Chapter 55

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Cami's POV

I woke up to the nurse putting in a new IV. She finished quickly then smiled and left. I looked over to see aunt fizzy was sleeping on the couch. It's been 2 days since the first US your started and daddy facetimed me every night and I talk to him and papa and my uncles. I miss them a lot. I wish they were here with me.

I cry a lot when whoever stays with me falls asleep. I'm afraid I'll die and I won't get the chance to say goodbye to my dad or papa or my uncles. I really miss them. I wish I wasn't sick so I could be on tour with them. I miss lux too. And aunt Lou and Paul. I miss them all. I saw that it was still dark outside which ment I should go back to sleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"CAMI! Get over here!" My father yelled. "Y-yes" I said. "Quit talking like that and go get me a beer!" He yelled. I nodded and went to get him one. I brought it back quickly. "You take your time don't you!" He yelled slapping me. "No wonder Harry brought you back! Your useless! He never even loved you. He pitied you. Then he realized you were useless!" He screamed at me. "NO DADDY LOVED ME! HE DIDNT BRING ME BACK. HE DIED!" I screamed. I cried thinking about that day. I was in the hospital and daddy and papa and uncles were flying back to see me but there plane crashed. "YOU BITCH DONT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" He screamed beating me. "OR WHAT YOULL KILL ME? DO IT! I HATE YOU AND I WANT TO DIE SO I CAN SEE MY REAL FAMILY!" I cried/ screamed. He looked so mad he punched and kicked me. I cried out in pain. He wouldn't stop. He looked me in the eye every time he punched me. I saw this look. He was going to kill me. I kept screaming. It was no use I knew this was it.

"Cami!" Someone said shaking me. I opened my eyes to see fizzy. "NO!" I screamed. She immediately stopped. "Hey calm down it's okay. It was just a dream!" She said trying to hug me but I pulled away. I didn't wanna be touched. I wanted daddy. I just layed there crying while aunt fizzy called grandma. I cried silently while looking away.

"Cami please talk?" Grandma tried. I still wouldn't talk. I woke up 3 hours ago but I didn't wanna talk. All I wanted was my dad.

Harry's POV

I sat in the car on the way to the hospital. We had a week off tour so I decided to go see Cami. The boys headed to the hotel to unload while I just went straight to the hospital. I had gotten a call from fizzy this morning telling me abou Cami's dream and how she wouldn't talk. This scared me. She hasn't had bad dreams in a long time. I was so thankful the boys let me go straight to the hospital.

I walked into the hospital and to the elevator. The whole way up I worried. Fizzy didn't tell Cami I was coming because I wanted it to be a suprise. I hope she'll talk. I need to know what brought this out and what it was about. The button dinged and I walked down the long hallway. I saw fizzy was sitting outside.

"Hey" I said. She stood up and hugged me. "Hey. My moms in their now. I'll get her."  She said. I nodded. "Harry. How are you?" Jay asked. I hugged her. "I'm good. How are you guys?" "We've been good. " she said. "Now I know your dieing to see her. Go" Jay shooed me away. I smiled and walked through the door.

I saw Cami curled up facing the wall away from the door. I sighed and walked over sitting on the end of her bed. "Hi baby girl!" I said.

Cami's POV

"Hi baby girl" someone said. Wait I knew that voice. I turned my head and saw daddy sitting on the end of my bed. I instantly started crying. "Hey baby why are you crying?" He asked. "I missed you!" I cried. He picked me up and wrapped me on a hug. "Babe I missed you so much!" He said. We sat there for a little bit. Not talking just...I don't know.

"Cami. What was your dream about?" Daddy asked. I tensed up. "Cami it's okay. You can tell me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to judge you. I'm your dad. " he said. I was quiet for a minute. "It was all my fault. You and papa and uncles were coming to visit Cami and plane crashed and all died and I had to go back with him and he beat me and said you never loved me. But I fought back and told him that u loved me and that it was all my fault and I kept talking back and he told me to shut up and I said or what you'll kill me. I would be happier then! He wouldn't stop daddy. He was really gonna kill me. But that's not why I was upset. It was all my fault u were gone. And papa and uncles were gone." I cried. Daddy was silent. I started crying. "Daddy I'm sorry don't take me back!" I said. He sat me on his lap and hugged me. "Cami that's never going to happen. Me and papa and your uncles aren't going anywhere. Exept you know your but we will always come back to visit. And even if something happened. It would never be your fault." He said. I was quiet. Then daddy spoke up.

"Remember when you made me promise you that I would be okay if something happened to you?" He asked. I nodded. "Well I need you to promise me something now" he said. "What?" I asked. " I need you to promise me that no matter what if something would happen to me or papa or uncles that it would never be your fault!" He said. "I promise!" I said. He smiled.

"So how have you been feeling?" He asked. "I'm good. My sides start hurting a lot but usually someone can help me." I said. He smilied. Before we could talk anymore papa an uncles walked in. "PAPA!" I yelled he smiled and ran up to me hugging me. "I missed you baby girl!" He said. I smiled. "UNCLE NIALL!" I said. He smiled. "Hey baby girl!" He said hugging me. I went down the line to each person. I missed them all so much. It's different having them here than facetiming then all the time. For the fist time in awhile I was actually happy.

Louis POV

It was amazing seeing Cami so happy. I missed her so much! I haven't got the chance to ask Harry what the dream was about but I'll ask later. I hope it wasn't nothing too bad.

The doctor had given us all permission to stay the night. We had both mine and harrys families go home because they had been staying with her for awhile. Harry and me managed to fit on the bed with Cami while the other boys layed either on the floor or the couch. We sat making jokes and laughing. It was amazing.

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