Chapter 99

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Cami's POV

I saw papa and daddy's car pull up in the driveway and ran out to them. "Daddy! Papa! Miss you!" I said hugging their legs. Papa picked me up. "Missed you too baby girl!" Papa said kissing my head before daddy came up. "Hey babes did u have fun?" Daddy asked. "Yeah we watch good dinosaur and eat food!" I said. Daddy laughed. "Guess what?" He said. "What?" "You wanna help papa and I decorate your brothers room?" I nodded. "Please Dady please! When bubby gonna be here?" I asked. Daddy smiled. "5 days babe!" Daddy said. I smiled.

"Okay Cami you wanna help me fold bubbys clothes and put them away?" Daddy asked while papa set up the crib in the bedroom next to mine. (So the house is set up in different hallways. Down one is Harry/Louis, Cami, and Jases. Down the other is Liam Zayn and Niall). I nodded and sat down helping him fold the clothes. I can't wait for bubby to be here!

Harry's POV

  I watched as Cami smiled folding Jases clothes. I haven't seen that genuine smile in while. I smiled. I needed to enjoy this because I know the funeral is gonna be hard for her. She's been to too many for her age. I wish I could change it for her. She's been so strong through all this! I honestly can't believe almost 2 years ago she was laying in a hospital bed tubes all over. She was so timid, so scared around new people and now, now she's smiling and making friends. "Daddy?" Cami's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "What's up baby girl?" "We done " she says pointing out that all the clothes were done and the bed was done and the walls painted a light blue. I smiled picked Cami up and joined the rest of the boys in looking at the room. "Thanks guys! Looks perfect!" I said. Louis agreed and the boys just smiled.

"Daddy we have cuddles and movie night?" Cami asked. I nodded it was Saturday night and we were all tired. "Let's get your pjs on first!" I said. She put on some shorts and a t shirt then grabbed her blanket and followed me to my room. "Louis?" I called. "Bathroom" he said. "Cami why don't you go pick a movie" I said. She nodded. I walked in the bathroom to see Louis staring on the mirror. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. "I love you!" I said. He turned to look at me. "I love you!" He leaned in and our lips met. It was short but ment everything. "Cami's wants cuddles and movie night and who was I to disagree!" I said. Louis smiled and agreed. We walked back out and Cami was sitting on the bed with Marley and Me. I groaned and Louis laughed.

I heard a sniffle and look to see Cami with tears. I couldn't blame her. I was doing the same thing. I saw Louis trying to hold in a laugh. I smacked his arm lightly but it he just brist out laughing causing Cami to jump. "Hey come here babe" I said to her. "I know is a sad movie!" She just hid her face in my chest. I held her close rocking her back and forth. I knew she was really tired its been a long day. After a few minutes i knew she was asleep and I carried her to her room. I layed her down and pulled her blanket over her. I kissed her forehead whispering. "I love you baby girl! Sweet dreams!"

I walked to the living room where all the boys and Louis were talking. "What's up?" I asked. "Simon just called. We have to start recording next week..." Louis said. I nodded. "What are we gonna do about Jase and Cami?" I asked. "Well Cami will be back in school and Jase can come with us I guess. " Louis said. I nodded. I just don't know if Cami is ready to go back to school. "Oh and babe..." "Yeah" I asked. "Kenzie's funeral is tomorrow." He said sadly. I nodded. "Don't worry mate. We're all going! And Cami is tough! Tougher than she should be but she is. It's just gonna take time. " Zayn said patting my back. I smiled at him. "I'm gonna go take a shower" I told them walking back upstairs.

Cami's POV

I heard a loud bang and opened my eyes. I heard it again and started crying. I knew it was a storm and I hated those! I grabbed my blanket and opened my door. It was completely dark in the hallway. I started walking to papa and Daddys room but I saw a light on down the hallway. I saw uncle Niall walking out of his room. "Uncle Ni?" I cried softly. He looked over and saw me. "Aww babe it's okay don't cry it's just a storm. We'll always keep you safe!" He said hugging me. "I scared" I whispered. "Do you wanna sleep with me?" He asked. I nodded.

"Night Cami bug!" Uncle ni said. "Night. " I said back. I felt a lot safer knowing someone was with me. I snuggled into uncle Niall and he lifted his arm and held me close.

"Cami baby. Wake up!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see papa. "Hey baby we have to get up. We have to get ready " he said. I nodded and got up noticing uncle ni wasn't in bed anymore. "Where we go?" I ask walking to my room with papa. "Remember how we went to say goodbye to aunt gem where everyone was sad?" Papa asked. I nodded. "Well we have to go to one for Kenzie. You can meet her momma. But if you don't want to go you don't have to." Papa said. "No I go. I need to say bye to Kenzie and I need to talk to her momma!" I said. Papa nodded. I saw Daddy had layed out a black dress and some black flats. Papa helped me get dressed before daddy came in all dressed up and ready. "You go get dressed I'll do her hair. " daddy said. "Down, up, or braids?" Daddy asked. "Braids!" He smiled and did to French braids. My hair was just past my shoulders now so I could do anything with it.

"All right is everyone ready to go?" Daddy called. Uncle Zayn, Liam, and Niall appeared all dressed up and followed me papa and daddy to the car. It was a short drive and soon we pulled up to a small building and we all walked in.

I saw a girl who looked just like Kenzie but older. "That's her momma...wanna go say hi?" Daddy asked. I nodded. He walked with me over to her momma. "Ashley?" Daddy asked. The lady turned around and smiled though she had a lot of tears on her cheeks. "Harry. This must be Cami!" She smiled wiping her eyes and kneeing down to me. "I'm Ashely Kenzie's momma." She said. I smiled and shook her hand shyly. "I Cami. " I said. "I know.  Kenzie talked about you all the time. Here. I want you to have this. This was Kenzie's favorite bracelet. Her daddy gave it to her before he passed away. " she said sadly. "No I can't take it. You should have it!" I said. She smiled. "Kenzie would want you to have it!" She said. I nodded and she put it on my wrist. "Thank you" I said sadly. "No thank you! For staying and saving my baby girl! She may not be here anymore but now she can be safe and with her daddy. " Ashley said hugging me. I hugged her but soon we all had to sit down and listen to the man speak.

I listened to everyone say good things about Kenzie but it just made me sad that she wasn't here. I tried to zone out and played with the bracelet on my wrist but it didn't work and I soon felt the tears fall down my cheeks. I was sat inbetween papa and daddy and I felt them both rub my back. This only made me cry harder and I had to turn into papas chest so I wouldn't scream. He rubbed my back trying to calm me down and whispered how it's all going to be okay. But I couldn't stop crying.

Everyone was leaving now but before you left you had to walk by the bed (casket) Kenzie was in. Daddy carried me when we walked past her. I looked at her one last time and started sobbing into Daddys shirt. As soon as we were out daddy started telling to calm down and that it was all okay. "It's not fair!" I cried. "I know baby I know! But hey do you remember what Ashely said. You saved her! She all better now! Shes happy!" Daddy said. I didn't say anything after that. I just closed my eyes.

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