn't looked up. I tried touching him but it's like he couldn't see or hear me. I turned around and saw papa. "Papa!" I yelled running to him. He smiled. "Why is daddy sad?" I asked looking over to him. "Because I killed your papa" a new voice said I looked back and I didn't see papa I saw my real dad. I tried to get down but he wouldn't let me. "It's about time I kill your precious little daddy huh!" He laughed. "NO! PLEASE NO!" I cried. He just laughed and pulled out a gun. "DADDY" I cried.

Liam's POV

After Harry left I couldn't go back to sleep. How can I sleep when I don't know what's wrong? I layed in bed for awhile before I heard quiet crying. I got up and followed the sound to Cami's room. I pushed open the door to see her sleeping. She must be having a nightmare. I walked over to her bed but before I could say anything "DADDY!" She yelled crying. I grabbed her and rocked her back and forth. "Cami Cami wake up. " I said. "C'mon it's just a dream. Babe wake up its uncle Liam!" I said. She jumped up and ran away from me to the corner of her room. "Hey hey Cami it's just me just uncle Liam" I said walking closer. She was still crying but soon realized it was just me and ran to me. "hey Cami it's okay. It was just a dream everyone is okay" I shushed her.

After she had calmed down I saw it was 6am but I wanted to know what made her so upset and almost afraid of me. "Cami what was your dream about?" I asked. She tensed up. "It's okay Cami it wasnt real." I said. "Daddy sad and papa was there but then papa turned into-" I saw how her eyes turned and she looked afraid and mad," the bad man and killed papa and daddy. I tried to get daddy to move b-but he wouldn't." She said almost crying again. Why is she having dreams about him again. I thought she forgot about him. "It's okay C I promise that won't happen the bad man is gone!" I said. She yawned. "Where's daddy?" She asked. Shit. "He went to the hospital but don't worry we'll go see him later. You should go back to sleep okay" I said. She nodded and I picked her up but she stopped me from putting her in her bed. "C-can I sleep with you?" She asked almost afraid. I was shocked at first because usually she wants only Harry or Louis. "Im sorry. I'll sleep by myself" she said quickly. "Nono Cami it's fine. We can sleep in my room. " I smiled. She smiled back and I carried her to my room. I knew she was scared after her dream and she just wanted to be comforted. We layed down and minutes later she was asleep.

Harry's POV

"Mr Styles?" I was woken up to a nurse calling my name. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she apologized. "Oh no it's fine" I don't remember falling asleep. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Well we had to take Louis into surgery because his brain was filling with water (idk just go with it) and we just brought him back" she said. I didn't even realize he was gone. I finally looked and saw him hooked up again. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked. "We were able to take him off life support and he became stronger but there is still a low risk of waking up. But it's definitely higher than before. " she said. "Thank you" I said and she smiled walking out. That was enough for me. I had hope now. I knew Louis heard me last night. All those flashbacks. They ment something. I looked over and noticed it was 7am. Well I'm not going back to sleep.

I pulled up the chair and sat next to Louis grabbing his slightly warmer that before hand. "C'mon Lou I know your there! Please. If you can hear me wake up. Grab my hand anything. Follow my voice. Please Louis. We all miss you so much!" I said. I swear I felt a squeeze on my hand. "Louis! Follow my voice you can do it!" I said. This time I knew that it was Louis his hand grabbed mine tightly. "Omg Louis!" I yelled. I looked up at his eyes and saw them slowly opening. "Doctor!" I yelled. The doctor walked in and saw Louis was trying to wake up.

After the doctor checked him out making sure he was okay he left. Leaving me and Louis alone. He said Louis was okay and there wasn't much damage other than slight amnesia. "Oh my god Louis I thought I lost you!" I said letting the tears flow. "Haz I promised I wouldn't leave! I'm sticking to that!" He croaked wiping my tears. "Come here" he said scooting over. I nodded and slide next to him on the bed. We surprisingly fit. I cuddled into him. "I love you so much! Don't ever scare me like that again!" I said. "I love you! And I don't plan on it!" He said. I layed there enjoying the feeling and soon felt my self fall asleep.

Liam's POV

It was 9am and Harry hadn't called or answered his phone and I was getting worried. I quickly made everyone get ready while I helped Cami get ready. Soon we were all pulling into the hospital.

I held Cami's hand as we walked into Louis room not knowing what to expect. I opened the door and what I saw made my heart melt. Harry cuddled into Louis both of them asleep. Cami ran over to her dad and climes on him. I didn't stop her I couldn't. She needed to see her papa and her dad. I saw Louis open his eyes. "PAPA!" Cami yelled. He smiled at her. I saw the boys looking at them like I was. They all loved each other so much. Harry woke up as soon as Cami yelled. I saw Louis pull Cami into a hug and when he pulled away Cami was crying. "Hey babe why are you crying?" He asked. "I love you!" Was all she said.

To say we were happy was an understatement. We were greatful. Amazed. Louis was okay and healthily. Harry would finally be able to sleep at night. Cami wouldn't be sad. We could all go back to normal lives. The thing about our little one direction family is no matter what we all have each other's backs. We would do anything and everything for each other. We couldn't live without each other and now that we know Louis is okay everyone will finally be able to sleep peacefully!

Life's a BattleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora