Chapter 106

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Cami's POV

I've been dreading this day. It's Monday. Daddy and Papa woke me up early so I could take a shower, get dressed, and eat before we had to be at the hospital at 8am. When I walked down stairs in some sweats and an adidas sweater I saw all my uncles awake and ready to go with me. I smiled, I really am greatful for them! They love me so much and that's all I've ever wanted.

"Daddy bubby going with us?" I asked as we got in our car and the boys got in the other. "Sorry babe but not today. He's going to grandma Anne's. " daddy said. I nodded. I wanted bubby to be there but it's okay. The whole ride to grandmas I stared out the window. I'm scared. I don't want to be sick and I don't want to have surgery. I want to go to school and have fun. I want to be...normal!
"Cami?" I snapped out of my thought and noticed Papa took Bubby in and it was only me and daddy. "Hey what's up babe?" He asked. "I'm just tired" I lied. "Cami you can tell me what's really bugging you." He said. I just looked down "i-I'm scared" I mumbled. Daddy grabbed me and held me on his hip. "Listen baby girl I know your scared and your the strongest person I've ever known! You have me and your papa and your brother. You also have your uncles and so many more people who care about you! I know your scared. But I will be right with you! I will never leave you!" Daddy said. I dug my face in his chest. "I love you daddy" my voice muffled by his shirt. "I love you!"

Daddy pulled up to the hospital and I saw my uncles waiting in the waiting room. Papa signed me in while I went to talk to my uncles before I had to get called back. "Hey babe!" Liam said. "Hi uncle Liam. " I guess he could tell I was scared because he started making funny faces and telling jokes making me giggle.

"Cami Styles?" I looked up and saw a nurse called my name. I stood up shakily and daddy followed and papa followed me into a room. "Okay so the surgery will last a couple hours. She will be put to sleep and she shouldn't feel anything. She will be sore after the surgery. " the nurse told daddy and papa before turning to me. "Okay Cami can you change into this and then I'll be back to get you ready. " I nodded and papa helped me change into the weird gown thing.

"Okay Cami I'm going to put this on and I want you to count backward from 100." She said. I nodded and she slipped the mask on. I squeezed daddy and papas hands harder and silently counted. By the time I got to 98 I felt my eyes start to close.

Louis POV

Cami squeezed our hands tighter but seconds later her grip loosened and she was rolled off to the surgery room. "Let's go Haz. She's strong and she'll be okay!" I said kissing his temple. He nodded and walked out to the waiting room where all the boys were. "How'd it go?" Niall asked. "They put her under and took her away." Harry mumbled. The boys sent him a sad smile. I just pulled him close and kissed his head. I'm just praying we get good results.

Harry's POV

3 hours. 3 long ass hours since my baby went into surgery. Louis and the boys were chatting but I didn't feel like talking. Louis tried to include me but all I would do is nod. He kept his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder trying to keep me calm. I was jut scared my baby girl was hurting. I don't want that! Ever.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" The doctor called out. Louis and I stood up and walked with him. "Cami's surgery went well we got the tumor out and it's getting tested as we speak. Cami will be extremely sore these next few days and will need to stay here but we have pain meds for her as soon as she wakes up." The doctor said. "Can we see her please?" I asked. He nodded and showed us her room.

She looked pale and cold. I went over to her side and sat on the chair grabbing her hand. I sat there. Louis went and got the boys and we all crowded in her room. After a half hour she finally started stirring in her sleep. Suddenly she bolted up and clutched her side. "Daddy hurt!" She cried. "I know babe I know. The doctor are going to give you some medicine." I said trying to calm her down. The doctor gave her and IV and some pills to help her pain.

Cami's pain had subsided and she was now trying to keep her eyes open. "Go to sleep babe! We'll be right here! I love you!" I said kissing her head. She mumbled a I love you too before falling asleep. Soon after the doctor came in. "I have her results..." He said. I stood up and walked toward him. The air was suddenly tense and silent. All the boys gathered around, all of us praying for good news. "The tumor removed from Cami's stomach came back with no sign of cancer." He smiled. Oh my god. Cami's okay! She actually okay! I smiled. "Thank you so much!" I said to him. I turned to Louis and hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered to him. He rubbed my back as happy tears fell from my eyes. My baby girl is okay! She won't have to be locked up in a hospital for months. She can go back to school. She can go on tour with us. She can be a bi sister...she can be a kid! Thank you! I thought to God and Cami's mother, Gemma, and Kenzie. They all were watching out for her!

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