Chapter 13

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Cami's POV

Today is the day I get to go home. I'm so happy  I can finally get out of here. Daddy says we have to go to the plane when we leave because him and uncles have another concert. I hope I can watch them again. "Daddy I see Lux" I ask him as he packs my stuff in the car. "Yea. When we get off the plane you can see lux if u feel good okay" he said. I nodded. We got in the car and drove to the plane. When we got there I was feeling really tired. Daddy grabbed my clothes bag which he packed while I was sick in the hospital and he grabbed my bag with snacks and my juice and my coloring books and iPad. He call it's my play bag. And I grabbed my chemo bag and put it on. Daddy grabbed my stuff and uncles all had suit cases exept uncle Zayn he had book bag "uncle zee u carry me please. I tired. " "of course princes. " he said picking me up. We all got in the small plane. It was only us this time. We put all out bags away exept I got my chemo bag and play bag. I sat on the small couch with daddy while Niall and Liam and Louis say on big couch and Zayn say in the chair. I grabbed my juice and cuddled into Daddys side and after a couple minutes I fell asleep.

Harry's POV

We had just gotten on the plane and Cami was cuddled in my side when Zayn pointed to Cami. I looked down to see her asleep with her sippie cup in her hands. I awwed and took the cup gently away and put it in her bag. I'm glad she fell asleep because if she didn't she would be tired and want to play with lux and say she's not tired and blah blah it would be a big mess and she would end up sick and unhappy. 2 things I don't want my baby going through. I'm worried about her around other people because of her weak ammune system she's going to have to wear a mask at concerts and everywhere we go unless we are home or at a hotel in our room. I got her a frozen mask so she doesn't feel as bad about it. I know she hates wearing them. Hopefully she sleeps the whole 10 more hours of the flight because when we get to America, Florida to be exact it will be noon. And we have a show at 7. I looked up to see all the boys asleep on our reclined couches. I got Cami a blanket and pillow along with my things too. I tucked her in and made sure she was comfortable then I got comfortable. I was so existed. I haven't slept great because of being in the hospital so As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light.

I woke up to Paul telling me to get up we land in ten minutes. Huh I slept ten hours. Well now I will be hyped for the show. I looked over and Cami was still asleep. All the boys were up and getting there stuff so I got mine and Cami's stuff all packed up. Soon we landed and I took our stuff out to the car. Then went back and got Cami who was starting to wake up. "Cami baby it's time to wake up were here" she groaned. I sighed. Then thought "Your gonna see Lux soon" as soon as I said that she was wide awake. I laughed "come on. You can see lux when we get there. Okay" she nodded. We walked out to the car and I put her in her car seat and gave her some apple sauce cause I knew she needed to eat. I'll get her a sandwich when we get to the arena. She smiled and ate all her apple sauce. We finally pulled up to the areana. And Cami was vouching around wanting to see Lux. I laughed hold on baby girl. I grabbed her play bag and a change of clothes for her because she hasn't changed and of course her chemo bag. We walked in and Lux came running down the hall. "Cami. I missed u" lux yelled. "I missed u too" Cami replied. "Hey what about us" I faked being sad pointing to the boys and I. "I missed u guys too" lux said before hugging us all. Lou came walking in. "Hey girls. And boys. " she laughed. "daddy can me and lux go color" Cami asked. I nodded. "Wait Cami. U can after we change. And u need your mask" she sighed. We walked into a dressing room and she changed into her light wash skinny jeans and her pizza t shirt that Niall bought her. I looked at her arms. All those scars every time I see them I want to kill her real dad. I sighed. Cami noticed I was looking at them and instantly covered her arms. "Hey it's okay Cami. Your beautiful. Don't worry about those. They show how strong u were okay. You should call them battle scars" I said hoping to make her feel better. I knew she her self esteem wasn't the highest. She sighed and nodded. "Good. Look I got u a frozen mask." I said pulling it out she gasped an clapped. She loves frozen. I put it on her and put a gray benie on her cause her head gets cold easily. We walked out and she ran to lux getting the coloring stuff. Her and lux were content so Lou started getting our hair done after we changed. I was first done so I got Cami and Lux some food. I walked back in to see them still coloring. "I got u girls some food " I said. They ran up and and got their plates and sat at the table they were coloring at. "Thanks daddy" "thanks uncle Harry" Cami and lux said. "Your welcome. Now Cami stay with lux and tell her if u feel sick. Lux if she feels sick get your momma okay" they both nodded. "K I love u girls" I said. The both said i love u back before eating the rest of there food.
I walked out and it was time to go on stage. "Lou I'm serious Cami is weaker than before so get me if she feels sick. Please" I said. "Don't worry Harry. I'll get u if she needs you" I smiled and thanked her. Cami and Lux came walking down to see preform. We heard the begging song start and walked out singing clouds.
I kept seeing lux and Cami dancing on the side. I kept laughing cause there "awesome" dance move. The crowd was so loud tonight there were tons of signs saying they love us and how glad they were that Cami was okay. I'm glad they warmed up to her because she's my baby and they were gonna have to get over it anyways.
It was my turn to talk so I started. "I want to thank u all for coming tonight. We love I and hope u are having a great time. You are a lovely crowd and your all beautiful. I would also like to personally thank everyone for the prayers and get better wishes to Cami. She's hanging in there fighting. She a strong little girl." I looked to the side to see Cami waving at me. I waved back. She had her little frozen ear phone that muffled sound on. She was so cute. "This song is dedicated to anyone who is struggling with a battle of anykind. This is strong and before we start I want to bring Cami up." I said. I walked off and grabbed her hand and walked out with her again. She looked nervous but i gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. I sat down next to the boys and she sat in the middle of us. Strong started playing and we all sang our parts. After the song was over we waved and said goodnight and walked off stage. That was a good show. I'm definitely ready for bed though. And so was Cami I could tell all that running around and dancing was taking a tol on her weak body.

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