Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

Today's the day. The last two days have been hell. And today's the day I have to say bye to my baby girl. But I refuse to believe it. She will pull through it. I know it. We were all surrounding Cami's bed as the doctor explained that they will unplug life support and she will slowly stop breathing. Then the monitor would go off and that was the end. The tears flowed freely as the doctor unplugged the machine. Everyone was a crying mess. I held her cold hand as I watched the doctor unplug the only thing keeping her alive.

Cami's POV

This what it. It was time to fight like I have never fought before. I looked at my mom one last time. "I love you mommy" I said. "I love you too Cameron." She said giving me one last hug and kiss. I started to hurt everywhere. I couldn't breath and I felt like I was dying. The pain was terrible. I cried out as my mom screamed "fight baby" and then she was gonna. I kept fighting. I kept breathing. Suddenly I felt my eyes close. I tried to peel them open. It was like they were glued shut. I kept fighting until they opened slowly. All I saw was white. Am I dead. Then I saw a very familiar face. Harry my dad was towering over me crying his eyes out. "CAMI OH MY GOD."

Harry's POV

The machine was unplugged and her breathing was getting shallower and shallower. Then the unexpected happened. I machine started going crazy and the doctor yelled for nurses. Cami started moving. It was like she was fighting something. Then her eyes slowly opened. I started to sob more. Tears of joy. "CAMI OH MY GOD" I yelled. She fought. The doctors pushed everyone out but I refused. They gave in but made everyone else leave. They hooked her up to different machines while I held her had like if I let go she would disappear. She looked at me. I knew she was crying but she wouldn't say anything she just cried. After minutes they had gotten everything under control and left us alone. "Daddy" she croaked out. "Hey baby girl. I missed you" I said letting tears fall. Cami started crying too. "Hey don't cry baby why are you crying. " I asked. "I was dieing. Then mommy came and said she was my guardian angle." Cami said full out bawling. "She told me I had to fight to stay with you. And I did." She continued "you did amazing baby girl your mom would be proud." I said. She looked up at me still crying. "Will u lay with me." I nodded and crawled up into the bed with her. She layed her head on my chest. "I haven't seen my mommy in so long. I miss her daddy I miss my mommy." Cami cried. I felt terrible. "Hey Cami. It's okay. She looking down on u smiling. She misses you too but u have to keep getting better." I said. She nodded. I started singing moments to her and she slowly fell asleep. I soon joined her. I was the happiest I've been in for we I had my baby back. It was perfect.

Nialls POV

The doctor came out and told us Cami was okay and we could see her. We walked in and saw Harry and Cami cuddled up together. We all took like a million pictures. I may have shed some tears seeing them back together. For the first time in weeks Harry was smiling and so were we. I opened Twitter and posted the picture of Cami and Harry.
Thanks for the prayers guys. Cami is finally awake and doing really good. And @harrystyles is finallly happy. He's back with his princess. Xxx
I tweeted. Then logged out for the night. We all looked at each other. "Well things are good now so we are going to go to a hotel and get some sleep. You should too Anne and Gemma" Liam said. We all nodded. "You can't say no because we already booked you a room so you don't have to drive back and forth." I said. They signed and chuckled. "I guess thanks for looking out for us." Anne said. "No problem momma Anne" Zayn said. " alright well night boys. Love ya" Anne and Gemma said leaving. We all replied love ya back and headed to our own hotel.

Harry's POV

I woke up in the hospital bed and I was confused at first then I looked down to see Cami sleeping next to me. All the events of last night came rushing in. I'm so happy to have my baby girl back in my arms. She was still asleep so I got my phone and decided to check Twitter. I noticed Niall posted and picture. Aww I thought. Cami looked so cute in the picture. I decided to also send a tweet out.
Thank you to everyone who cared and prayed for my baby girl. She woke up last night and I'm so happy to be reunited with my princess.
All the love H xxxx
I posted the tweet and replied to some questions before logging out. I looked down to see Cami still asleep. I wonder what it felt like to be in a coma. Was she tired? Then again I knew she fought to live. I heard a sligh knock. I looked up to see the doctor. He walked over to me. "Your daughter is a strong one." He nodded at me. I smiled "you have no idea. " I replied. "So we will need to do more tests and see what damage the coma did and what the situation with her leukemia is. " the doctor said. I nodded. "We will need CT scans and MRIs to see everything. We also need to try to get here to eat some real food. So when she wakes up get her some breakfast. " I nodded. "I need to take the feeding tube out now. " I nodded again and woke Cami up because she would as soon as he touched anyway. "Cami the doctor needs to take some tests and u need to eat some food" I said after she opened her eyes. She groaned but listened. The doctor took all the tubes off her exept her chemo because we still don't know about that. I had called the boys to bring some breakfast and they soon came barreling through the door with food. The doctor walked out to let her eat before her test. Cami jumped up and ran to give them hugs. "Cami be careful. Please" you would never be able to tell she just woke up from a coma. She was so hyper. All the boys hugged her and came to sit down. We all starting eating and watching a movie. The doctor came back after a half hour to get Cami for her tests. I could tell she was scared she wouldn't show it but I knew. The look in her eyes said it all. "It's okay baby. I'll be right here when u get back" I whispered. I was pissed because the doctors wouldn't let me go with her but I wasn't gonna push it. I didn't want Cami more scared. She looked up letting a tear slip as the took her away. I turned around and started crying into Louis chest. I was upset because it was like they were taking her away. I knew she would be back but it was hard considering I almost lost her once. The boys all comforted me until the doctor came to get me. I could tell it was important so I told Cami to stay with her uncles. The doctor Lead me to his office. "So Cami's results are pretty good exept her's still there and we can't do anything exept chemo. We will have to put her on a higher dosage of chemo we can make it travel again but she will need to be very careful." He said I sighed and nodded. Ugh why can't she just get better.

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