Chapter 39

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Louis POV

Its been 3 days since the interview. So Cami has been here for about a week and a half. The same thing happens everyday. The doctor comes in and talks the boys come and stay til night then leave. Every night I wake up to Harry crying next to Cami. It's always around 1 or 2 in the morning. Then he comes back to bed. I pretend to be asleep but I hear everything he says. It's heart breaking.

"So Cami's brain is showing movement. Which is a good sign she's not brain dead but that doesn't tell us when she will wake up. Her body is extremely weak and her heart and brain could fail at anytime. I'm sorry. But we are keeping a very close eye. " the doctor said. I sighed. Harry didn't talk. He just stood up and sat next to Cami. "We also can't have you guys stay anymore. I'm sorry but hospital policy and Cami doesn't show many signs of improvement now. You may be here for visiting hours but after that I'm sorry you have to leave. " he said. I looked a him like he was crazy. "What do mean we can't stay.  This is our baby girl. You can't take her away" I yelled. "I'm sorry mr Tomlinson." He said. "Whatever." I said getting angry. I pushed past him and walked out of the room before I did something i regret.

Harry's POV

Louis stormed off. I sighed and just sat with Cami. Visiting hours were only 3 hours. I only get 3 hours with my baby girl. I was upset more than sad. I mean what if she woke up and I wasn't there... Christmas is next week. What if she isn't awake for Christmas. Tears slid down my face. "Cami. Baby. You need to wake up. Christmas is in a week and this will be our first Christmas together. Cami. Please wake up..." I continued talking.

I felt someone tap my back and I saw Niall. "Hey Harry. Visiting hours are over and we need to leave. " he said. "I've been here for 3 hours." He nodded. "Ok. Where is Louis he stormed off earlier and never came back. " I said. "He's in the car with Liam. He's still pretty mad " I nodded. We stood up and I kissed Cami's forehead promising to be back tomorrow.

I got into the car and sat next to Louis. We were in the back back and no one could really hear us considering they were in their own little world. "Louis" I said. He looked over at me. "Talk to me please" I said. He sighed. "I'm sorry" he said. "Lou what are you sorry for. You didn't do anything. " I said. "No I walked out on you when you needed me. I'm sorry" he said. "Louis you did nothing wrong. You were mad it's okay. I promise now let's drop this subject and be happy. Cami wants us happy and maybe if we live life as normal as we can for right now she will wake up" I said. He smiled.

We all got home and the first thing I did was go take a shower. I have showered at the hosptial but I wanted to be in my own shower. I got out and got dressed. It was already 8pm so Niall ordered pizza and we all sat in the living room eating and watching movies.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the time it was 11pm. "Hello" I answered. "Sorry mr styles. It's Cami's doctor. Umm you might wanna get down here. " "on my way" I said. I didn't know if it was good or bad. I wasn't wasting anytime. O wrote a note saying where I was to Louis. And headed out the door. I was in baggy sweats and my jack Willis jumper.

I ran into the hospital and met the doctor. "Mr styles. We have some good news. Cami has woken up." He said. "Are you serious" I said happily. "Yes. " I was crying happy tears now. "Can I see her please" I said. "Yes but she is still weak. I will go over more things in the morning. " he said.

I walked into her room. She was asleep. I sat on the chair and grabbed her hand. To my Surprise she opened her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes I haven't seen such about a week and a half ago. I had tears streaming down my face. "Cami. I missed you so much. So so much." I said. "Da-daddy I mi-missed you too" she croaked out. "Hey it's okay. Don't cry." I said wiping her tears. "Daddy sleep with me. " she asked. I smiled. "Of course." I said getting bed with her. She instantly cuddled into my side. I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you Cami" o said. "I love you too daddy" she said. I smiled. She fell asleep instantly. But I just layed there thinking. My baby is okay. My miracle princess is alive. She's so freaking strong. I can't believe it. I never doubted she wasn't but it's just a...a miracle. My life was slowly going back to normal. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Louis POV

I woke up and surprisingly Harry wasn't next to me. I got up and walked down stairs thinking he might be down there. He wasn't I sighed and went up stairs again getting into the shower.

I got out of the shower and put my clothes on. I noticed a note sitting by my phone.
The hospital called at 11pm. Somethings wrong with Cami. They didn't say what. Get there when you can! Bring the boys.
~harry xxx

I rushed down stairs seeing all the boys dressed and ready. "Guys Harry left a note. Something's wrong with Cami. We need to go to the hospital" I said. They all jumped up and ran with me to the car. Liam pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

We pulled up to the hospital and said we were here for Cami. The doctor lead us to her room. He didn't say anything. I opened the door and saw Harry asleep with Cami next to him. I couldn't tell if she was "awake" or not. Was she still in a coma. I heard a camera click and saw Niall had taken a picture. They all looked at confused as I was. Then. Our questions were answered. "Papa?"

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